Experiential Learning
Experiential learning opportunities allow students to connect their learning at school with real-world experiences. "Planned learning experiences in the community may include outdoor education, project/program-based learning, job shadowing and job twining, field trips, field studies, work experience, and cooperative education. These experiences provide opportunities for students to see the relevance of their classroom learning and its connection to the broader world. They also help them develop transferable and interpersonal skills and work habits that prepare them for their future, and enable them to explore careers of interest as they plan their pathway through school to their postsecondary destination, whether in apprenticeship training, college, community living, university, or the workplace.” (Experiential Learning, MOE, 2023)
Specialist High Skills Major Program (SHSM) |
The SHSM is a ministry-approved specialized program that allows students to focus their learning on a specific sector while meeting the requirements for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). The SHSM enables students to customize their secondary school experience to suit their interests and talents, and prepare for a successful post-secondary transition to apprenticeship, college, university or the workforce, while meeting the requirements of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma.
Why Pursue A Specialist High Skills Major? Through the SHSM, Ontario secondary school students are given more opportunities to earn industry recognized certifications, participate in reach ahead activities and cooperative education to match their individual goals and interests. Students are recognized as having achieved a SHSM in a specific area with a RED seal on their OSSD and a special transcript listing certifications and skills to which they have been exposed. Go to TVDSB.ca/SHSM to see which schools offer SHSM. To learn more about these exciting opportunities see your Guidance department. |
School College to Work Programs/Dual Credits |
What is it? Students can participate in post-secondary courses and/or apprenticeship training, earning dual credits that count towards both their high school diploma and their post-secondary diploma, degree or apprenticeship certification. Who’s it for? Students who need learning opportunities outside of high school and who would benefit from a college or apprenticeship experience. How it helps Students have the opportunity to:
Day Away Dual Credits |
Day Away Dual Credits allow students to attend college one day a week to earn college credits in addition to high school credits. Each successfully completed college credit also results in the awarding of a high school credit which can be used toward completion of the OSSD. Currently, TVDSB has day away programs at Fanshawe, Lambton and Conestoga colleges. |
School Within a College (SWAC) |
The School Within A College program allows students to complete high school by attending school on campus at college. These students also enroll in college dual credits. Each successfully completed college credit also results in the awarding of a high school credit which can be used toward completion of the OSSD. Currently, TVDSB has a SWAC program at Fanshawe College, London, St. Thomas, and Woodstock, as well as Lambton College. TVDSB also has a dedicated SWAC program for Indigenous students. |
Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) |
What is the Ontario Youth ApprenticeshipProgram (OYAP)? The Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) is a School to Work program that opens the door for students to explore and work in apprenticeship occupations starting in Grade 11 or Grade 12 through the Cooperative Education program. The goals of OYAP are to:
Why Apply? Applying for the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program could be the first step in beginning a rewarding career in the skilled trades.
Cooperative Education (COOP) |
Other Forms of Experiential Learning |
School Within A University (SWAU) |
The School Within A University program allows students experiencing changes and challenges in life to complete secondary school by attending school on campus at Western University in London, Ontario. These students also enroll tuition free in one first year university course. |
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