ONAAR Elementary Questions and Answers

Questions and comments received from community members interested in the Oxford North Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review will be presented here, along with answers provided by TVDSB staff, for the information of North Oxford school communities.

For more details about the review, please visit www.tvdsb.ca/ONAAR.

Submit your questions or comments

Expected bussing impacts

Hickson Central PS and New North Woodstock PS Scenario

A net reduction of 7 buses is expected

Innerkip Central PS Scenario Combined with New North Woodstock PS Scenario

A net reduction of 6 buses is expected

Northdale PS Scenario

No change in busing is expected

Central PS Scenario 1 Combined with New North Woodstock PS Scenario

A net reduction of 6 buses is expected

Central PS Scenario 2 Combined with New North Woodstock PS Scenario

A net reduction of 6 buses is expected


Comment 30: If legacy students are granted, what would busing look like?

Response 30: Thank you for your question. The details about legacy agreements, should they be granted, are not pre-determined and will be determined by Trustees as part of the decision-making process. Accordingly, no details can be provided at this time. 

Comment 29: Can students currently in Innerkip PS school be offered legacy agreements to stay at Innerkip PS? If so, is this something that could potentially be revoked later?

Response 29: Thank you for your question. The details about legacy agreements, should they be granted, are not pre-determined and will be determined by Trustees as part of the decision-making process. Accordingly, no details can be provided at this time. 

Comment 28: For students that are granted legacy can their siblings, who will be in school by 2026 as well as future siblings that will be in school beyond 2026, also be granted legacy? With busing privileges?

Response 28: Thank you for your question. The details about legacy agreements, should they be granted, are not pre-determined and will be determined by Trustees as part of the decision-making process. Accordingly, no details can be provided at this time. 

Comment 27: Who is responsible to reach out to families impacted? Can we email and send letters or call directly?

Response 27: Thank you for your question. Should the proposed boundary changes proceed, administration from your home school will contact impacted families. 

Comment 26: Have you accommodated for future kids that are in the household but not yet in school?

Response 26: Thank you for your question. Decisions about proposed boundary adjustments apply to current and future students.

Comment 25: Could students impacted move to new schools earlier?

Response 25: Thank you for your question. If there are extenuating circumstances, families can complete an ‘out-of-area’ request that would be considered. TVDSB Procedure 4012a outlines the process followed for out-of-area requests. Out-of-area request forms can be obtained from the destination school after a decision has been made about the proposed boundary changes.  

Comment 24: Is the school going to have portables? If so, why can’t we just keep portables in Innerkip?

Response 24: Thank you for your question. One of the goals of this process is to reduce portable needs at schools. As a result, the proposed boundary options were prepared to limit the use of portables to the extent possible.

Comment 23: Is the school realistically going to be built by 2026? Could it possibly be done early and what would be the impact?

Response 23: Thank you for your question. The targeted opening for the new school is still September 2026. However, if this changes, school communities will be notified in advance. Should the opening date change, implementation of the approved recommendations resulting from this review would be altered accordingly.

Comment 22: The link provided when asking how we apply for legacy requests was just a general procedures form and not a link to actually fill out a legacy request for a specific family of students. Secondly, in the procedures outline you provided there appeared to be a deadline of Feb. 15 to apply for legacy. Is that in 2024? Please send the appropriate dates and links to apply for legacy permission.

Response 22: Thank you for your question. Out-of-area request forms can be obtained from the destination school after a decision has been made about the proposed boundary changes. February 15 refers to the date prior to the school year the move would occur.

 Comment 21: 

  1. Can students currently in Innerkip PS school be offered legacy agreements to stay at Innerkip PS? If so, is this something that could potentially be revoked later?
  2. If legacy students are granted, what would busing look like?
  3. For students that are granted legacy can their siblings, who will be in school by 2026 as well as future siblings that will be in school beyond 2026, also be granted legacy? With busing privileges?
  4. Could students impacted move to new schools earlier?
  5. Have you accommodated for future kids that are in the household but not yet in school?
  6. Who is responsible to reach out to families impacted? Can we email and send letters or call directly?
  7. Is the school realistically going to be built by 2026? Could it possibly be done early and what would be the impact?
  8. Is the school going to have portables? If so, why can’t we just keep portables in Innerkip?
  9. Can you please provide the link for legacy consideration?

Response 21: Thank you for your questions. Trustees will consider legacy agreement options which may allow some students to remain at their current school as part of the final decision-making process. The details about legacy agreements, should they be granted, are not pre-determined. Suggestions about legacy agreements may be submitted for Trustees’ consideration as part of the Attendance Area Review Subcommittee Report. If there are extenuating circumstances, families can complete an ‘out-of-area’ request for consideration. TVDSB Procedure 4012a outlines the process followed for out-of-area requests.

