Board Motions

Board Motion Index

The following is an archive of all motions adopted by the Board of Trustees since January 2018. These motions are available to the public in accordance with a Board motion adopted on October 25, 2022.

To view motions dated earlier than 2018, please contact Board Services at

2025 Board Motions

Date Adopted 

Motion No. 

Motion Information 
2025 January 28  14.i TO strike “not remain” and insert “recess or rise and report”, and strike “in session” and insert “no”.TO add “In cases where an extension will not permit enough time to complete the agenda, non-urgent matters will be deferred until the next meeting. To address time-sensitive items, the committee will recess and may reconvene following the Public Session” after “…declaring the meeting adjourned”
2025 January 28  14.i TO amend the Thames Valley District School Board Bylaw 6.6.2 to include a provision to recess and reconvene Committee of the Whole In-Camera sessions prior to the adjournment of the Board meeting.
2025 January 28  14.i TO strike “The Notice of Motion must be received by Board Services by 9:00 a.m. on the Thursday before the meeting” from Thames Valley District School Board Bylaw 6.8.4.
2025 January 28  14.i TO amend Thames Valley District School Board Bylaw 6.8.4 to address the contradiction.
2025 January 28  14.i THAT the Trustee Code of Conduct and Trustee Code of Conduct Enforcement process be approved by the Board.
2025 January 28  14.i THAT the Board direct the Chair of the Board of Trustees to investigate the shortlist of Integrity Commissioners provided by the Ontario Education Services Corporation (OESC) and provide the Board with information about their credentials and the cost of their service.
2025 January 28  14.d THAT the Board approve the Thames Valley District School Board’s roles and responsibilities for the draft memorandum of understanding (MOU) for the Secondary School Transit Pass Pilot Program with the City of London and the London Transit Commission
2025 January 28  14.c THAT the Chair of the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) write a letter to the Minister of Education copying other boards of education and the College of Teachers, expressing Thames Valley District School Board's SEAC concerns about University teacher pre-service programs. The letter will include a request to require all University teacher pre-service programs to include mandatory training on special education, including detailed understanding of all exceptionalities and their characteristics, effective development and implementation of Individual Education Plans (IEP), the Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC process) and effective instructional and assessment methods AND THAT the letter is shared with the Board of Trustees for endorsement by the Board.

THAT the Chair of the Board, in cooperation with the Chair of the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC), write a letter to the Minister of Education copying other boards of education and the College of Teachers, expressing Thames Valley District School Board's SEAC concerns about University teacher pre-service programs. The letter will include a request to require all University teacher pre-service programs to include mandatory training on special education, including detailed understanding of all exceptionalities and their characteristics, effective development and implementation of Individual Education Plans (IEP), the Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC process) and effective instructional and assessment methods
2025 January 14  6 THAT Administration cease the preparation of the education development charges background study and not consider the passage of education development charge bylaws across the TVDSB’s jurisdiction in Middlesex, Elgin and St. Thomas, Oxford, and London at this time;


THAT Administration inform municipalities, the Ministry of Education, and development and building industry members across the district.
2024 Board Motions
2024 Dec 10 13.d  THAT the Trustees’ business travel and supplies and services budget be reduced by $7,500. 
2024 Dec 10 Withdrawn  13.d  THAT funding in the amount of $43,800 be allocated to fund the guitar program at the three new Thames Valley District School Board schools
2024 Dec 10 Defeated 13.d THAT the motion, “THAT funding in the amount of $43,800 be allocated to fund the guitar program at the three new Thames Valley District School Board schools,” be deferred until the May Board meeting
2024 Dec 10  13.b THAT the adult Trustee PD funds be reduced to $2500 per Trustee for the 2024-2025 year; and THAT the remaining funds be reallocated to address the funding deficit. 
2024 Dec 10  12.a That the following individuals be appointed to the Naming Selection Committee for the naming of the New Belmont Public School:

Trustees Meagan Ruddock, Bruce Smith and Gina McGahey (voting); Shawn Morrison, Administrator (non-voting) Paul Sydor, Superintendent of Student Achievement for the area (non-voting); Kathryn Banman, Human Rights Policy Advisor (non-voting); and Starr McGahey-Albert, First Nations, Métis and Inuit Educator Advisor (non-voting) 
2024 Dec 10  12.a That the following individuals be appointed to the Naming Selection Committee for the naming of the New Southeast London Public School:

Trustees Lori-Ann Pizzolato, Sheri Polhill and Gina McGahey (voting); Terri Wilkins, School Administrator (non-voting); Jeff Beynon, Superintendent of Student Achievement for the area (non-voting); Kathryn Banman, Human Rights Policy Advisor (non-voting); and Starr McGahey-Albert, First Nations, Métis and Inuit Educator Advisor (non-voting)

That the following individuals be appointed to the Naming Selection Committee for the naming of the New West London Public School:

Trustees Beth Mai, Sherri Moore and Gina McGahey (voting); Erin Alary, School Administrator (non-voting) Christine Giannacopoulos, Superintendent of Student Achievement for the area (non- voting); Kathryn Banman, Human Rights Policy Advisor (non-voting); and Starr McGahey-Albert, First Nations, Métis and Inuit Educator Advisor (non-voting)

That the following individuals be appointed to the Naming Selection Committee for the naming of the New Lucan Public School:

Trustees Arlene Morrell, Christian Sachs and Gina McGahey (voting); Beth Woodland, Administrator (non-voting) Andrew Canham, Superintendent of Student Achievement for the area (non-voting); Kathryn Banman, Human Rights Policy Advisor (non-voting); and Starr McGahey-Albert, First Nations, Métis and Inuit Educator Advisor (non-voting) 
2024 Dec 10  10.b THAT the Ontario Public School Board Association Trustee Code of Conduct for consideration by the Board be committed to the Board Governance and By-Law Review Committee for further review.
2024 Nov 26  16.h THAT the Committees of the Board and Community Representation 2024-2025 be approved. and

THAT the Committees of the Board and Community Representation 2024-2025 be posted on the Trustee section of the Thames Valley District School Board website following Board approval.
2024 Nov 26  16.h THAT the Board remove the Active and Safe Routes to School Committee from the committees of the board and community representation as of 2024-2025
2024 Nov 26  16.h THAT Trustee Moore be appointed to the Award of Distinction Committee as the OPSBA representative.
2024 Nov 26  16.h THAT Trustee Moore be appointed as the voting member for OPSBA.
2024 Nov 26  16.f THAT the Board commit the Attendance Areas for Students Policy (4012) and Procedure (4012a) to the Policy Working Committee Workplan.
2024 Nov 26  16.f THAT the Board approve the 2025-2026 Budget Guiding Principles and Assumptions. 
2024 Nov 26  16.f THAT Administration proceed with the East Central London Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review and establish an Attendance Area Review Committee for the purpose of obtaining public feedback regarding the accommodation options included in the Initial Attendance Area Review Report.
2024 Nov 26   16.f TO amend the motion previously adopted on June 28, 2022:

“THAT Sir Arthur Currie PS students going into grade 8 in the first year of operation of the New Northwest PS be provided with the option to continue attending Sir Arthur Currie PS with transportation until graduation. That on a case by-case basis, for familiesthat apply by February 1st of the year of opening of the new Northwest School, the board will consider Out of Area Exemption Requests (Procedure 4012a) for students within the boundary of the new Northwest PS currently attending Sir Arthur Currie PS without transportation as well as those at St. George’s to Old North PS":

TO strike "as well as those at St. George’s to Old North PS."
2024 Nov 26  16.f TO amend the motion previously adopted on June 28, 2022:

“THAT the attendance areas for the Downtown London Focus Area, forming part of the City of London Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review, be approved as shown in Appendix L, with the boundary changes between Aberdeen PS and St. George’s PS taking effect in the 2023-2024 school year and the boundary changes between Old North PS and St. George’s PS taking effect in September of the year of opening of the approved new Northwest London elementary school":

