How to Register

Canadian Citizens and Permanent Resident Students living with a Parent/Legal Guardian

Please follow the steps below to ensure you have all of the necessary information and documentation to register your student at their school. 

Please note the current student pre-registration system is not compatible with any mobile devices. Please use a computer or a laptop to complete your account set up.

Step 1: Find your school

Find your school using the School Locator

Step 2: Begin the pre-registration process

Please note the current student pre-registration system is not compatible with any mobile devices. Please use a computer or a laptop to complete your account set up.

For elementary students complete the new online pre-registration.
For secondary students complete the new online registration.
You can also print out and complete the Student Registration Form.

Step 3: Collect required original documentation

1. Proof of Birth:

  • Birth Certificate, or
  • Baptismal Certificate, or
  • Registration of Birth, or
  • Passport
  • Indigenous Status Card

2. Proof of Living Address:

  • Current Agreement of Purchase and Sale/Lease Agreement, or
  • Current Utility Bill, or
  • Current Property Tax Bill, or
  • Current Home Phone/Cable/Internet Bill
  • Note: Drivers License is not accepted.

3. Proof of Eligibility to Attend (for Permanent Residents and Canadians born outside of Canada):

  • Canadian Passport, or
  • Canadian Citizenship Certificate, or
  • Record of Landing, or
  • Confirmation of Permanent Residence, or
  • Permanent Residence Card

4.  Legal Documents Related to Custody and Access (if applicable).

 Step 4: Completing the Registration Process

a) Once you complete the on-line pre-registration form, TVDSB will contact you to verify your child's date of birth and living address. 

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