Public Input


Members of the community wishing to address the Board of Trustees at a public board meeting regarding other issues of concern to the education system may, as per Board Bylaws, submit an application form.  For more information please contact Board Services.

Individuals and groups are scheduled as applications are received.  Presentations will be a maximum 10 minutes for an approved delegation representing a School Council, or a Home and School Association in good standing, and 5 minutes for individuals or representatives of any other organization/group.

Please be advised that while applications continue to be accepted, public delegations are not completed at every scheduled Board meeting. 

Naming of Schools

Members of the public may submit name suggestions for the following schools (click on the school name below to submit your name suggestions):

Submissions will be accepted until January 24, 2025 at 11:59 p.m.

Submission criteria 

Name submissions reflecting the name of an individual(s) or a family are not permitted and will be removed from the naming process if submitted. This includes submissions that align with the criteria outlined below but are based on the name of an individual(s) or family.

Name submissions shall reflect one or more of the following:

  • Any name connected to local Indigenous Peoples, history, and traditions.
  • The name, if any, which applies to the area in which the school is located.
  • The name of the street on which the school is located. 
  • The name of the district or area the school is to serve. 
  • Values or principles  

Detail with respect to the historical background and significance of a suggested name must be provided in the rationale section of the public input form.    

A Naming Selection Committee will review all submissions and recommend three options for each school.

Trustees will review these recommendations at a future board meeting.

Pending Trustee approval, staff will ask school communities to vote for one of three options for their school’s name.

Please Note: To protect the safety and well-being of students, staff, families, and community members, any messages containing discriminatory, hate-based, or other harmful language will not be shared.


Policies and Procedures for Public Input

Draft Items

Input Deadline

Public Input Link


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