
The purpose of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) is to benefit all Ontarians by developing accessibility standards with respect to goods and services, facilities and public spaces, and employment – as a cooperative effort involving persons with disabilities, the Ontario Government, and representatives of various industries and sectors, both public and private.
2023 Accessibility Compliance Report (PDF)

Multi-Year Accessibility Plan

School boards must develop an Accessibility Plan outlining their strategies to meet AODA requirements and remove barriers for persons with disabilities. Learn more about our Accessibility Plan and related policies and procedures.

View our Accessibility Plan (PDF)

View the HTML version of the Accessibility Plan 
Cover graphic of icons representing accessibility needs

Accessibility Plan
Thames Valley District School Board Multi-year Plan 

Our Mission

We build each student’s tomorrow, every day.

Our Vision

The Thames Valley learning community inspires innovation, embraces diversity, and celebrates achievement – a strong foundation for all students.


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Introduction and Commitment to Accessibility Planning

The Ontario Human Rights Code establishes the right of all Ontarians to be free from discrimination in services, including education services, based on disability.

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA), together with its Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation, aims to address the right to equal opportunity and inclusion for persons with disabilities throughout society by identifying, removing, and preventing barriers to access.

The AODA and Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation require organizations to create policies and adopt practices that address barriers related to:

  • Customer service
  • Information and communication
  • Employment
  • Transportation (where applicable)
  • Built environment

The Thames Valley District School Board (TVDSB) is committed to working towards accessible services and spaces for all members of the Thames Valley community.

This Plan states the goals of TVDSB in continuing to identify and remove structural, attitudinal, systemic and communication barriers to access for persons with disabilities.

The Plan also describes the tasks that TVDSB will undertake to move towards these goals and anticipated indicators of progress. This Plan is one of many TVDSB documents developed to support equitable and inclusive learning and working environments. Equity is the foundation of the board's Strategic Plan and Operational Plan and is embodied in board policies, procedures, plans and guidelines.

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Disability Defined

This Plan adopts an understanding of disability, consistent with the AODA and the Ontario Human Rights Code, as any physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities, and which includes invisible disabilities such as mental illness, and cognitive or learning disabilities.

Under the AODA, for example, physical disabilities may include brain injury or amputation, or a visual, hearing or speech impediment. The AODA also encompasses mental impairments and developmental disabilities, learning disabilities and mental health disabilities.

"Students with disabilities are a diverse group, and experience disability, impairment and societal barriers in many different ways. Disabilities are often “invisible”..." – Ontario Human Rights Commission Policy on Accessible Education for Students with Disabilities, March 2018 

The Thames Valley Community

The communities the TVDSB serves are very diverse, reflecting a multitude of abilities, identities and lived experiences. The district encompasses more than 7,000 square kilometres that includes the City of London, the counties of Middlesex, Oxford and Elgin, and the First Nations communities of Oneida Nation of the Thames, Chippewas of the Thames First Nation, and Munsee-Delaware Nation. TVDSB's 12,000 staff work to support approximately 80,000 students

Collage of pictures representing diversity within the Thames Valley Community Thames Valley District School Board logo
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Accessibility Accomplishments

This section documents existing or ongoing accessibility initiatives or developments in the TVDSB.

Customer Service

Service Excellence professional learning (to support accessible and inclusive interactions with caregivers and community members) was provided to all school secretarial staff and system administrative assistants and all staff at the board's administrative buildings, including zone leaders and supervisors in TVDSB Facility Services.

  • Human Rights foundations (including accommodation) professional learning was provided to all system leaders.
  • Ongoing system supports were provided to schools in arriving at inclusive accommodations for caregivers with disabilities.
  • Community Accommodation Request and Accessibility Feedback mechanisms in place for all community members.