TO strike "and the boundary changes between Old North PS and St. George’s PS taking effect in September of the year of opening of the approved new Northwest London elementary school."
2024 Nov 26   16.e  THAT the Board of Trustees approve the Director of Education Performance Appraisal Policy (2031).
2024 Nov 26
 16.a THAT the Board of Trustees adopt the Ontario Public School Board's Association Trustee Code of Conduct.
2024 November 19    8 THAT the following persons be appointed bank signing officers on behalf of the Board for the period November 19, 2024 to November 18, 2025:Beth Mai, Chair of the BoardDavid Cripps, Vice Chair of the BoardBill Tucker, Interim Director of Education Cathy Lynd, Superintendent of Business and Treasurer.
2024 October 22   19  THAT the Policy Working Committee, working with the Student Advisory Council, review the Student Trustees of the Board Policy (2010) and make recommendations to the Board. 
2024 October 22 15.f  THAT a phased process to end the purchase and sale of single-use water bottles on all TVDSB properties where it doesn’t impact student well-being begin in January 2025 with clear and consistent communication and education about single-use plastic bottles be prioritized.
2024 October 22   15.f THAT Administration proceed with the Adelaide Metcalfe and Strathroy-Caradoc Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review and establish an Attendance Area Review Committee for the purpose of obtaining public feedback regarding the accommodation options included in the Initial Attendance Area Review Report. 
2024 October 22   15.f THAT Administration proceed with the Southeast London Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review and establish an Attendance Area Review Committee for the purpose of obtaining public feedback regarding the accommodation options included in the Initial Attendance Area Review Report. 
2024 October 22   15.c THAT the membership to Ontario Student Trustee's Association-l'Association des élèves conseillers et conseillères de l'Ontario in the amount of $9,651.33 be paid for the 2024-2025 school year.
2024 October 22  14.a.3  THAT the Board approve the Naming Selection Committee’s recommendation that the new North Woodstock Public School be named Turtle Island Public School based on the first-choice naming preference of respondents. 
2024 October 22  14.a.2  THAT the Board approve the Naming Selection Committee’s recommendation that the new Southwest London Public School be named White Pine Public School based on the first-choice naming preference of respondents. 
2024 October 22   14.a.1  THAT the Board approve the Naming Selection Committee’s recommendation that the new Northwest London Public School be named Northwest Public School based on the first-choice naming preference of respondents. 
2024 October 22  9 THAT the Chair's Valedictory Address (Board-1) be included as an appendix to the minutes
2024 Sept. 24  16.g THAT Board Governance and Bylaw Review Committee be directed to review, for alignment with legislation, the following statement in the bylaws and report back to the Board: “Inappropriate communications or social media posts will be subject to review by Chair’s Committee. Trustees may be subject to feedback, warning, or discipline, as recommended by the Chair’s Committee to the Board under the current Trustee Code of Conduct procedures found in the Bylaws.” - Guidelines for Trustee Communications, 6.0 Inappropriate Communications 
2024 Sept. 24  16.g  THAT the membership to the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association be paid in the amount of $165,261.37 for TVDSB to continue receiving financial and organizational benefits
2024 Sept. 24  16.g  THAT the proposed revisions regarding mentor appointments for Student Trustees, and payment of board related expenses be included in the draft Terms of Reference and that the draft Terms of Reference be approved by the Board of Trustees. 
2024 Sept. 24 16.d THAT the revised Thames Valley District School Board Governing Bylaws and Appendices be approved. 
2024 Sept. 24 Defeated  16.f  THAT the Expense Reimbursement Trustee Policy (1005) be approved. 
2024 Sept. 24  16.f THAT the School Council Policy (3016) be approved. 
2024 Sept. 24  16.f That a conversation around community engagement as it relates to the Multi-Year Strategic Plan be committed to Planning and Priorities Advisory Committee. 
2024 Sept. 24 16.c Commit to Board Governance and Bylaw Review Committee a review of the practice where staff prepare committee meeting reports for Board packages and bring recommendations to the Board no later than the December 2024 Board meeting
2024 Sept. 24  16.c That beginning immediately, the board to revert to the practice where staff prepare committee meeting reports for Board packages. 
2024 Sept. 24  11 THAT Gina McGahey shall be appointed as the First Nations Trustee, to the Thames Valley District School Board for the term ending 2026 November 14.
2024 Sept. 10   9  THAT a policy for the Capping of Schools be developed and prioritized by the Policy Working Committee
2024 Sept. 10   8 THAT the 2024 September 24 regular board meeting of the TVDSB be held at the Oxford County Council chambers located at 21 Reeve Street in Woodstock, Ontario.
2024 Sept. 10  7  THAT TVDSB’s business case submissions to the Ministry of Education’s 2024-2025 Capital Priorities Program be ranked as follows: 1.New Southwest London Elementary School 2.New Thamesford Elementary School 3.New Ingersoll Elementary School 4.Addition to West Nissouri PS 5.New North-Central London Elementary School; AND THAT Administration submit all the necessary supporting materials to the Ministry of Education’s Capital Priorities Program, including Appendix B to the September 10, 2024 Capital Priorities Program report; AND THAT the Chair and Director be authorized to execute construction and user agreements with the Township of Zorra for the new Thamesford Elementary School.
2024 Sept. 10  6  THAT the amendments to the Trustee Code of Conduct be returned to the Board with a recommendation no later than the December Board meeting.
2024 Sept. 10   6  THAT the work to amend the Trustee Code of Conduct be committed to the Board Governance and Bylaw Review Committee.
2024 June 25 17.d  That the projected 2024-2025 deficit for compliance purposes of $(7,581,113), be funded from the August 31, 2024 accumulated surplus through the following appropriations: Unappropriated Accumulated Surplus (7,273,586) Other Operating Appropriations (28,181) Future Amortization of Internally Supported Capital Projects (2,041,847) Items excluded from Compliance 1,762,501 Operating Deficit for Compliance Purposes (7,581,113) Accumulated Surplus Unavailable for Compliance (7,707,629) Operating Deficit (15,288,742)
2024 June 25  17.d  That the 2024-2025 revenue budget of $1,181,828,552 and the 2024-2025 expense budget of $1,197,088,294 be approved.
2024 June 25  17.d THAT all professional development opportunities, travel, and catered events must be reviewed to ensure cost effectiveness and alignment with TVDSB's strategic plan. Expenses must be saved where possible by considering location, transportation, and catering efficiencies as required.
2024 June 25 Withdrawn 17.d  THAT all professional development opportunities, travel, and catered events must be reviewed to ensure cost effectiveness and alignment with TVDSB's strategic plan. Expenses must be saved where possible by considering location, transportation, and catering efficiencies as required.
2024 June 25  17.c THAT the Financial Recovery Plan 2023-2024 to 2026-2027 be approved and submitted to the Ministry of Education.
2024 June 25   17.b  THAT the 2024-2025 Special Education Plan be approved by the Board of Trustees.
2024 June 25  16.l  THAT the motions at the in-camera session of 2024 June 25 related to negotiations, property, and personnel matters be approved.
2024 June 25  16.j  THAT the Director of Education's Performance Appraisal Committee's Terms of Reference be approved.
2024 June 25   16.i THAT the Policy Working Committee (PWC) Terms of Reference be approved
2024 June 25  16.i THAT the Board of Trustees approve the Student Dress Policy (New).
2024 June 25  16.h  THAT the Audit Committee Terms of Reference be approved.
2024 June 25   16.h  THAT the Board approve the external auditor's 2024 Audit Service Plan.
2024 June 25 Defeated  16.g THAT the renaming of schools be suspended for the 2024-2025 school year excluding Lord Elgin Public School, Montcalm Secondary School and George-Etienne Cartier.
2024 June 25 Defeated  16.g THAT the Chair of the Board write a letter to the federal government and Council of Ministers of Education and Treasurer of Secretariat and Minister of Finance regarding concerns with funding of CPP/EI to school boards in Ontario through the provincial government
2024 June 25 Defeated  16.g  THAT no food be provided from TVDSB funds for any internal/staff meeting that is less than 4 hours for the 2024-2025 school year.
2024 June 25 Defeated  16.g  THAT no food be provided from TVDSB funds for committee meetings.
2024 June 25 Defeated  16.g THAT the Director of Education reviews and adjusts the professional development budgets for 2024-2025 to align with the contractual obligation amounts
2024 June 25 Defeated  16.g  THAT $57,000 be decreased in the Staff Development line under Trustees for the 2024-2025 budget.
2024 June 25 Defeated  16.g THAT $50,000 be decreased in the Staff Development line under Director and Supervisory Officer for the 2024-2025 budget
2024 June 25   16.g  THAT a Special Board or PAPA meeting for the budget be held on 2025 June 3. THAT a Special Board or PAPA meeting for the budget be held on 2025 June 17
