Literacy and Basic Skills

Welcome to the TVDSB Gateway Program 

Contact: or 519-452-2000 ext. 69697

Employment Ontario Logo Ministry of Ontario Logo

This program provides upgrading classes to adults who want to brush up on their English, math or digital technology skills to go into a high school credit course, prepare for a post-secondary program, improve their employment situation, or gain independence.  Classes are offered in London, Ingersoll, St. Thomas, Strathroy, Woodstock and Online (see Location tab below). Programs are FREE, and learners can join at any time during the school year. 


This non-credit course is offered for people who need to develop their skills in reading and writing in order to move forward in their employment or education.

After a brief assessment with an instructor, the learner will be helped to develop an individual training plan. Course work will be assigned according to the learner's skill level and goal, and will usually include reading strategies, vocabulary development, spelling, grammar, formal and informal writing, with the aim of improving communication skills.


This course is for people who need to develop their skills in any area of mathematics to prepare for high school credits, training programs or employment.

It is recommended for those who have been out of school for several years. It is also recommended for people who simply need some stronger math skills in their everyday lives (measuring, budgeting, problem solving etc.) After a brief assessment with an instructor, learners will be helped to develop individual training plans, and move at their own pace towards their goals. 

 Prepare for CAEC test

The CAEC test allows people who have not finished secondary school the opportunity to earn an Ontario High School Equivalency Certificate signed by the Minister of Education. The CAEC test is 7 hours and covers a variety of subjects. We can help you prepare for the test. 

 Prepare for PLAR assessment testing

Prepare and upgrade your skills in order to earn PLAR Grade 9/10 credits. This will consist of preparing your skills in order to be successful in the following assessments: English, mathematics, science, and Canadian history and Canadian geography.

Location Time

Wheable Centre for Adult Education

70 Jacqueline Street, London ON

519-452-2000 extension 69697

Day Classes

Monday to Friday

Period 1 9:15 am - 11:45 am

Period 2 12:15 pm - 2:45 pm

Evening Classes (ONLINE)


4:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Hutton House

Cherryhill Village Mall

301 Oxford Street, London, ON


Day Classes

Monday, Tuesday, Friday

Period 1 9:15 - 11:45

Period 2 12:15 - 2:45


Arthur Voaden Secondary School

41 Flora St, St Thomas, ON N5P 2X5

519-452-2660 extension 69697

Day Classes

Monday to Thursday

9:15 am - 2:45 pm


Blossom Park Education Centre

391 Blossom Park Road, Woodstock ON


Day Classes


Period 1 9:15 am - 11:45 am

Period 2 12:45 pm - 2:45 pm



Community Employment Services
(Rear of IDCI High School)

37 Alma Street, Ingersoll, ON N5C 1N1


Day Classes

Monday - Friday

9:15 - 2:45

Community Employment Choices

16 Second Street, Strathroy, ON N7G 3H8


Day Classes

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

9:00 - 2:30 

Middlesex Community Living

18 Front Street W. Strathroy, ON N7G 1X4


Day Classes

Monday - Friday

7:30 - 11:30



Registration for the Gateway Program takes place on an ongoing basis so you can register at almost any time throughout the regular school year. Registration is also FREE.

How do I register?

  • Contact the location nearest you to register or email
  • Set up an appointment for an intake appointment and assessment of your current reading, writing and math skills

What should I bring to the appointment?

  • If you have a transcript showing any high school credits or the results of a GED/CAEC pre-test that may be helpful but it is not necessary

What will happen at the appointment?

  • We like to talk to you about your previous education, work experience and your goals in coming to the program. All of this information helps the instructor in adapting the program to suit your needs.

How much does it cost to register?

  • There is no cost for this program

Do I need any books or school supplies to start?

  • You'll just need a binder, paper, pen, pencil and eraser to start. If you don't have them, we can supply some of those items if necessary

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