Located within Forest Park P.S., this EarlyON Chid and Family Centre is operated by Community Living Elgin. This centre offers a safe and welcoming environment open to all families with children birth to 6 years of age. Families will be able to find support, advice, make personal connections, and access a network of resources.
EarlyON Child and Family Forest Park
Address: 295 Forest Ave., St. Thomas, ON
Phone: 519-631-9496
Email: oeycelginmiddlesexlondon@eyc.eacl.on.ca
Community Living Elgin: communitylivingelgin.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EarlyOn-Child-and-Family-Centre-St-Thomas-Elgin-268643226571043/
Monthly Calendar: http://familyinfo.ca/familyCentres.asp
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