2024 June 25   16.g THAT students from the attendance area for Delaware Central PS and Parkview PS as shown in Appendix A, who are currently enrolled at Delaware Central PS (up to and not exceeding enrolment 2024, not including those enrolled at Parkview PS through enrolment capping) be provided an out-of-area exemption to attend Delaware Central PS, should they indicate an exemption, without transportation. 
2024 June 25   16.g  THAT the attendance areas for Delaware Central PS and Parkview PS as shown in Appendix A to the May 14, 2024, report titled "Middlesex Elementary Attendance Area Review - Final Attendance Area Review Report" be approved and that this take effect for September 2025; and THAT students who will be in Grade 8 in the year of implementation of the attendance area change and their siblings at Delaware Central PS be provided with the "legacy agreement option" to remain at their current school, with transportation (if eligible), for the duration of the school year of implementation.
2024 June 25   16.g THAT Administration proceed with the Oxford South Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review and establish an Attendance Area Review Committee for the purpose of obtaining public feedback regarding the accommodation options included in the initial Attendance Area Review Report.
2024 June 25   16.g THAT the Planning and Priorities Advisory Committee Terms of Reference be approved.
2024 June 25   16.f  THAT the Program and School Services Advisory Committee Terms of Reference be approved.
2024 June 25  16.d THAT professional development funding be made available to support Trustee Antone's attendance at the Canadian School Boards' Association Conference and the Indigenous Trustee Council meeting.
2024 June 25   16.d  THAT the language in the mandates for the Planning and Priorities Advisory Committee and the Program and School Services Advisory Committee align to start with "The committee is established to receive and provide information and collaborative advice, and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees on matters pertaining to" AND end with "in alignment with the Education Act and other applicable legislation, relevant Thames Valley District School Board policies and procedures, and the Multi-Year Strategic Plan." AND THAT staff review all Terms of Reference for redundancy and alignment with other Terms of Reference and update as housekeeping.
2024 June 25  16.d  THAT the Negotiations Advisory Committee be disbanded with their responsibilities transferred to the Committee of the Whole.
2024 June 25  16.c  THAT the Multi-Year Strategic Plan (MYSP) goals and outcomes be approved
2024 June 25   16.b  THAT the Thames Valley District School Board Governing Bylaws and Appendices be committed back to the Board Governance and Bylaw Review Committee
2024 June 25   16.b  THAT the Board Governance and Bylaw Review Committee Terms of Reference be approved.
2024 June 25   16.a  THAT the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) Terms of Reference be approved. 
2024 June 25  16.a  THAT the Chair of the Board in collaboration with the Chair of the SEAC write a letter to the Minister of Education supporting the immediate filling of vacancies within the Minister's Advisory Council on Special Education (MACSE).
2024 June 25   15 THAT Trustee David Cripps be appointed as mentor to the incoming County Student Trustee for the 2024- 2025 school year. THAT Trustee Lori-Ann Pizzolato be appointed as mentor to the incoming London Student Trustee for the 2024-2025 school year. 
2024 June 25   14 THAT a Special Board meeting for Board elections be held on 2024 November 19. THAT the December Regular Board meeting be held on 2024 December 10.
2024 May 28   19 THAT the Chair of the Board write a letter in collaboration with the Student Trustees to the Minister of Education requesting that any funding allocated to TVDSB through the new National School Food Program be enveloped with distribution prioritized for the school communities with the most need by 2024 June 21 
2024 May 28  15.f THAT the Chair write a letter to the City of London's Planning and Environment Committee to request the following: • that the City review policy content as it relates to, but not limited to, the availability of land set aside for a school block and the time the land is held for school board purchase • that school site sizes within new developments be determined in consultation with Thames Valley District School Board
2024 May 28  15.f THAT a new holding zone, known as the Powell Uplands Holding Zone, as shown in Appendix A to the May 14, 2024, report titled "Establishment of Powell Uplands Holding Zone", be created within the attendance area of Centennial Central PS and that K-8 students from the holding zone attend Evelyn Harrison PS commencing September 2024 until permanent accommodations are available. 
2024 May 28 Consent Agenda  15.a  THAT Trustee Ruddock be appointed to the Facility Fee Schedule Committee. 
2024 May 28 Consent Agenda  15.a  THAT Trustees Morell, Smith, Mai and Larsen be appointed to the Director’s Performance Appraisal (DPA) Committee. 
2024 May 28  14.a.4 THAT Heritage Public School, North Woodstock Public School, and Turtle Island Public School be provided in the School Community Poll for the new North Woodstock Public School.
2024 May 28  14.a.3  THAT Southwest Public School and White Pines Public School be provided in the School Community Poll for the new Southwest London Public School. 
2024 May 28  14.a.2  THAT Northwest Public School, Waagosh Gitigan Public School, and White Trillium Public School be provided in the School Community Poll for the new Northwest London Public School. 
2024 May 28  14.a.1 THAT the Board approve the Naming Selection Committee’s recommendation that the current name of Lord Roberts French Immersion Public School be renamed Woodfield French Immersion Public School based on the first-choice naming preference of respondents. 
2024 May 28 Defeated 12.b  THAT the Board of Trustees be presented the following data regarding school safety: 1. total safe school incident reports (SSIRs) submitted in 2022 and 2023 (covering the same time period, e.g. Sept-June) 2. total number of students these (SSIRs) represent, year by year, by panel
2024 May 28 Withdrawn 12.b  THAT a cellphone/personal device policy be developed encompassing students and employees. 
2024 May 28 Defeated 12.b  THAT administration provides with a monthly in-camera report on absences and vacancy data. The data should be measurable, broken down by role, location, and reason for absence/vacancy where possible. 
2024 May 28  12.b  THAT administration provides a bi-annual progress update using report card data on the following: 1. Literacy, Math, and Science for grades 1-8 2. English, Math, and Science for grades 9-12 3. Technology for grades 9-10 4. Highlight any gains 5. Highlight any challenges
2024 May 28  12.b  THAT the Chair write a letter to the Ministry of Education requesting a report around feasibility of year-round schooling for elementary students
2024 May 28 Defeated 12.b  THAT administration provides a report about the feasibility of year-round school for elementary students. 
2024 May 28 Defeated 12.b  THAT administration provides a report about the feasibility of adding specialist high skills major programs to the criteria for eligibility for transportation. 
2024 April 23 Postponed   19 THAT the Board of Trustees be presented the following data regarding school safety: 1. total safe school incident reports (SSIRs) submitted in 2022 and 2023 (covering the same time period, e.g. Sept-June) 2. total number of students these (SSIRs) represent, year by year, by panel 3. total number of suspension and expulsions that occurred while at school or at a school-related activity, year by year, by panel, and category of suspension 4. total number of violent incidents as defined by PPM No. 120, that occurred on school premises during school-run programs 5. total number of suspensions by duration (i.e. # days suspended) overall, year by year, by panel 6. number of times a student was issued a suspension during the school year (e.g. once,2-3 times, more than 3), by panel, year by year 7. number of suspensions for students with special education needs overall, by panel, year by year 
2024 April 23    16 THAT the board establish a statutory committee in accordance with O. Reg 83/24: Director of Education Performance Appraisal; and THAT the membership be referred to Chair’s Committee for recommendation; and THAT the Director’s Performance Appraisal Committee provide its draft Terms of Reference to the board no later than the June Regular Board meeting. 
2024 April 23 Concent Agenda   15.j THAT Trustee Antone be reappointed to the Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee.
2024 April 23    15.i  THAT the Board sever the existing Banking Bylaws from the Thames Valley District School Board (TVDSB) Bylaws, thereby, adopting a new standalone Banking Bylaws document.
2024 April 23   15.d   THAT the Multi-Year Strategic Plan for 2024-2028 be approved.
2024 April 23 Concent Agenda   15.b   THAT the Twinning/De-twinning of Schools Policy (4014) be rescinded.
2024 April 23 Concent Agenda   15.b   THAT the Wage Loss Replacement Plan Policy (3005) be rescinded.
 2024 April 23    15.a  THAT the attendance areas for Hickson Central PS, Innerkip Central PS, Blenheim District PS, Northdale PS, and Central PS as shown in Appendix A to the March 19, 2024 Final Attendance Area Review Report for the Oxford North Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review be approved and that this take effect for the date of opening of the new north Woodstock elementary school;

