Alternative Education

Alternative Education

The Thames Valley Alternative Secondary School offers classroom-based programs at a variety of sites, and itinerant teachers provide programming to students in more rural areas. Students who participate in these programs are referred by their home school and often maintain a part-time program with their home school. 


Site-based classrooms offer part-time programs while itinerant programs offer one hour a week of teacher/student instruction at a location near the student's home.

Students in our Alternative Education programs participate in a flexible, individualized program based on their academic needs. Both programs are considered 'transition programs' with the goal of returning the student to their secondary school or another alternative program.

For more information about Alternative Education programs, contact us by email or by phone at 519-452-2000 ext. 69703.


Site-Based Program Address
Oneida Classroom 2213 Elm Avenue, Southwold
Cornerstone Classroom (in the Boys & Girls Club of London)   184 Horton Street East, London
Merrymount Classroom (for pregnant and parenting students) 1064 Colborne Street, London
Wiingashk Centre (inside N'Amarind Friendship Centre) 260 Colborne Street, London
Blossom Park Classroom  391 Blossom Park Road, Woodstock

Dual Credit Programs

If you are interested in Dual Credit Programs, work with your home school to make sure you are eligible. For more information, contact the Program Coordinator at 519-452-2000 extension 20150.

Day Away Programs
Adult Day Away Programs
Day Away Summer Program

School Within a College/University

The School Within a College program allows students to complete their needed secondary school credits while also achieving a college credit and taking advantage of other college facilities and offerings. The classrooms for this program are on the London, St. Thomas and Woodstock Fanshawe College Campus. 

The School Within a University program offers the same opportunity to complete secondary school credits, achieve a university credit, and experience university life.  

If you are interested in School Within a College/University, please work with your home school to make sure you are eligible. For more information, contact the Program Coordinator at 519-452-2000 extension 20150.

School Within a College
School Within a University

Summer Programs and Camps

There are many summer programs available for students to attend during the summer months. See our Summer Programs and Camps page to view more detailed information about each of the programs that are offered.


The U-Turn program supports students who have been suspended for 6 to 20 days or who have been expelled from their home school. Connections to this program will be made by the home school when appropriate. 

More information is available on the U-Turn program webpage.

Homeschooling Information

Parents/guardians can decide not to register their child for Kindergarten, as it is optional, and continue to home school their child without a letter of intent at home if they never register them at a school; otherwise, if your child(ren) has already attended or enrolled in a school a home schooling notification of intent must be submitted to withdraw your child(ren) by email to, or mail to Learning Support Services:

Thames Valley District School Board
Re: Home Schooling Intent
Learning Support Services
1250 Dundas St
London, ON
N5W 5P2

Once submitted it will be processed by Learning Support Services and the Superintendent for your area.

A letter of intent should be sent every year that your child(ren) is being home schooled (until the age of 18). This notification must be provided in writing between July 1st and September 1st for the upcoming school year.

Download homeschooling intent form

The TVDSB does not provide a homeschooling program or supplies and materials to parents/guardians for homeschooling purposes.

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