  • All staff and administration involved in hiring received interactive training on understanding and minimizing the impact of bias in hiring.
  • An Accommodation Policy and Procedure applicable to all staff was developed.
  • An Accommodation Statement is included in all job postings, including postings for Long Term Occasional (LTO) assignments.
  • Accessibility improvements were made to third party recruiter application forms to ensure equitable access for vision impaired applicants.

Purple rectangle graphic 
"TVDSB embraces its community’s diversity, as the foundation upon which each student’s success is built."

Information and Communication

  • Use of electronic formats and technological platforms with built-in accessibility features was expanded across the system.
  • Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 standards were maintained for the TVDSB website.
  • Thousands of devices were deployed to support students learning remotely and ensure caregivers and families stayed connected.

Built Environment

  • A designated Facility Services Project Coordinator completed Accessibility Assessor training through the Rick Hansen Foundation.
  • An AODA/Ontario Building Code (OBC) Facility Assessment Compliance Checklist was created for TVDSB buildings to assess key accessibility priorities in the built environment, including:
    • Barrier-free path of travel to a designated accessible entrance(s)
    • Designated accessible parking space(s)
    • Accessible and universal washroom(s)
    • Accessibility signage
  • Accessibility upgrades were completed at TVDSB sites (see Appendix A)

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The Accessibility Working Group and Plan Development

The TVDSB Accessibility Working Group supports the development of TVDSB's Accessibility Plan and accessibility-related work within our district. The Working Group consists of staff, administration, families, community representatives, and a Trustee.

The Group continues to expand and evolve in its membership in an ongoing effort to engage diverse voices and provide opportunities for meaningful engagement.

Collective Responsibility

Accessibility chart diagram with arrows pointing downwards

  • Accessibility
  • Communications
  • Human Resources
  • Equity and Human Rights
  • Information Technology
  • System Staff 
  • Development
  • School Teams
  • Facility Services
  • Special Education
  • Administrators

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Multi-Year Plan 2023-2026

This section states the specific actions that TVDSB will take to fulfill its accessibility objectives. Each action represents an intentional step towards measureable outcomes to be achieved during the period covered by this Plan.

Objectives: The goals TVDSB intends to achieve by the end of our multi-year Plan.
Actions: Specific steps TVDSB will take to achieve our accessibility goals.
Progress Indicators: Information that will assist us in measuring our success in meeting our objectives

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Customer Service

1. Build staff capacity to identify, understand and address accessibility barriers for caregivers and the broader public as part of everyday operations.

a) Develop human rights foundations (including accommodation) training for staff engaging with caregivers and families.

Progress Indicators
i) Number of staff and type of roles trained each year.

ii) Pre- and post- training session surveys; scheduling of and enrollment in additional sessions.

2. Enhance, and improve ease of access to school accessibility information for caregivers and community.

a) Enhance and update information on accessibility related upgrades to school sites available on the TVDSB website.

b) Develop information resources for school managed websites to support accessibility improvements.

c) Embed mini-surveys on websites for public feedback on accessibility strengths and limitations. 

Progress Indicators
i) Reporting on accessibility improvements and upgrades to TVDSB Website.
ii) Results of mini-surveys about accessibility of TVDSB websites.
iii) Number and types of resources developed to support accessible communication with caregivers.

Information and Communication 

1. Build staff capacity to create and share accessible documents and communications with caregivers and the broader public.

a) Create a website form where staff and caregivers can submit any feedback about accessibility of communications from the school.
b) Review current practices, existing training materials (not just those related to accessibility) and identify gaps in accessibility information.
c) Create additional guides/tools to support staff in creating and sharing accessible documents (e.g., quick reference guides).
d) Develop targeted training and resources for specific groups of users (e.g., LSTs, Teacher Librarians).
e) Expand awareness, availability and ease of access for existing training materials on accessibility features of basic tools (e.g., Word, PowerPoint) and commonly used platforms (e.g., Bright Space, School Messenger).