THAT the attendance area for the new north Woodstock elementary school as shown in Appendix A to the March 19, 2024 Final Attendance Area Review Report for the Oxford North Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review be approved and that this take effect for the date of opening of the school;

THAT the North Woodstock Holding Zones be dissolved for the date of opening of the new north Woodstock elementary school;

THAT students who will be in Grade 8 in the year of implementation of the attendance area changes and their siblings at Zorra Highland Park PS, Hickson Central PS, Innerkip Central PS, Blenheim District PS, and Central PS be provided with the “legacy agreement option” to remain at their current school, with transportation (if eligible) for the duration of the school year of implementation only; and

THAT current students and their siblings residing within that portion of the Northdale PS attendance area designated to Central PS be provided with the “legacy agreement option” to remain at Northdale PS and that this take effect for the date of opening of the new north Woodstock elementary school.
 2024 April 23    14.a THAT the Board of Trustees approve the Naming Selection Committee's following recommendations for the renaming of Lord Roberts French Immersion Public School for the School Community Poll.
Lord Roberts French Immersion Public School Names Rationale provided Centre-Ville French Immersion Public School Centre-Ville means downtown in French and as the school is located in the downtown area, it is an accurate description of where the school is within the city of London. The French use of downtown demonstrates that it is a French Immersion school. Falcon French Immersion Public School The peregrine falcon has a presence in the school geographical area. It is often characterized as graceful, loyal and a problem solver. Woodfield French Immersion Public School The school is located in the Woodfield area which is a designated heritage district
 2024 March 26   6 TO establish a process of using a consent agenda (for regular Board meetings) that would include items that are routine in nature and do not require discussion
2024 March 26 Postponed to 2024 April 23 Board Meeting WITHDRAWN   19  THAT new credit summer courses be included in calculations for Honour Roll.
2024 March 26 Postponed to 2024 April 23 Board Meeting WITHDRAWN   19 THAT administration provides a report to the Program and School Services Advisory Committee about the Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) program containing the following information:

a. the number of students who register for the SHSM at each school
b. the number of students who graduate with the SHSM seal on their diploma
c. report where there can be another program added to the school
d. report the challenges with growth/interest at each school 
2024 March 26 Postponed to 2024 April 23 Board Meeting   19

THAT the motion be postponed until 2024 May.

THAT administration provides a report to the Planning and Priorities Advisory Committee about the feasibility of adding specialized programs to the criteria for eligibility for transportation.

THAT administration provides a report to the Planning and Priorities Advisory Committee about the feasibility of year-round school for elementary students.

THAT administration provides a bi-annual progress update using report card data to the Program and School Services Advisory Committee on the following:

a. Literacy, Math, and Science for grades K-8
b. English, Math, and Science for grades 9-12
c. Technology for grades 9-10
d. Highlight any gainsHighlight any challenges with an improvement plan

2024 March 26  16.a That one of the OPSBA directors be appointed to the Award of Distinction Committee in addition to the appointed Trustee.
2024 March 26  16.a Beginning in the 2024-2025 academic year, the OPSBA awards be adjudicated by the Award of Distinction Committee.
2024 March 26  15.g THAT the Board of Trustees approve the Southwestern Ontario Transportation Services (STS) Service Agreement for 2024-2025
2024 March 26 Consent Agenda  15.b THAT Trustees Sachs, Cripps and Polhill be appointed as the representatives for the Discipline Committee and Trustees Antone, Pizzolato and Mai be appointed as the alternates.
2024 March 26 Consent Agenda  15.b THAT staff resources be provided to develop resources for Local Government Week for elementary and secondary students in collaboration with Trustees.
2024 March 26 Consent Agenda  15.b That Trustee Hopkins be appointed as an alternate to the Accessibility Working Group for the term ending November 2024.
2024 March 26 Consent Agenda  15.b

THAT the timelines around public input submissions in the bylaws be reviewed by the Board Governance and Bylaw Review Committee
2024 March 26 Consent Agenda  14.b That the following individuals be appointed to the Selection Committee for the naming of the new north Woodstock Public School
  • Trustees Dave Cripps, Leanne Hopkins and Carol Antone (voting);
  • Trish Tomico, School Administrator (non-voting)
  • Sheila Powell, Superintendent of Student Achievement for the area (non-voting);
  • Andrea Marlowe, Human Rights Policy Advisor (non-voting); and
  • Starr McGahey-Albert, First Nations, Métis and Inuit Educator Advisor (non-voting) 
2024 March 26 Consent Agenda  14.b That the following individuals be appointed to the Selection Committee for the naming of the new southwest London Public School
  • Trustees Beth Mai, Sherri Moore and Carol Antone (voting);
  • Jamie Hicks, School Administrator (non-voting)
  • Christine Giannacopoulos, Superintendent of Student Achievement for the area (non-voting);
  • Andrea Marlowe, Human Rights Policy Advisor (non-voting); and
  • Starr McGahey-Albert, First Nations, Métis and Inuit Educator Advisor (non-voting)
2024 March 26 Consent Agenda  14.b That the following individuals be appointed to the Selection Committee for the naming of the new northwest London Public School
  • Trustees Beth Mai, Sherri Moore and Carol Antone (voting);
  • Ryan Nowell, School Administrator (non-voting)
  • Purveen Skinner, Superintendent of Student Achievement for the area (non-voting);
  • Andrea Marlowe, Human Rights Policy Advisor (non-voting); and
  • Starr McGahey-Albert, First Nations, Métis and Inuit Educator Advisor (non-voting) 
2024 March 26 Consent Agenda  14.a That the following individuals be appointed to the Selection Committee for the renaming of Lord Roberts French Immersion P.S.
  • Trustees Beth Mai, Sherri Moore, and Carol Antone (voting);
  • Ann-Marie Daharu, School Administrator (non-voting)
  • Lynne Griffith-Jones, Superintendent of Student Achievement for the area (non-voting);
  • Andrea Marlowe, Human Rights Policy Advisor (non-voting); and
  • Starr McGahey-Albert, First Nations, Métis and Inuit Educator Advisor (non-voting)
2024 March 26  12.b THAT Trustee governance relating to oversight of the French Immersion program be committed to a future Program and School Services Advisory Committee meeting for discussion.
2024 March 26   12.b  THAT all registered secondary school students as of March 31, 2025 remain at the school at which they are registered, with transportation (if eligible).

THAT siblings of all registered secondary school students as of March 31, 2025 have the option to register at the same school, with transportation (if eligible), until the registered secondary school student (as of March 31, 2025) graduates. Siblings enrolled at the same secondary school as registered secondary school students (as of March 31, 2025) will continue to be eligible to attend that school until graduation, without transportation. Siblings who have not yet entered secondary school by the time that registered secondary school students (as of March 31, 2025) graduate would be required to attend their new designated school.

THAT a French Immersion program be established at Clarke Road SS commencing in September 2025,

THAT Princess Anne FI PS, currently designated as a French Immersion elementary school feeder to Sir Wilfrid Laurier SS, be designated as a French Immersion elementary school feeder to Clarke Road SS commencing in September 2025, and

THAT Louise Arbour FI PS, currently designated as a French Immersion elementary school feeder to Sir Frederick Banting SS, be designated as a French Immersion elementary school feeder to Sir Frederick Banting SS and Clarke Road SS commencing in September 2025, with the following geographic boundary split: students from the City of London portion of the Louise Arbour FI PS attendance area residing west of Richmond Street and students from the County of Middlesex portion of the Louise Arbour FI PS attendance area are designated to Sir Frederick Banting SS for French Immersion; and the balance of the Louise Arbour FI PS attendance area is designated to Clarke Road SS for French Immersion.

