The Thames Valley District School Board uses 3 different web applications. Each application has its own unique log in and password. In order for us to better help you, it is important that we know what application you are having problems with.
** For problems with the TVDSB parent portal, please see below for Parent Portal FAQ. If you are still having issues, we have developed an online form.
** For other applications, please contact the school directly.
Application 1: The TVDSB Parent Portal:
Locally developed and maintained.
Functions: Access marks, attendance history, timetables, complete online forms
Application 2: The TVDSB Attendance / SchoolMessenger Portal:
- Report a student absence, late arrival, or early departure
- Receive emails, phone calls, and texts informing you of an unexplained student absence
Application 3: The TVDSB Online Payment Portal:
Functions: Pay for items your child's school has entered into the system
Parent Portal FAQ
The email I am entering cannot be verified. Why is that?
In order to be verified you must meet the following conditions:
- Your child must be registered and you must have submitted an email address to the school. To create your Parent Portal account, the email address that you are verifying must be the same email address that is entered in our student information system when the student is registered. The Parent Portal is validated against the student information system. Please contact the school directly to provide your email address, change your email address, verify the spelling, or to ensure that it is still on file.
- You must be listed as a legal guardian for the student. You will only have access to a student's information via the Parent Portal if you are a legal guardian and the student is under 18 years of age. To be granted access to a student's information who is over 18, the student must provide permission through their Student Portal.
- The email address that you are verifying must be your primary email address and unique to only you in our student information system. An email address cannot be the primary email address for you and your spouse. Your name must be entered exactly the same as well. If you have more than one student attending TVDSB schools, your name may be entered differently in the student information system. For example, Mary Smith-Johnson has an email address of for a student named John Smith. This same email also belongs to Mary SmithJohnson for another student named Susan Johnson. Susan and John are siblings. Because Smith-Johnson is not the same as SmithJohnson, the email address will not be verified. Please contact the school directly to correct this issue.
I am receiving a message in red that says the "email address is not correctly entered." Why is that?
When one receives the message "Your email address is not correctly entered..." it usually means there is an extra space after your email address. This error often happens when you are using a saved email option in a mobile device. Next time, try typing the email address in full with no spaces at the beginning or the end. If that doesn't work, try logging on using a different device if you have access to one.
Even though the application says it has sent a message to my email I am not receiving it. Why is that?
This one can be difficult to determine. Everyone's email system handles automated emails differently. Some go directly to your inbox, some go into a SPAM folder, some could go directly to the trash folder, and finally some don't get delivered at all. If you can't find the email anywhere, use the online form. We will send you the email you need manually.
The system is not accepting the birthdate or legal surname that I enter. Why is that?
- Please ensure that the surname is entered exactly as it would be entered in our student information system. Spaces and punctuation can cause this error message. It might also be that the child's birthdate is entered incorrectly in the student information system. Please try again or contact the school directly if the issue persists.
I cannot see all of my children when I log in. Why is that?
- In order to see all of your children when you log in to your Parent Portal account, please ensure that your name and email address are exactly the same for each student. The Parent Portal is validated against the student information system. If your child is over 18 years of age, the student must provide permission through their Student Portal in order for you to access their information.
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