Public Input

TVDSB School Calendar Survey

Planning for the 2025-2026 school year has already started for the Thames Valley District School Board. This includes the creation of school year calendars 

As part of Thames Valley’s consultation development plan, we invite you to provide feedback on the school year calendars.

The consultation period runs from January 20, 2025 – February 12, 2025. 

Before you provide feedback, here’s what you need to know:  

The proposed 2025-2026 school year calendarinclude 196 possible school days between September 1, 2025, and June 30, 2026. The school year must include at least 194 school days, 7 of which must be professional activity (PA) days:  

  • 3 mandatory PA days  

  • 4 discretionary PA days 

Remaining school days are instructional days, however individual school boards may designate up to 10 of those days as examination days.  

Full proposed school year calendars:  

Thames Valley develops its school year calendars based on the following regulations and guidelines:  

Important note: Calendarmay change based on feedback during the consultation period or at the direction of the Ministry of Education.  For more information on school year calendars at the Ministry level, please visit the Ministry of Education website 

View more information on school year calendars by reviewing the Frequently Asked Questions (PDF).

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does a PA Day fall on the first day of school? 
The draft calendars propose the school year begin with a full PA Day for school-based staff. This day allows staff to 
  • Prepare for first day of classes 

  • Receive health and safety training 

  • Connect with support staff  

  • Review Individual Education Plans (IEPs) 

  • Review Individual Plans of Care (IPOCs)  

This helps to create a safe learning environment for every student and supports the mental health, safety and well-being of students and staff.  This timing also helps to establish the Essential Conditions of Learning, which supports the foundation for student achievement.  

What does Thames Valley consider when it schedules Professional Activity (PA) days?  

There are several constraints and considerations that may affect when a PA Day falls:   

  • 6 statutory holidays throughout the school year    

  • 2 school breaks: Winter Break and Spring Break (March Break)  

  • Evaluation periods   

  • Required training at specific times throughout the year  

  • Contractual language in collective agreements  

  • Parent/caregiver and teacher conferences (Elementary Schools)  

  • Time between semesters for Secondary Schools 

  • Increase support for provincial education priorities  

  • Aligning transportation needs with other local school boards (for instance, London District Catholic School Board)  

Who creates the school year calendars? 

One of Thames Valley’s superintendents works with senior staff to prepare proposed school year calendars for the Board of Trustees to consider.  Thames Valley will base its proposed school year calendars on:  

  • Calendars from previous years 

  • Language in collective agreements 

  • Previous public consultation  

  • Ministry of Education requirements 

What is the process required by the Education Act? 
The School Calendar Regulation sets out requirements for proposed school year calendar consultation.  Boards of education must submit their school year calendars to the Ministry of Education by March 1.  
How does Thames Valley pick dates for the school year calendars?  
When staff prepare calendars, dates are chosen based on the requirements of the School Calendar Regulation and the teachers’ collective agreements. To support families and community partners, Thames Valley also looks at calendars from other boards to ensure consistency and alignment, where possible. Staff also consider previous feedback from community and partner groups. 

Rules around scheduling statutory holidays are very clear. They are taken on the day upon which they fall, unless the day falls on a weekend, in which case they are taken on the following MondayScheduling statutory holidays is either a requirement by law or a contractual obligation under staff collective agreements.  

Why does Thames Valley ask for feedback, when most of the school year calendarhave already been decided? 
Thames Valley is required under Ministry of Education regulations to share proposed school year calendars with the public for feedback before they are submitted to the Ministry. Community feedback is important to Thames Valley and this information is used to inform decision-making. 
 How does Thames Valley use feedback to change school year calendars? 
Thames Valley collects public feedback regarding proposed school year calendars.  Themes and trends are used to inform decision making on the scheduling of PA days.  

With respect to those areas of scheduling affected by collective agreements (contracts) or legislation (Ontario laws), they will change only when agreements or laws change.  

Who makes the final decision on the school year calendars? 
The Board will make a final decision at its regularly scheduled board meeting in February.  TVDSB Research and Assessment Services will analyze and summarize the results into a report to be shared with the Senior Administration team and the Board of Trustees. Feedback from this survey will be considered by the Senior team in adjusting the draft calendars prior to seeking Board approval.   
How can I best make my voice heard with respect to the school year calendars? 
You can participate in the school year calendar feedback survey and share your comments and/or suggestions.  The greater the participation in the public feedback process, the more information the Board of Trustees will have to make their decision.   


Members of the community wishing to address the Board of Trustees at a public board meeting regarding other issues of concern to the education system may, as per Board Bylaws, submit an application form.  For more information please contact Board Services.

Individuals and groups are scheduled as applications are received.  Presentations will be a maximum 10 minutes for an approved delegation representing a School Council, or a Home and School Association in good standing, and 5 minutes for individuals or representatives of any other organization/group.

Please be advised that while applications continue to be accepted, public delegations are not completed at every scheduled Board meeting. 


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