THAT London Central SS continue accepting out of area students, as space permits.

THAT those portions of the Clara Brenton PS attendance area currently designated to Sir Frederick Banting SS be designated to Oakridge SS commencing in September 2025.

THAT those portions of the Summerside PS attendance area currently designated to Lord Dorchester SS be designated to Clarke Road SS commencing in September 2025.

THAT Arthur Ford PS, Sir Isaac Brock PS, and that portion of the W. Sherwood Fox PS attendance area located north of Viscount Road, currently designated as elementary school feeders to Saunders SS, be designated as elementary school feeders to Westminster SS commencing in September 2025, and

THAT Ashley Oaks, Rick Hansen, and White Oaks public schools, currently designated as elementary school feeders to Westminster SS, be designated as elementary school feeders to Sir Wilfrid Laurier SS commencing in September 2025.
2024 March 26  11.b

THAT course availability in secondary schools be committed to a future Program and School Services Advisory meeting for discussion.

2024 February 27   19 THAT the Director of Education create and present a preliminary implementation plan for tracking initial and continued eligibility of students for transportation services to Tech Emphasis and French Programming to a Planning and Priorities Advisory Committee meeting.
2024 February 27 WITHDRAWN   19  THAT the Transportation Policy 1002 be reviewed with criteria considerations given to transportation eligibility for secondary students participating in Tech Emphasis and French Programming.
2024 February 27   19 THAT the Chair write a letter to Minister Lecce in support of TVDSB students, emphasizing the importance of menstrual equity and the urgent need for continued provincial supply of menstrual products in TVDSB schools and that the Student Trustees join the Chair in signing the letter.
2024 February 27   15.f THAT the Indigenous Task Force be extended for 1 year and present a final report to the Board of Trustees by 2025 February.
2024 February 27 CONSENT AGENDA   15.e THAT the Board of Trustees approve the Naming of Schools Policy (2016) 
2024 February 27 CONSENT AGENDA   15.e THAT the Board of Trustees rescind the Use of Board’s Courier Services by Outside Groups Policy (2002). 
2024 February 27 CONSENT AGENDA   15.d That the Board submit a delegation request to provide public input on the pilot to the City of London and City of St. Thomas City Councils. That the Chair write a letter on behalf of the Board of Trustees requesting Province of Ontario Education Funding for one or more of the recommended pilot projects to Minister Lecce’s office 
2024 February 27 CONSENT AGENDA   15.d That the Chair write a letter on behalf of the Board of Trustees to engage the City of St. Thomas council in discussion regarding a Memorandum of Understanding. The Memorandum of Understanding will detail the logistics of a two-year pilot in collaboration with TVDSB and the Railway City Transit to provide students entering grade nine at a TVDSB St Thomas high school a free bus pass effective 2024 September and grant writing associated to fulfill the cost of the pilot. The letter will be shared on the TVDSB website 
2024 February 27 CONSENT AGENDA   15.d That the Chair write a letter on behalf of the Board of Trustees to engage the City of London council in discussion regarding a Memorandum of Understanding. The Memorandum of Understanding will detail the logistics of a two-year pilot in collaboration with TVDSB and the London Transit Commission to provide students entering grade nine at Clarke Road Secondary School a free bus pass effective 2024 September and grant writing associated to fulfill the cost of the pilot. The letter will be shared on the TVDSB website. 
2024 February 27 Postponed to 2024 March 26 Board Meeting   15.d  THAT all registered secondary school students as of March 31, 2025 remain at the school at which they are registered, with transportation (if eligible).

THAT siblings of all registered secondary school students as of March 31, 2025 have the option to register at the same school, with transportation (if eligible), Date Adopted Motion No. Motion Information

THAT Cleardale PS, currently designated as an elementary school feeder to London South CI and Sir Wilfrid Laurier SS, be designated as an elementary school feeder to Westminster SS commencing in September 2025.

THAT those portions of the Jack Chambers PS attendance area currently designated to Medway HS be designated to A.B. Lucas SS commencing in September 2025, and

THAT Cedar Hollow PS, currently designated as an elementary school feeder to A.B. Lucas SS and Medway HS, be designated as an elementary school feeder to Montcalm SS commencing in September 2025.

THAT those portions of the Sir Arthur Currie PS attendance area currently designated to A.B. Lucas SS be designated to Sir Frederick Banting SS commencing in September 2025.

THAT the attendance area of the new Northwest London elementary school be designated to Sir Frederick Banting SS for the year of opening of the new Northwest London elementary school and that students residing in the holding zone within this new attendance area continue to be designated to Sir Frederick Banting SS until the opening of the new Northwest London elementary school.

THAT the attendance area of the new West London elementary school be designated to Oakridge SS for the year of opening of the new West London elementary school and that students residing in holding zones within this new attendance area continue to be designated to Saunders SS until the opening of the new West London elementary school.

THAT the attendance area of the new Southwest London elementary school be designated to Saunders SS for the year of opening of the new Southwest London elementary school and that students residing in holding zones within this new attendance area continue to be designated to their current designated secondary schools until the opening of the new Southwest London elementary school, specifically that Southwest London Holding (west of Bostwick Road) at White Oaks PS, Talbot Village Holding at W. Sherwood Fox PS, and Bostwick Holding at Sir Isaac Brock PS and Victoria PS continue to be designated to Saunders SS until the opening of the new Southwest London elementary school and Colonel Talbot Holding at Rick Hansen PS continue to be designated to Westminster SS until the opening of the new Southwest London elementary school. THAT the Sunningdale North Holding Zone at Old North PS be designated to London Central SS commencing in September 2025

THAT the Holding Zone at Westminster SS be dissolved, and this area be designated to Saunders SS commencing in September 2025.

THAT all other attendance areas remain status quo, including maintaining split secondary school attendance areas for the new Belmont elementary school and West Nissouri PS. 
2024 February 27 CONSENT AGENDA   15.a THAT the deadline to bring the final MYSP to the Board of Trustees be extended to 2024 April 23. 
2024 February 27   14.a THAT the Board of Trustees approve the 2024-2025 School Year Calendars (Elementary and Secondary) prior to submission to the Ministry of Education.
2024 January 30 CONSENT AGENDA   15.g  THAT the following schools be approved for potential facility collaborations: North Middlesex DHS Glencoe DHS Ingersoll DCI Springfield PS Arthur Voaden SS West Elgin SS
2024 January 30 CONSENT AGENDA   15.g  THAT a new holding zone (North Central London Holding) be established within the attendance area of Centennial Central PS (City of London File No. 39T-09501) and that all K-8 students from the holding zone attend Jack Chambers PS commencing in September 2024 until permanent accommodations are available; and
2024 January 30 CONSENT AGENDA   15.g THAT a new holding zone (West London Holding) be established within the attendance area of Eagle Heights PS (City of London File No. 39T-21505) and that all K8 students from the holding zone attend Knollwood Park PS commencing in September 2024 until permanent accommodations are available;
2024 January 30 CONSENT AGENDA  15.g THAT a new holding zone (McCormick Holding) be established within the attendance area of East Carling PS (City of London File No. SPA 23-074, 39T-21508) and that all K-8 students from the holding zone attend Prince Charles PS commencing in September 2024 until permanent accommodations are available;
2024 January 30 CONSENT AGENDA   15.g THAT the Byron Holding, currently accommodated at Byron Somerset PS, be amended and that new K-8 families within these holding zones be accommodated at Byron Southwood PS commencing in September 2024 until permanent accommodations are available;
2024 January 30    15.d  THAT TVDSB proceed with the renaming process of Lord Roberts French Immersion Public School.
2024 January 30 CONSENT AGENDA   15.d THAT the Chair write a letter to the Ministry requesting that the universal early screener for reading become mandatory and that a reading-specific mark be included on elementary report cards.
2024 January 30 ADOPTED AS AMENDED   15.c  THAT the Trustee Leave of Absence Policy (new) be adopted.
2024 January 30 WITHDRAWN   12.b THAT the Trustee Pregnancy and Parental Leave Policy (New) be adopted.
2024 January 30 CONSENT AGENDA   15.c  THAT the Student Admissions-International/Out of Province/Student Exchange Policy (1003) be adopted.
2024 January 30 CONSENT AGENDA   15.b  THAT the revised Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee Terms of Reference be adopted.
2024 January 30    15.a  THAT the Board Chair's Report identified in appendix 1 be committee to the Board Governance and Bylaw Review Committee for review and report back to the Board of Trustees 
2024 January 30 CONSENT AGENDA   15.a  THAT Trustee Larsen be appointed as the alternate to the Award of Distinction Committee for the remainder of the term ending November 2024.

