Financial Assistance for Child Care

Financial Assistance

You can apply for financial aid to help cover some the costs related to full-time care, part-time care, summer care or before and after school care.

City of London
Request child care fee assistance from the City of London by using the online form.
Middlesex County

Application forms are available at the County Building; all child care centres in Middlesex County and Employment Resource Centres located in Strathroy, Glencoe, Parkhill, Lucan and Dorchester or download the child care application subsidy.

Families can also access the London and Middlesex One List found on the to find a listing of all child care centres in Middlesex County.

For more information, contact 519-434-7321 extension 2289.

City of St. Thomas and Elgin County

To apply for financial assistance with child care in St. Thomas or Elgin County, call the Ontario Works Department Intake Line 519-631-9350 or 1-800-265-4362 and select option 3 (Apply for Assistance).

More information on the program is located on the City of St. Thomas website.

City of Woodstock and Oxford County
Information on how to apply for Child Care Fee Subsidy Program in Woodstock and Oxford County is located on their website.

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