We are committed to ensuring the most consistent transition possible for all students involved in this process.  Parents and caregivers will have the opportunity for collaboration with staff as part of this transition. If the proposed boundary changes proceed, all impacted students will be reviewed by incoming and sending schools and all needs will be considered.

One of the goals of this process is to reduce portable needs at schools. As a result, the proposed boundary options were prepared to limit the use of portables to the extent possible.

The targeted opening for the new school is still September 2026. However, if this changes, school communities will be notified in advance. Should the opening date change, implementation of the approved recommendations resulting from this review would be altered accordingly. 

Comment 20: Would the board ever reconsider paying for the sewage infrastructure at the former Tollgate PS for grades JK- grade 6? 

Response 20: Thank you for your question. This facility is not conducive for future educational use from both a building size and sewage services standpoint. As a result, there are no plans to re-open this facility as a school in the future.

Comment 19: With all this growth are there any plans started to accommodate the student influx when they move to high school from elementary school? 

Response 19: Thank you for your question. The Board regularly monitors enrolment trends and will undertake future attendance area reviews for the secondary panel or request capital improvements, as needed, to ensure secondary students can be appropriately accommodated. 

 Comment 18: For students that will be going to grade 8 will legacy agreements be considered for those students to remain at Hickson. If so, can their siblings stay as well? 

Response 18: Thank you for your question. Trustees will consider legacy agreement options which may allow some students to remain at their current school as part of the final decision-making process.

 Comment 17: The new zoning has divided the 11th line to attend 3 different schools. The bottom 1/2 south of the new development is slated to go to Central however there are only 7 students. Could they not stay at Hickson or go to the new school with the rest of the kids on that street. It seems a bit much to send 7 students (8 households) to another completely different school that doesn’t seem to be in there actually area. 

Response 17: Thank you for your question. The seven students proposed to attend Central PS from the Hickson Central PS attendance area are combined with 28 students from the North Woodstock Holding Zone located at the southeast corner of 11th Line and Hawthorne Place. The boundary options were developed to allow students to attend a more proximal school and reduce the duration of bus trips. Central PS is a closer school for these students than Hickson Central PS and the new north Woodstock PS. In addition, the boundary options will help balance enrolment at these schools.

 Comment 16: Would kids in the Arthur Parker area get bused to the new school? What is the guidelines around busing? Is safety not taken into consideration at all? There is so safe route for these kids to get from that area over to where the school will be built. Kids in the Lakeview Drive area will they have busing?  

Response 16: Children in the Arthur Parker area are in the walk radius for the new school, and would therefore not be eligible for bussing. Students that reside more than 1.6 kilometers from an elementary school are eligible for bussing.

We are working with the municipality to review walking routes and if deemed necessary, crossing guards will be provided. Eligibility for student transportation is distance based. Southwestern Ontario Student Transportation Services (“STS”) may, from time to time, establish exemptions to the distance based eligibility criteria in certain circumstances. More information about Exemptions to Distance Based Eligibility can be found at https://www.mybigyellowbus.ca/app/uploads/2022/10/exemptionstodistancebasedeligibility-mar17.pdf?x51005. If students from the Lakeview Drive area are greater than 1.6 km from the school site, bussing will be provided. 

Comment 15: What is the thought process behind sending 7 of the students currently at Hickson to central school and not the north Woodstock school? They will be with no friends. 

Response 15: Central PS is a more proximal school for these students than the new north Woodstock school. Additionally, students from the North Woodstock holding zone to the north of this area are also proposed to be designated to Central PS. Accordingly, the proposed boundary will designate 35 students south of Golfview Drive and east of 11th Line to Central PS. This will allow students to attend the most proximal school to them with available space to accommodate them. 

Comment 14: What is the thought process behind sending 7 students to Hickson to Central? 

Response 14: Boundary adjustments are cumulative, and options were presented to help relieve pressure at Innerkip Central PS due to development in that village. 

Comment 13: What is the thought process behind doing such a drastic boundary change for Hickson brining its utilization down to 67% in 2026 and 72% in 2031? Would it not make more sense to spread out the utilization? They already have the portables.

Response 13: Boundary adjustment options for Hickson Central PS were established to allow students to attend a more proximal school in their community. Students attending Hickson Central PS that are proposed to attend the new school are from the north part of the City of Woodstock. Accordingly, the boundary options would allow current and future students to attend a school that is closer to them. These options would also reduce bussing requirements which was also a consideration. 

Comment 12: Would kids in the Aruthur Parker area get bused to the new school? What is the guidelines around busing?

