United Way

Thank You Thames Valley

Throughout our School Board, we see the needs of so many children every day in the work that we do. We see faces of poverty, addiction, neglect and abuse in our classrooms and not one school or community is immune. We also know the difference that the right intervention can make in a child’s life.

When you give to United Way, you make sure our students start school with a full belly, ready to learn. You give vulnerable people and families access to basic needs like food, housing, transportation and recreation close to home. And you tackle big problems like local poverty and youth success at the root, making sure fewer people are vulnerable in the first place.

This year, as we look forward to the return of in-school learning, we hope that your United Way Campaign can bring a sense of fun and comradery to your school. We know that many Thames Valley families are struggling to recover from the effects of COVID-19. For many families, it’s been a time of uncertainty: job loss, skyrocketing demand for mental health services, and increasingly visible homelessness. However; Hope is on the horizon. We now have an opportunity to create a fair and equitable recovery, one that truly builds a community where everyone matters. We urge you to unite with us in local love to provide help in our communities where it’s needed most.

Director's Message to Thames Valley Staff

United Way Elgin Middlesex and United Way Oxford help students feel safe and ready to learn. As Director of Education, I am proud to be a part of the 2023 United Way campaign. Over 80 United Way-funded community agencies help students and staff overcome challenges. Challenges with poverty, mental health, immigration, child welfare, and risk of violence. I see the impact United Way programs have on students and families. It allows TVDSB to ensure that all students have opportunities to learn.

Thames Valley schools are once again encouraged to take part in this year's campaign. Last year, staff, students, and families raised $230,244.00. Thank you for planning school fundraising events. Thank you for your online pledges and payroll deductions. Thank you for all your hard work.

If you are able, please consider contributing through payroll deductions again this year. This simple and effective donation method helps TVDSB students and families in need.

Thank you for your time, generosity, and commitment. Let's work together to support the 2023 United Way campaign.

Mark Fisher, Director of Education

Why do we do this? 
United Way makes our community stronger, identifying critical social issues in Elgin, Middlesex, and Oxford Counties and finding solutions that get results. Through a network of social service organizations, United Way funds only the most effective and efficient programs that aim to prevent problems before they start.

The money raised stays in your community. 

These are families within your schools, your neighbours, and the people that share your sidewalks.

Your donation goes to those who need it most.  

Unlike other charities, your donations are disbursed to 85 member agencies, not just one cause.

When you give to United Way, you can specify the district; Elgin/ London-Middlesex or Oxford, and your donation is used within that community. If you do have a particular agency you wish to direct your donation toward, you may specify that on your pledge form as well.

Three Easy Ways to Give

1. Online Giving

Again this year your school has the opportunity to support your community through online pledging. This tool will replace the need for paper pledge forms increasing efficiency and confidentiality while providing a user friendly experience for the donor.

Throughout the month of October you will receive emails regarding your pledge. Your email is embedded with your own unique identifier that links you directly to your secure user account. Your financial information will remain confidential. Your United Way Champion will be able to see that you have accessed the tool, to include you in the overall status and/or incentives for your school/office, but will not be able to see any information about your current or past contributions.

Payroll and credit card contributions will be processed in real time. For those choosing to give by cheque, please print your pledge confirmation and submit with your cheque to your United Way Champion. (Cash may not be an option at your location, so ask your site Champion first).


Roll-Over Giving: Payroll Deduction Only (Pledge Form or Online Giving Tool). When staff contribute through payroll deduction, the per-pay contribution will automatically continue (roll-over) each year. However, donors will have the option to opt out or alter their contribution at the start of each campaign.

2. Events

With the return to in-school learning, we hope to bring back some of our favourite events. Please be sure to follow all Public Health Guidelines and reach out to your site champion for socially distanced event ideas.

What a great way to create fun, momentum and team building experiences! We encourage you to get involved in your school/office events for United Way. If you have creative event ideas, please share them with your site Champion.

* For a paper pledge form please reach out to your school Champion or local United Way contact.  

Please don't hesitate to call United Way Elgin Middlesex or United Way Oxford, with any questions. You may also contact United Way Coordinator, Jason Rake for assistance.

Director's Message to our United Way Champions

Thank you for taking on the role of United Way Champion within our schools and departments. Last year, Thames Valley staff, students, and families raised $230,244.00. I know that with your leadership, we will surpass last year's fundraising total!

Over 80 United Way-funded community agencies help people in need overcome challenges. Challenges with poverty, mental health, immigration, child welfare, and the risk of violence. Your help ensures funding is in place for Thames Valley students and staff. Funding for a United Way agency that someone may need to call upon one day.

I encourage all TVDSB staff and students to support the 2023 United Way campaign. Every employee will have the opportunity to contribute online. United Way will provide payroll deduction information. A deduction of $2 per pay provides 100 healthy, nutritious snacks to students. It ensures they have the nutrition they need. I encourage you to share information and advocate for United Way at your site.

As a Site Champion, you are integral to the planning and success of the TVDSB United Way Campaign. We could not reach our goal without you!

Thank you!

Mark Fisher, Director of Education

Champion Resources

Pledge Form

United Way Contacts

Please don't hesitate to call United Way with any questions. Their numbers can be found below.

United Way Elgin Middlesex (includes City of London)
Kelli Norton
Development Officer
519-438-1723 ext. 226


United Way Oxford
Julie Rutherford
Resource Development Coordinator
519-539-3851 ext. 312


Online Giving Tool 
If you have questions regarding your Online Giving Tool, please feel free to reach out to your local United Way staff person listed above, or:
Allyson Fuller
Senior Database Administrator

Contact Us