THAT Trustee Pizzolato be appointed as the alternate to the Environmental Committee for the remainder of the term ending November 2024.

THAT Trustee Moore be appointed as the alternate to the Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee for the remainder of the term ending November 2024.
2024 January 30 DEFEATED    14.a

THAT TVDSB pilot a new program for community policing in schools with London Police Services. 

2023 Board Motions

Date Adopted 

Motion No. 

Motion Information 
2023 November 28 WITHDRAWN   26

That the following motion adopted at the 2023 April 25 Board meeting be AMENDED:
That the TVDSB collaborates with the Oxford County Library, County of Oxford and Township of Zorra develop a memorandum of understanding to facilitate the exploration of the following multiservice co-builds in Zorra Township:

A new elementary school/recreation complex in the community of Thamesford.

A community space and/or shared public/school library at AJ Baker in Zorra.

A review and exploration of multi-use shared spaces at Zorra Highland Park PS in the event of recommended expansion, consolidation or closure of schools in North Oxford County.

The exploration should include community access, student safety, associated risk management, and development of plans to support shared opportunities and arrangements for maintenance, upkeep and asset management.

and if the motion is adopted;

THAT upon the successful development of a project, the Board consider extending additional invitations to facilitate collaborative community use arrangements to all willing and viable partners

2023 November 28   22.m THAT Elizabeth Clancy be appointed as a member at large representative to SEAC for the term ending November 2026. 
2023 November 28   22.m THAT Jessica Blake be appointed as LHSC’s alternate on SEAC for the term ending in November 2026. 
2023 November 28   22.m THAT Carol Fortnum be appointed as LHSC’s representative on SEAC for the term ending in November 2026. 
2023 November 28   22.m THAT Tracy Leckie be appointed as Association for Bright Children’s representative on SEAC for the term ending November 2026
2023 November 28   22.m THAT the motions approved at the in-camera session of the 2023 November 28, regarding property & personnel be approved
2023 November 28 CONSENT AGENDA   22.l THAT the Committee of the Board and Community Representation 2023-2024 be posted on the Trustee section of the TVDSB website following Board approval.
2023 November 28 CONSENT AGENDA   22.l THAT the Committee of the Board and Community Representation 2023-2024 be approved. 
2023 November 28 CONSENT AGENDA   22.l THAT Trustee Moore be designated as the voting member for OPSBA. 
2023 November 28 CONSENT AGENDA   22.k THAT the Audit Committee recommend to the Board that the 2022-2023 Audited Financial Statements be approved. 
2023 November 28 CONSENT AGENDA   22.k THAT the Audit Committee recommend to the Board that the 2022-2023 internal appropriations of accumulated surplus in the amount of $(15,096,503) for the TVDSB and $(112,447) for the Thames Valley Education Foundation (as outlined in Chart1) be approved. 
2023 November 28 POSTPONED   22.e THAT the Trustee Pregnancy and Parental Leave Policy (New) be deferred to the next Regular Board meeting. 
2023 November 28    22.c for the following motion: 2023 November 28 22.c THAT the Chair’s Committee develop an action plan to review and create committee mandates and terms of reference.

The action plan will include:
• Clear timelines;
• The assignment of action items to committee chairs;
• Resources for developing terms of references specific to each committee;
• Statements that ensure the obligations of the board are met through the mandates and terms of references of the committees;
• Direction to identify gaps in their mandates and terms of reference; and
• Evaluations to conduct committee effectiveness.

The results of the action plan will be presented to the Board on 2024 May 28
2023 November 28 CONSENT AGENDA (amendment adopted)   22.c THAT the Board amend the amendment by substituting the pending motion: THAT the Board, through Chairs Committee, develop a timeline to do the following: 1. Review and update committee mandates. 2. Identify resources for developing Terms of Reference specific to each committee. 3. Ensure that the obligations of the board are described through the mandates and Terms of Reference of committees. AND THAT updated mandates and a list of identified resources be shared with the board within ____ days. 
2023 November 28 CONSENT AGENDA   22.a  THAT the Chair of the Board inquire about the status of the Indigenous Board Action Plan funding details on the next call with the Minister of Education and report back to the committee
2023 November 28    18 THAT the Special Program Bus Transportation be addressed as an agenda item at a future Planning and Priorties Advisory Committee meeting. 
2023 November 7   6.a THAT the agenda was approved as amended with the removal of item #4 from the consent agenda. 
2023 October 24 Consent Agenda   18.a THAT Cathy Kechego be appointed to the First Nations Advisory Committee as a representative of the Chippewas of the Thames First Nation.
2023 October 24    16.k THAT the Audit Selection Ad Hoc Committee be disbanded. 
2023 October 24    16.k THAT Alex Matos be appointed to the Audit Committee for a three-year term and; THAT Ken Cannon be appointed to the Audit Committee for a two-year term. 
2023 October 24   16.k  THAT Mike Serwatuk may be appointed as the Vanier Children’s Mental Wellness representative to SEAC for the term ending November 2026 and; THAT Krista Robinson may be appointed as the Vanier Children’s Mental Wellness alternative representative to SEAC for the term ending November 2026. 
2023 October 24   16.k THAT Alison Morse may be appointed as the Easter Seals Ontario representative to SEAC for the term ending November 2026.
2023 October 24   16.j  THAT the motion on the floor be committed to the Chair's Committee for review
2023 October 24   16.g THAT the 2023 December 12 Regular Board meeting be cancelled.
2023 October 24    16.i THAT Administration proceed with the Middlesex Elementary Attendance Area Review and establish an Attendance Area Review Committee for the purpose of obtaining public feedback regarding the accommodation option included in the Initial Attendance Area Review Report. 
2023 October 24   16.i THAT students at Lester B. Pearson School for the Arts attend their In-Area secondary school, based on their home address, as per Board policy 4012. 
2023 October 24 Consent Agenda   16.d  THAT the Chair write a letter on behalf of the board, as representatives of the community, to the Minister of Education and associated Ministries. The letter will express concern over the increased responsibility of the school board to address student mental health concerns while resources for community organizations have simultaneously decreased. 
2023 October 24   12 THAT Chair Pizzolato's Valedicatory Address be spread across the minutes. 
2023 October 24    6.a THAT the agenda was approved as amended with the removal of item #4 from the consent agenda. 
2023 September 26   19.a THAT staff prepare a report by November 2024 on the feasibility of banning the sale and purchase of single use plastic water bottles on all TVDSB properties. 
2023 September 26  17.a THAT Bette Summers, Alizabeth George-Antone and Joel Kennedy be appointed to the First Nations Advisory Committee as a representative of the Oneida Nation of the Thames.
2023 September 26  15.g That the recommendation approved at the in-camera session of the 2023 September 26 regarding legal matters be approved.
2023 September 26  15.g  THAT Carmen Pecican be appointed as the representative to SEAC for Autism Ontario for the remainder of the term ending 2026 November 30 and;
THAT Caroline Nicolle be appointed as the alternate to SEAC for Autism Ontario for the remainder of the term ending 2026 November 30.
2023 September 26   15.f THAT the membership to the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association will be paid in the amount of $157, 854.22 and;
THAT the membership to OSTA AECO be paid in the amount of $7,636.74 be paid for the 2023-2024 school year and;
THAT Trustee Osbourne be appointed to the policy working advisory committee for the term ending 2023.
2023 September 26   14.a  THAT the Chair write a letter to the Minister of Education to make the Minister and his office aware of the challenges to respond to directives by school boards, the system, and educators based on the timing and communication of decisions and timelines for implementation, particularly as it pertains to capital planning submissions for 2023-2024, the release of Grants for Student Needs, and curriculum updates and implementation timelines.
2023 September 26  14.a THAT the Chair write a letter to TVDSB’s co-terminus boards to explore partnerships in planning joint submissions for cobuilds.
2023 September 26   14.a  THAT the Chair write a letter to the City of London Mayor and Council requesting a review of the City’s timelines for reserving land for schools in new developments
2023 September 26   14.a THAT TVDSB’s business case submissions to the Ministry of Education’s 2023-24 Capital Priorities Program be ranked as follows:
a. New West London Elementary School
b. New Lucan Elementary School
c. New Southeast London Elementary School
d. New Southwest London Elementary School
e. New Ingersoll Elementary School
f. New Thamesford Elementary School
g. Addition to West Nissouri PS
h. New North-Central London Elementary School and
THAT Administration submit all the necessary supporting materials to the Ministry of Education’s Capital Priorities Program, including Appendix B to the September 26, 2023 Capital Priorities Program report
2023 June 27  20.a THAT a feasibility report be conducted to determine TVDSB's ability to host a minimum of 1 Regular Board meeting per Trustee term, offsite in each of Elgin County, Middlesex, Oxford County, and in the communities of Oneida Nation of the Thames, Chippewas of the Thames First Nation and Munsee-Delaware Nation on a rotating schedule
2023 June 27  20  THAT the Chair write a letter to the municipalities/councils of East Zorra, Tavistock, Zorra, Woodstock, and the County of Oxford requesting they send written correspondence to the Ministry of Education and MPP Hardeman in support of an immediate approval of revised construction plans of the new north Woodstock school to accommodate capacity issues from school community growth since the submission of the original plan.
2023 June 27  18.b  That the Board of Trustees approve the individuals listed below as new members of the Thames Valley Parent Involvement Committee, as of September 1, 2023. The TVPIC Nomination Sub-Committee has recommended the following individuals following an application and review process.