Progress Indicators
i) Inventory of supports (resources and tools) available for specific platforms and increased number of supports.
ii) Number of individuals who access supports and requests for training support.
iii) Accessibility spot audits of communication outputs, using automated systems where possible.
iv) Analysis of any feedback submitted through the web form to identify barriers and determine potential solutions.

2. Ongoing review of TVDSB website to ensure it is accessible and easy to use.

a) Ensure consistency of TVDSB website accessibility through routine use of accessibility evaluation tools (e.g.
b) Develop an audit process to assess, on an ongoing basis, useability and ease of navigation of the TVDSB website.

Progress Indicators
i) Board website is accessible.
ii) Audits indicate website consistently meets needs of all users.


1. Identify and remove barriers for employees who identify as persons with a disability.

a) Continue voluntary collection of identity-based data from employees to support understanding of barriers faced by staff who identify as persons with disabilities.

Progress Indicators
i) Analysis of data collected through employee survey.
ii) Work plan identifying objectives and actions to address any identified barriers.

2. Identify and remove barriers in the hiring process for applicants with disabilities.

a) Conduct periodic equity-focused audits of competitions. Audit team should include people with lived experience (staff or community members).
b) Gather feedback from successful applicants on accessibility of hiring practices.

Progress Indicators
i) Documented outcomes of equity audits.
ii) Feedback from new hires on accessibility of the hiring process.

Built Environment

Our Goal: Pending funding, provide all facilities with barrier-free accessibility. Prioritize the following objectives to support barrier removal:

1. Barrier-free paths of travel to, and within buildings
2. Access to all stories within a building
3. Installation of visual fire safety devices
4. Barrier-free and universal washrooms
5. Accessible and adaptable seating space
6. Development of standards for vision and hearing impairment-related accessibility upgrades in TVDSB schools.

1. Provide barrier-free paths of travel to, and within buildings.

a) Create accessible parking spaces;
b) Ensure common access to, and circulation throughout buildings
c) Create barrier-free entrances (e.g. through installation of power door operators and widening doorways)
d) Create passing, rest, and turning spaces for mobility assistive devices
e) Install ramps and alter existing ramp dimensions

2. Ensure access to all levels within a building. 

a) Install, for example inclined platform lifts or vertical lifts to provide access to all stories.

Photo of accessible elevator
photo of chairlift set up to climb stairs
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3. Enhance fire safety at TVDSB sites through the installation of visual fire safety devices

a) Install fire and smoke alarms equipped with a visual component to enhance the safety and security of all occupants.

Photo of fire safety device

4. Ensure equitable access to washroom facilities 

a) Provide barrier-free and universal washrooms in public areas on a barrier-free path of travel on all floor levels.
b) Ensure the design of washrooms includes turning spaces, accessible doorway widths, power door operators, grab bars, counter heights, space for an adult change table, signage, and a visual and audible emergency device.
c) Investigate the use of motion sensor doors, soap dispensers, paper towel dispensers.

Diagram showing floor plan of accessible washroom
Built Environment

5. Provide equitable, independent access to educational opportunities in spaces with fixed seating.

a) Include seating space in auditoriums suitable for side transfer from a wheelchair, storage spaces for wheelchairs and other mobility assistive devices.
b) Provide a variety of options, such as integrated rows of accessible seating, removable arms on fixed seating.
c) Investigate raised seating.

diagram of floor plan for accessible auditorium

6. Develop standards for vision and hearing impairment-related accessibility upgrades in TVDSB schools.

a) Develop standards for vision and hearing impairment-related accessibility upgrades in TVDSB schools.
b) Identify main accessibility barriers for vision and hearing-impaired students, staff and visitors to school sites.
c) Develop a plan to prioritize and implement upgrades to address key barriers.

Progress Indicators
i) Public reporting of accessibility-related improvements to school sites annually through Special Education Plan and Accessibility Plan Update.
ii) Updates to site-specific information available on TVDSB website.

