Exchange and Travel Programs

There are many benefits to participating in study abroad programs. Exchange and travel programs can provide life experience, language skills, and the opportunity for personal development. When applying to college or university, or even pursuing a career, adding a study abroad experience to your resume may be a great way to enhance your profile.

Finding the Perfect Program

While there are many exchange and travel programs, we understand that not everyone is keen on spending an entire academic year abroad. That's why there are so many different kinds of programs: school-year programs, summer programs, language intensive study programs, service opportunities, etc.

Contact your school guidance counsellor or the International Education office at for more information on studying abroad.

Below is a list of Thames Valley approved student exchange programs:

Summer Travel for Credit Programs

AFS Interculture Canada

German Language School

International Student Exchange Ontario (ISE)

Rotary Club Student Exchanges

Youth Educational Services Inc. (YES Canada)

YMCA Youth Exchanges Canada Program



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