The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence campaign begins on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (November 25) and culminates on Human Rights Day (December 10).
Supports for Students |
Educators are reminded to use a trauma sensitive approach when discussing challenging topics with students: The Essential Conditions for Learning Triangle can be accessed at the following link: Educators are reminded to be mindful of student well-being and to connect students with supports if needed. In school supports include guidance counsellor, administrator, school support counsellor or social worker. Please find a detailed list of community supports for students via the following link: 24 hour crisis lines for intimate partner violence Strathroy: Women’s Rural Resource Centre 1-800-265-5390 London: Anova 519-642-3000 or 1-800-265-1576 Zhaawanong (First Nations Service): 1-800-605-7477 Elgin: Violence Against Women Services Elgin 1-800-265-4305 Oxford: Domestic Abuse Services Oxford 519-539-4811 or 1-800-265-1938 or text 519-788-9993
Important Information for Staff: CULTURAL SAFETY |
It is important to create a learning environment that is respectful and that makes students feel safe and comfortable not only physically, socially, and emotionally but also in terms of their cultural heritage. A culturally safe learning environment is one in which students feel comfortable about expressing their ideas, opinions, and needs and about responding authentically to topics that may be culturally sensitive. Teachers should be aware that some students may experience emotional reactions when learning about issues that have affected their own lives, their family, and/or their community. Before addressing such topics in the classroom, teachers need to consider how to prepare and debrief students, and they need to ensure that resources are available to support students both inside and outside the classroom. Students can also experience strong emotional reactions when learning about the adversity and challenges faced by others. There may be students who express the wish or need to opt out of the learning. If students are demonstrating a negative reaction to content discussed during the presentation, staff are encouraged to:
Important Reminder For Staff Before Discussing Student Identity: CALLING SOMEONE IN
How it might sound: “Hey, can we chat about what happened during the presentation? It’s about…”
How it might sound: “There will be no Islamophobic remarks here!” |
Suggested Resources
UN Women Campaign Resources
Staff are invited to review resources at the following link:
UN Women: Awareness to Accountability
Staff are invited to review resources at the following link:
Government of Canada Resources
Educators are invited to review Government of Canada resources related the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence at the following link:
16 Days of Activism
Staff are invited to review posters at the following link:
Please Note: Not all posters are appropriate for all grade levels. Educators are reminded to be mindful when choosing content for discussion with students. Please refer to the Essential Conditions for Learning at the following link for more information:
Voices of Our Sisters: Poems on Experiences of Homelessness
The poems are provided by the UWO Learning Network and can be accessed at the following link:
Please Note: Not all the poems are appropriate for all grade levels. Educators are reminded to be mindful when choosing content for discussion with students. Please refer to the Essential Conditions for Learning at the following link for more information:
White Ribbon Canada: Engaging Men & Boys
Staff are invited to review content at the following link:
Educators are reminded to be mindful when choosing content for discussion with students.
Please refer to the Essential Conditions for Learning at the following link for more information:
Intersectional Considerations for Discussing Gender- Based Violence
Staff are invited to review resource related to intersectional considerations at the following links:
TVDSB Classroom Presentations:
Staff wishing to further conversations related to healthy relationships and consent are invited to review resources on the Safe Schools & Well-Being and Equity Sharepoint pages.
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