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Accessible Transportation

Transportation services are provided to Thames Valley students by a joint transportation "consortium" that also provides service to the London District Catholic School Board. Southwestern Ontario Student Transportation Services (STS) is a non-profit corporation responsible for the planning and coordination of school bus service for Elgin, Middlesex and Oxford counties and in the City of London.

STS is committed to providing accessible and specialized transportation service to students in a way that affirms students' dignity and supports inclusion. This commitment is reflected in STS's governing policies and procedures that are jointly agreed upon by its member school boards, in ongoing training for all staff, and in equitable and timely resolution of individual accommodation concerns in collaboration with TVDSB senior administration and staff.

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Ongoing Consultation and Communication of the Plan

The Draft TVDSB Accessibility Plan 2023-2026 will be displayed on the TVDSB web site at  as we develop further engagement opportunities for students, staff, caregivers and community partners in relation to accessibility in Thames Valley. Hard copies and alternate formats will be provided upon request by contacting:

Thames Valley District School Board
1250 Dundas Street
Andrea Marlowe

Review and Monitoring

The Accessibility Working Group will meet, at a minimum, three times during each school year to review the implementation of the tasks outlined in the Plan.

Board administration will be responsible for follow up and reporting of efforts in responsible departments/areas to achieve the objectives outlined in the plan, as necessary.

Appendix A: Accessibility Projects 2021-2022

Elevator access icon
Barrier free washrooms icon
Barrier free drinking fountains icon
Inclined ramp icon
Tactile indicators icon
Barrier free bus dropoff icon
Automatic door opener icon
Fire alarm strobes icon
Inclined stair lift icon
Barrier free parking icon
Vertical chair lift icon
Braille signage icon
Barrier free path icon
Physiotherapy room icon
Accessible handrails icon
Portable air conditioning units icon
Automatic doors icon
Barrier free entrance icon

The following projects were completed during the 2021-2022 school year:

TVDSB Site: Annandale Public School 
Location: Tillsonburg, Oxford County
Project Completed: Automatic door opener

TVDSB Site: Caradoc Public School
Location: Mt. Brydges, Middlesex County 
Project Completed: Barrier free washrooms 

TVDSB Site: Eagle Heights Public School
Mt. Brydges, Middlesex County 
Project Completed: 
Barrier free washrooms 

TVDSB Site: Elgin Court Public School 
Location: St. Thomas, Elgin County 
Project Completed: Barrier free washrooms 

TVDSB Site: Hillcrest Public School
Location: City of London        
Project Completed: 
Accessible handrails

TVDSB Site: Innerkip Central Public School
Location: Innerkip, Oxford County
Projected Completed: Barrier free path

TVDSB Site: Lord Nelson Public School
Location: City of London
Project Completed: Barrier free washrooms, vertical chair lift

TVDSB Site: Louise Arbour French Immersion Public School
Location: City of London
Project Completed: Barrier free path

TVDSB Site: North Meadows Public School
Location: Strathroy, Middlesex County
Project Completed: 
Barrier free washrooms, Automatic door opener

TVDSB Site: Northdale Public School
Location: Woodstock, Oxford County
Project Completed: Inclined stair lift

TVDSB Site: Orchard Park Public School
Location: City of London
Project Completed: Automatic door opener

TVDSB Site: Parkview Public School
Location: Komoka, Middlesex County
Project Completed:
 Automatic door opener, Automatic doors

TVDSB Site: Port Burwell Public School
Location: Port Burwell, Elgin County
Project Completed: Vertical chair lift, Barrier free washrooms

TVDSB Site: Rick Hansen Public School
Location: City of London
Project Completed: Automatic door opener

TVDSB Site: Thamesford Public School
Thamesford, Oxford County        
Project Completed: 
Barrier free washrooms

TVDSB Site: Trafalgar Public School
Location: City of London
Project Completed: Barrier free entrance

