Parent Engagement

Parent engagement matters.

Studies have shown us that student achievement improves when parents play an active role in their children's education, and that good schools become even better schools when parents are involved. It is recognized that parent engagement is a key factor in the enhancement of student achievement and well-being.

Students are more likely to be motivated, to earn higher grades, to have better behaviour and social skills, and to continue their education to a higher level when their parents are actively engaged in supporting their success at school.

It is equally important to recognize that parent involvement takes many forms.

Parent and Guardian Supports 

At TVDSB, we know that supporting parents and guardians is an important part of helping students achieve academic success. Watch videos from live events and workshops produced by TVDSB staff to help supply families with the knowledge and experience they need to help their child succeed.

Go to Supports for Parents and Guardians

Family Well-Being Community Workshop Series - Click Here for Details

The Thames Valley District School Board and London District Catholic School Board, along with a number of different service providers from across London, Middlesex, Oxford, and Elgin, are coming together to provide workshops addressing various well-being topics of interest throughout the year.

For more information on workshop topics, dates, time, and accessing the workshop, please visit our website.

Parent and Family Engagement Review Committee

The Parent and Family Engagement Review Committee, consisting of administrators, principals, trustees, parents, and community members, has been collecting input from parents, guardians and families as part of an initiative to help strengthen parent and family engagement across the district.

In May 2017, parents and families were invited to participate in an online survey as part of our review of current parent and family engagement practices across Thames Valley.

A total of 1,279 surveys were collected and analyzed in order to help us establish a baseline understanding of parent and family engagement in Thames Valley and begin to learn how we can better support family and school connections.

Family Engagement: Listening, Learning and Leading

Click to view the Report: Family Engagement - Listening, Learning and Leading

Download the report.

It is our goal that this report will be used as a resource to assist and inform schools, families and community groups when planning to support family engagement in their individual school communities.

Our initial findings from the survey and an outline of next steps were summarized in this one-page report. A translatable version of the initial report is also available.

Thames Valley Parent Involvement Committee

The purpose of the Thames Valley Parent Involvement Committee (TVPIC) is to support, encourage and enhance parent engagement at the Board level in order to improve student achievement and well-being. TVPIC often hosts events and symposiums geared towards parents to help build capacity for parent engagement.

Visit the Thames Valley Parent Involvement Committee web page.

Thames Valley Council of Home and School Associations

A Home and School Association is an independent parent group that fosters ideals of co-operation and partnership within schools as well as within communities. Home and School members work with school administrators, teachers, and community leaders to provide all children with the opportunity to succeed in school and beyond.

Go to the Thames Valley Council of Home and School Associations website.


School Councils

Your involvement in the school council gives you the opportunity to enhance the partnership between parents, students, teachers, principals and the school board. School councils work as a team to ensure the highest quality of education and promote student achievement in each school.

Visit the School Council webpage.

Parent Input

We are committed to building a culture that makes sure that students, parents, staff and community members feel that they are an important part of the decision-making process. During the school year, we often look for input on new and revised policies and procedures, the coming budget, naming of new and consolidated schools and accommodation studies.

Visit the Policies and Procedures webpage for public input opportunities.

Visit the school office to discuss the requirements for volunteer opportunities.

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