Parent and Family Engagement Review

Parent and Family Engagement - What We Heard

The Parent Engagement Review Committee would like to thank parents, guardians and families who completed the online survey as part of our initiative to help strengthen parent and family engagement
across the district.

Understanding that parent engagement is unique for each family, the survey was intended to establish a baseline understanding of parent and family engagement in Thames Valley and to learn how we can better support family and school connections.

Respondents by Region:

Over 1,200 people responded to our survey.

  • 22% Middlesex County
  • 21% Oxford County
  • 17% Elgin County
  • 39% London

30% of respondents have children in secondary schools
70% of respondents have children in elementary schools

Families shared that they:


  • Are connecting, engaging and feeling successful in helping their children learn
  • Would like more support on how they can help their children learn at home
  • Would like more information on learning expectations and their children's progress


  • Are receiving clear and timely messages from the school
  • Know how to contact the school
  • Would appreciate multiple methods of communication, like apps or school websites
  • Would like more information on supports that are available to students and families


  • Are regularly being invited to participate in school events and meetings
  • Would appreciate more opportunities for authentic engagement in school activities
  • Would appreciate a more welcoming and inclusive school community

Next Steps for 2017/2018:

  • Collect additional feedback from principals and parent/family groups.
  • Identify best practices and strategies to enhance family engagement.
  • Prepare a final report with recommendations, action items and an implementation plan.

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