TVDSB Site: Tweedsmuir Public School
Location: City of London
Project Completed: Elevator Access, Barrier free washrooms

TVDSB Site: West Oaks French Immersion Public School
Location: City of London
Project Completed: Barrier free parking

TVDSB Site: Wilfrid Jury Public School
Location: City of London
Project Completed: Tactile Indicators

TVDSB Site: A.B. Lucas Secondary School
Location: City of London
Project Completed: Barrier free entrance, Barrier free path

TVDSB Site: Central Elgin Collegiate Institute
Location: St. Thomas, Elgin County
Project Completed: Vertical chair lift, Barrier free washrooms

TVDSB Site: College Avenue Secondary School
Location: Woodstock, Oxford County
Project Completed: Barrier free entrance, Barrier free path

TVDSB Site: North Middlesex District Highschool
Location: Parkhill, Middlesex County
Project Completed: Automatic door opener

TVDSB Site: Westminster Secondary School
Location: City of London
Project Completed: Vertical chair lift, Barrier free washrooms

TVDSB Site: Woodstock Collegiate Institute
Location: Woodstock, Oxford County
Project Completed: Portable air conditioning units

Appendix B: Accessibility Working Group

Marianne Rozak
TVDSB – SEA Technology Coordinator, 
Information Technology Services

Alison Morse 
Easter Seals Ontario – Senior Manager, 
Advocacy and Family Engagement

Samantha Edwards 
Southwestern Ontario Student Transportation Services (STS) – Service Development Manager

Randy McGivern 
Thames Valley Children's Centre (TVCC) – TCS Clinical Coordinator

Heather and Brian Van Arnhem 
Parent representatives

Rebecca Calvert-Hamilton
OSSTF District 11-Thames Valley – Federation Services Officer/Health and Safety Officer,

Andrea Marlowe 
TVDSB – Human Rights Policy Advisor

Andrew Canham 
TVDSB – Superintendent of Student Achievement, Special Education

Sherri Moore 
TVDSB – Trustee London, Wards 7, 8, 9, 10 & 13

Roseanne Ferrara 
TVDSB – Learning Supervisor, Special Education

Lorraine Stewart-McIntyre
TVDSB – Manager, Human Resources,
Health and Safety, Abilities and Wellness, TVARRIS and HRIS

Stacey Webb
TVDSB – Communications Specialist

Derrik Campbell 
TVDSB – Website Design Developer

Kevin McMurray
TVDSB – Project Coordinator, Facility Services

Vivek Nath
Thames Valley Occasional Teachers' Local - 2nd Vice-President

Page background is solid dark blue

White Thames Valley District School Board logo


Listen to our Accessibility Plan

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Submit feedback about the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan

School and Administrative Building Accessibility

Learn more about the accessibility of Thames Valley buildings

Web Accessibility

Thames Valley District School Board is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. We are continually improving the user experience for everyone, and applying the relevant accessibility standards.

Conformance Status

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) defines requirements for designers and developers to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. It defines three levels of conformance: Level A, Level AA, and Level AAA. Thames Valley District School Board's website is partially conformant with WCAG 2.0 level AA. Partially conformant means that some parts of the content do not fully conform to the accessibility standard (for example, older PDF documents).

How to Request Alternate Formats or Communication Supports

If you require information in an alternate format, or require communication support, arrangements are made upon request by submitting a Community Accommodation Request form.
Community Accommodation Request

You may also contact Human Rights Policy Advisor, Kathryn Banman, who will guide you through the process.

General Accessibility Feedback

If you have concerns regarding the accessibility of services offered by the Thames Valley District School Board, please contact us or complete an Accessibility Feedback Form
Accessibility Feedback Form

For more information:

Kathryn Banman
Human Rights Policy Advisor
Thames Valley District School Board
1250 Dundas Street
London, ON N5W 5P2
(519) 452-2000 ext. 20515

Contact Us