Everyone Belongs in Thames Valley
What is the Everyone Belongs in Thames Valley Survey?
This voluntary and confidential survey asks about student and staff identities. Staff were first invited to participate in 2019 and students and families completed the survey for the first time during the 2020-2021 school year. Students in grades 7 to 12, parents and caregivers of students in kindergarten to grade 6, and all Thames Valley staff are invited to participate in the survey again in spring 2024.
The Everyone Belongs Survey is now closed. Thank you to staff, students, parents, and caregivers for supporting this important work! Data analysis is now underway and we look forward to sharing the first set of results with you in early 2025.
Contact Information
Questions can be sent by email to EveryoneBelongs@tvdsb.ca or by calling 519-452-2000 ext. 20496.Contact Us