Update: Trustees take action to deal with enrolment pressure in northwest London
The Thames Valley District School Board passed an important motion at its November 23 meeting to deal with urgent capacity challenges at Sir Arthur Currie Public School in northwest London – an area of the city that has seen unprecedented residential growth in recent years.
Among the measures approved by Trustees, further enrolment at Sir Arthur Currie will be limited to siblings of current students only, while all new students will attend Knollwood Park Public School beginning January 1, 2022.
The measures will be in place until a new school can be constructed in northwest London, estimated to take up to 48 months.
“This motion represents the best possible interim solution to a difficult situation,” said Board Chair Lori-Ann Pizzolato. “It is also a great example of Trustees and Board administration engaging our community and working together to support student well-being and achievement.”
Following is the complete Board motion:
- That Sir Arthur Currie PS remain a K-8 school, siblings of existing students attend Sir Arthur Currie PS, current full remote learners wishing to return be assessed on a case-by-case basis to determine if the school can accommodate the student. If space is currently unavailable, they will be allowed to return for the 2022-23 school year.
- That all new K-8 families from the Sir Arthur Currie PS attendance area attend Knollwood Park PS commencing January 1, 2022 until a new elementary school opens in northwest London.
- That enrollment at Sir Arthur Currie PS be reviewed annually, with consideration given to allow for future enrollment of students residing in the catchment area should space become available.
- That all new K-8 families in the Fox Hollow West holding zone attend Wilfrid Jury PS and the families in Sunningdale North attend University Heights PS commencing in the 2022-23 school year until a new elementary school opens in northwest London.
- That all Fox Hollow West and Sunningdale North families currently attending the school formerly know as Ryerson PS and their siblings be allowed to remain at Ryerson PS until such time as the new northwest London elementary school opens.
Update: Sibling Survey Results
Based on the sibling survey results, enrolment at Sir Arthur Currie PS would require no more than 17 portables with the provision that Full Remote Learning Students would be permitted to return to in-person learning at the school when Grade 8 students graduate and space becomes available. This additional accommodation option will be presented to Trustees at the November 23, 2021 Board meeting.
Click here for video of Northwest London Accommodation Options presentation to TVDSB's Planning and Priorities Advisory Committee on Tuesday, October 12
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