Harpreet Turner – City of London (Wards 1, 11, 12, 14) – 2YR
Ashley Billideau – City of London (Wards 1, 11, 12, 14) – 1YR
Teresa Lopez – City of London (Wards 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) – 1YR
Christa Sheridan – City of London (Wards 7, 8, 9, 10, 13) – 2YR Heather Snow – Elgin County – 1YR
Deborah Sanders – Oxford County – 1YR
Devinder Luthra – Community Member – 1YR
2023 June 27  18.a  THAT Steve Styers be appointed to the First Nations Advisory Committee as a representative of the Chippewas of the Thames First Nation. 
2023 June 27  16.h  THAT the Indigenous Task Force be extended and present a final report to the Board no later than 2024 February 28.
2023 June 27  16.f THAT Trustee Antone be reinstated as a member of the First Nations Advisory Committee, the Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee and the Board Governance and Bylaw Review Committee. 
2023 June 27  16.f THAT the request to provide a joint statement regarding the letters relevant to rising mental health crises and food insecurity facing children and youth in Ontario be presented to the Board of Trustees (Chairs-2), and that the Chair write a letter in support of those concerns to Minister Lecce and Parsa.
2023 June 27  16.f THAT the 2023-2024 Board Advisory meeting schedule be approved (Chairs-1)
2023 June 27  16.e That the PWC recommends to the Board that the Field Trips and Excursion Policy (#5008) be approved and the Procedure (#5008a) be provided for information. 
2023 June 27  16.a  THAT in response to the updated engagement and workplan developed by Overlap and Associates, an extension of the terms of reference be granted to be no later than February 2024 adaptable, respective of collective bargaining. 
2023 June 27  15.b  THAT the London Secondary Attendance Area Review Report, June 27, 2023, be committed to Planning and Priorities Advisory Committee. AND THAT Administration take feedback received from trustees at the Planning and Priorities Advisory Committee meeting with the goal of creating alternative solutions to address enrolment imbalances across secondary schools and report back to the board. 
2023 June 27 Withdrawn 14.b  THAT should Administration choose to eliminate the special education classroom (full-time) placement for students with a learning disability, Administration provides a report to SEAC and to the Board of Trustees that provides evidence that TVDSB students do not have a need for a special education classroom (full-time) placement at the elementary level and that the placement can therefore be eliminated AND THAT this report shall be provided to the board in advance of consideration of approval of the 2024-2025 Special Education Plan and no later than the May 2024 Regular Board Meeting. 
2023 June 27  14.b THAT the TVDSB Board of Trustees approve the updated Thames Valley District School Board "TVDSB" Special Education Plan 2023-2024. THAT the word "typically" be inserted before phrases in Standard 9 of the Special Education Plan that read "has documented evidence of Tier 1 and 2 interventions" AND THAT the Special Education Classroom (Full-Time) placement remain in the Special Education Plan for 2023-2024 
2023 June 27  14.a  THAT SEAC recommends to the Board of Trustees to write a letter to the Ministry of Education regarding chronic shortfalls in provincial funding for special education. 
2023 June 20 6.c THAT the Board write a letter to the Ministry of Education to indicate that the provincial allocations through the GSNs are insufficient to meet operational needs, specifically in the areas of replacement staff for absences, temporary student accommodations, Educational Assistant wages, special education funding, statutory benefits, and IT infrastructure and devices
2023 June 20 6.c

That whereas the Ministry requires the 2023-2024 in-year deficit elimination plan be approved, the expenses will be addressed by August 31, 2026 through the following measures:

Expenses that do not continue in 2024-2025:
Support for the Student Information System transition $1.1 m
Increased Elementary Student Supervision Staffing $1.1 m
Safe Schools Funded Long-Term Occasional Staffing $1.0 m
Anti-Black and Anti-Islamophobia Strategies $0.2 m
$3.2 m

Expense reductions to be implemented by August 31, 2026
Absence Costs requiring review of processes and procedures $3.3 m

2023 June 20  6.c That the projected 2023-2024 deficit for compliance purposes of $(6,677,590), be funded from the August 31, 2023 accumulated surplus through the following appropriations:

Unappropriated Accumulated Surplus (3,927,894)
IT Technology and Infrastructure (1,149,465)
Other Operating Appropriations (2,118,774)
Future Amortization of Internally Supported Capital Projects (1,144,790)
Items excluded from Compliance 1,663,333
Operating Deficit for Compliance Purposes (6,677,590)
Accumulated Surplus Unavailable for Compliance (4,140,898)
Operating Deficit (10,818,488)

2023 June 20 6.c

That the 2023-2024 revenue budget of $1,124,612,781 and the 2023-2024 expense budget of
$1,135,431,269 be approved.

2023 June 20 6.b.1  WITHDRAWN (no seconder) THAT $100,000 be allocated to the hiring of a second Graduation Coach for Black students. 
2023 June 20 6.b.1 THAT the Board receive a report outlining the cost of providing the SawStop tool, or a comparable safety tool, to secondary schools and to identify schools that might be in greatest need of a replacement of existing table saws. 
2023 June 20 Withdrawn 6.b.1 THAT $100,000 be allocated for the purpose of replacing table saws with SawStop technology saws in Thames Valley schools.
2023 June 20 6.b THAT TVDSB allocates funding to reduce caseloads to improve ratio of student-to-professional staff (Speech and Language and Psychology) to improve delivery of services, including assessments as part of the 2023-2024 budget discussion. 
2023 June 20 6.b THAT there be a permanent increase from 9 to 11 full time positions on the behavioural analyst team, with preference given to hiring Board Certified Behaviour Analysts (BCBA).
2023 June 20 6.b THAT the motion index be updated to include all motions since the board amalgamation in 1998 be deferred until the budget process
2023 June 20 5 THAT students entering Grade 8 in September 2024 and their siblings who reside within the Mitchell Hepburn PS attendance area as of March 31, 2024, and designated to Forest Park PS be provided with the “legacy agreement option” to remain at Mitchell Hepburn PS for the 2024-2025 school year, with transportation (if eligible).
2023 June 20 5 THAT students entering Grade 8 in September 2024 and their siblings who reside within the Southeast St. Thomas Holding Zone as of March 31, 2024, and designated to Mitchell Hepburn PS be provided with the “legacy agreement option” to remain at Kettle Creek PS for the 2024-2025 school year, with transportation (if eligible); and 
2023 June 20  5 THAT the attendance area for Forest Park PS, as shown in Appendix A to the May 9, 2023 Final Attendance Area Review Report for the City of St. Thomas Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review be approved and that this takes effect commencing in the 2024-2025 school year
2023 June 20  5 THAT the attendance area for Mitchell Hepburn PS, as shown in Appendix A to the May 9, 2023 Final Attendance Area Review Report for the City of St. Thomas Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review be approved and that this takes effect commencing in the 2024-2025 school year
2023 June 20  5 THAT the Southeast St. Thomas Holding Zone be dissolved and that students be permanently accommodated at Mitchell Hepburn PS commencing in the 2024-2025 school year
2023 June 20 Deferred by staff to 2023 December 5 THAT the Northwest St. Thomas holding zones designate K-8 students to attend Elgin Court PS and John Wise PS until permanent accommodations are available, with the geographic delineation of holding schools to be determined by Administration upon the submission of development applications;
2023 June 20 Deferred by staff to 2023 December 5 THAT holding zones be established in Northwest St. Thomas within the attendance area of Southwold PS for land shown in Appendix A to the May 9, 2023 Final Attendance Area Review Report for the City of St. Thomas Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review and known as Area 1 in the 2020 Positioned for Growth Study for the City of St. Thomas
2023 May 30  7.c