Response 12: Children in the Arthur Parker area are in the walk radius for the new school, and would therefore not be eligible for bussing. Students that reside more than 1.6 kilometers from an elementary school are eligible for bussing. 

Comment 11: Would you re-evaluate the boundaries closer to the school opening due to extra growth?

Response 11: The boundaries will not be re-evaluated prior to the opening of the new school. The Board will continue to monitor growth in the area which will inform future decisions about new capital that may be required, and potential boundary adjustments after the opening of the new school. 

Comment 10: If our kids have to move to Central, will they still attend their original high school, or will they now attend a different high school? Currently Eastdale students move up to CASS, however, Central students move up to WCI. 

Response 10: The secondary attendance area boundaries are not proposed to change through this process, so students from this area would still be designated to attend College Avenue Secondary School. 

Comment 9: We are in the pocket of students who bus to Eastdale (possible change to Central). When looking at the map labelled "Central PS Proposed Boundary Changes Option 2", you can see we are the 65 students in the red area. Directly beside us is an orange area that is in the beginning stages of development for houses. Will these new students be in the same school boundary as us?

Response 9: The orange area to the west is the Southwest Woodstock Holding Zone. Students from this area are designated to attend Eastdale PS. 

Comment 8: What will be the plan for the overcapacity numbers in 2036?

Response 8:  TVDSB recognizes that there is significant development activity and enrolment growth occurring in this area of the district. Our Planning team works closely with municipal colleagues and will ensure that Thames Valley is ready to seek funding for more schools or additions from the Ministry of Education as these become required.

Comment 7: Where exactly the address of the new school will be?

Response 7: 717 Knights Lane

Comment 6: How will transitioning of students be supported?

Response 6: Below is a summary of the actions that the TVDSB and school staff undertake to support the students, staff, and communities when boundary changes are implemented. In the school year before these changes are to be implemented, the transition planning begins by establishing committees at both the system and school levels. Many departments work together to ensure a smooth transition for students and families.

There are two Transition Committees. The first one is for the principals of the impacted schools. This committee meets monthly to discuss matters related to the moves and share plans for the successful transition. The principals within an impacted area work closely together to make sure that processes are in place to support this transition.

There is also a school Transition Committee established for each area impacted. The principal of the receiving school leads this committee. Two representatives from each impacted school who are appointed by that School Council make up the committee membership along with the principals of those schools. Its purpose is to assist in planning for the students to come the new school location. The Committee is involved in planning events to help students feel comfortable and welcome at the new school location. Some of the events that have been undertaken in the past include:

  • Play Days/Fun Fairs with the combined schools
  • Pen Pals
  • In person meets
  • Joint newsletters
  • Virtual assemblies
  • Principals attending School Councils

Comment 5:  My child has had a hard time adjusting and I feel awful having to get them used to their school only to uproot them once they have established friends there. I was wondering if my household would have all our children moved (some are not yet in school). Will there be a legacy agreement option or options for extenuating circumstances? If my child wouldn’t be considered as an exception I wondered if it wouldn’t be better to be moving them sooner than 2026 to be able to establish those friendships. 

Response 5: Thank you for your question. The criteria for legacy agreements are not pre-determined. If there are extenuating circumstances, families can complete an ‘out-of-area’ request that would be considered. TVDSB Procedure 4012a outlines the process followed for out-of-area requests.

Comment 4: Will students be allowed to choose if they can remain at Hickson once the new school opens, or will they be made to go to the school in the new boundary? 

Response 4: Thanks for your inquiry. Trustees will consider legacy agreement options which may allow some students to remain at their current school as part of the final decision making process.

Comment 3: Can you tell me if we will be effected? We are on the boarder of TVDSB. Also wondering when the proposed new school will be complete? My students in grade 4 and 6 this year and would be devastated to not finish with their friends.

Response 3: Thank you for your question. Interactive maps are provided under the ‘Proposed Changes and Maps’ tab at the following address: https://www.tvdsb.ca/en/our-board/oxford-north-elementary-panel-attendance-area-review.aspx

By clicking on ‘Open interactive map’ under your school, you can search for your address to determine if you might be impacted by any potential changes. 

With respect to the new school in north Woodstock, we are working towards a September 2026 opening date.

Comment 2: Will there be an option available to decline moving to the new school if approved? Many families move specifically to an area to attend the small local school and not have their children bussed.

Response 2: Thanks for your inquiry. Trustees will consider legacy agreement options as part of the decision making process. To the extent possible, the proposed options have been designed to limit bussing.

Comment 1: What will be the address/specific location of the new North Woodstock elementary school? I am a resident of the area.

Response 1: Thanks for your inquiry. The location for the new north Woodstock elementary school is 717 Knights Lane, Woodstock.

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