IPRC Guide
The Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC) is a school-based meeting to decide whether a student should be formally identified as an exceptional student and if so, the placement that will best meet the student's needs. For more information, see the IPRC Guide.
IEP Guide
An Individual Educational Plan (IEP) is a formal document that outlines a program for a student with specific and/or exceptional needs. For more information, see the IEP Guide.
Communication Guide
As a parent/guardian, you are recognized and valued as an important partner in your child's education. The Communication Guide will help you understand how to work with the school team to support your child's success.
Program Development Team Process brochure
A Program Development Team meeting is a meeting held at the school which includes the parent/guardian and the child's teacher, as well as other staff who work with the child. The team meets to discuss the child's strengths and needs and plan their program. For more information on how to plan for this meeting, see the Program Development Team Process brochure.
Tiered Approach Framework
The Tiered Approach Framework outlines three tiers or levels of intervention and support for struggling students. The amount of extra support a student receives increases with each level, and progress is measured frequently.
The Role of the Learning Support Teacher
The Learning Support Teacher (LST) plays a critical role in co-creating rich, equitable and inclusive school and classroom environments that are responsive to students' strengths and needs.
The Role of the Special Education Teacher on Special Assignment
The Special Education Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA) works collaboratively with school teams through a coaching and modelling lens to support student equity, inclusion, independence, achievement and well-being.
The Role of the Educational Assistant
Educational Assistants (EA) are valuable members of the school team and play a vital role in supporting equitable and inclusive classrooms and school environments that are responsive to student strengths, needs and overall well-being.
Special Education Class Program Guides
Please click on the following for links to Program Guides for our Special Education Classes:
Accelerate Class Program Guide
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Class Program Guide
Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) Class Program Guide
Developmental Education (Elementary) System Class Program Guide
Developmental Education (Secondary) System Class Program Guide
Transitions Class (Elementary) Program Guide
Transitions Class (Secondary) Program Guide
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