THAT the following recommendation be severed from the report:
THAT Lester B. Pearson School for the Arts be formally designated as a feeder school to London Central SS and that students continue to have the option to attend their home school.
And THAT Administration provide a report, by the end of October 2023, on Secondary school options for Lester B. Pearson School for the Arts.

2023 May 23  Defeated 18.a THAT the decision of the Board of Trustees on the Final London Secondary Attendance Area Review Report be extended to the October 2023 Board meeting. 
2023 May 23  Postponed 18.a THAT a feasibility report be conducted to determine TVDSB's ability to host 1 Regular Board meeting per Trustee term, offsite in Elgin County, Middlesex and Oxford County on a rotating schedule. 
2023 May 23 18 THAT funding for a full-time permanent Policy Advisor/Writer to support writing and updating policies and procedures, be included as part of the 2023-2024 budget considerations
2023 May 23 14.g THAT the 2023 June 13 Planning and Priorities Advisory committee meeting be cancelled and the Chair schedule a Special Board meeting in its place.
2023 May 23 14.e THAT the Board of Trustees submission to the Ministry of Education regarding Bill 98 be made public by posting to website under Trustee Correspondence. 
2023 May 23 14.d THAT the Terms of Reference be updated to change the deadline for the approval of the Multi-year Strategic plan by the Board from 2023 October 24 to 2023 November 28. 
2023 May 23  Ministry 14.c THAT recognizing the 2023 May 15 compliance deadline, the current Trustee Code of Conduct be re-affirmed, while the Committee continues to work on revising the current Trustee Code of Conduct.
2023 May 23   14.b

FNAC recommends the adoption of:
THAT the Director present a report no later than November 30th, 2023 on:
The gradual implementation plan for the First Nations, Métis and Inuit Studies course English: Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices, Grade 11 to become the compulsory Grade 11 University, College, and Workplace English credit in all TVDSB secondary schools to commence the 2024/2025 academic year; and
The exploration of how to embed Indigenous Education into the Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Programs; and

The introduction of mandatory Indigenous professional development for teachers with a focus on Indigenous education and reconciliation. CARRIED

2023 May 23  Postponed to 2023 June 20 Special Board meeting. 14.a

SEAC recommends the adoption of:
THAT TVDSB allocates funding to reduce caseloads to improve ratio of student-to-professional staff (Speech and Language and Psychology) to improve delivery of services, including assessments as part of the 2023-2024 budget discussion.

2023 May 23  Postponed to 2023 June 20 Special Board meeting. 14.a

SEAC recommends the adoption of:
THAT there be a permanent increase from 9 to 11 full time positions on the behavioural analyst team, with preference given to hiring Board Certified Behaviour Analysts (BCBA). Postponed to 2023 June 20 Special Board meeting.

2023 April 25 DEFEATED 18 THAT agenda item #13.b Renaming of Sir John A. Macdonald Public School be reconsidered.
2023 April 25 18 THAT the motion be postponed. (THAT the decision of the Board of Trustees on the Final London Secondary Attendance Area Review Report be extended to the October 2023 Board meeting.**referred to this motion)
2023 April 25 POSTPONED 18 THAT the decision of the Board of Trustees on the Final London Secondary Attendance Area Review Report be extended to the October 2023 Board meeting.
2023 April 25 POSTPONED 18 THAT a feasibility report be conducted to determine TVDSB’s ability to host 1 Regular Board meeting per Trustee term, offsite in Elgin County, Middlesex, and Oxford County on a rotating schedule. 
2023 April 25 18

THAT TVDSB collaborates with the Oxford County Library, County of Oxford and Township of Zorra to develop a memorandum of understanding to facilitate the exploration of the following multiservice co-builds in Zorra Township:
A new elementary school/recreation complex in the community of Thamesford.
A community space and/or shared public/school library at AJ Baker in Zorra.
A review and exploration of multi-use shared spaces at Zorra Highland Park PS in the event of recommended expansion, consolidation or closure of schools in North Oxford County.
The exploration should include community access, student safety, associated risk management, and development of plans to support shared opportunities and arrangements for maintenance, upkeep and asset management.
and if the motion is adopted;
THAT upon the successful development of a project, the Board consider extending additional invitations to facilitate collaborative community use arrangements to all willing and viable partners within the TVDSB community.

2023 April 25 14.k THAT Paul Cook be appointed as Inclusion Action Ontario’s representative on SEAC for the remainder of the 2022-2026 membership term. 
2023 April 25 14.k THAT Carol Fortnum be appointed as Vanier’s alternate representative on SEAC for the remainder of the 2022-2026 membership term. 
2023 April 25 14.k THAT Darlene Wierski-Devoe be appointed as Vanier’s representative on SEAC for the remainder of the 2022-2026 membership term. 
2023 April 25 14.i THAT Trustee S. Moore be appointed as a Mentor to the incoming Student Trustees.
2023 April 25 14.i THAT committee agenda packages are posted to the public facing website the same day that Board members receive it.
2023 April 25 14.i THAT the 2022/2023 Board/Advisory meeting schedule be approved. (Chairs-1)
2023 April 25 14.i THAT the 2023 May 9 Planning and Priorities Advisory Committee Meeting be changed to a Special Board Meeting
2023 April 25 14.h THAT Administration proceed with the Oxford North Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review and establish an Attendance Area Review Committee for the purpose of obtaining public feedback regarding the accommodation options included in the Initial Attendance Area Review Report. 
2023 April 25 14.h THAT the Southwestern Ontario Transportation Services (STS) Service Agreement for 2023-2024 be approved. 
2023 April 25 AS AMENDED FROM 2023 JAN. 31 14.f THAT Administration proceed with the City of London Secondary Panel Attendance Area Review and establish an Attendance Area Review Committee for the purpose of obtaining public feedback regarding the accommodation options included in the Initial Attendance Area Review Report. 
2023 April 25  AS AMENDED FROM 2023 JAN. 31 14.f TO remove "that includes B. Davison Secondary School" from the 2023 January 31 motion.
2023 April 25 14.f To develop a fulsome proposal to create a learning centre for secondary school students and adult learners that offers a flexible and personalized learning experience to be presented to the Board of trustees by the December 2023 Board meeting. This proposal includes relocating the current adult, alternative, and continuing education students and programming from G.A Wheable school to B. Davison Secondary School. 
2023 April 25 14.d.1 THAT the original scope document for the gifted program review, developed in collaboration with SEAC in 2022, be posted for a minimum of 8 weeks to receive bids that include an itemized costing of elements of the scope and that bids received be presented to the Board of Trustees for consideration.
2023 April 25  DEFEATED 13.b THAT the Board approve the Selection Committee’s recommendation that the current name of Sir John A. Macdonald Public School be renamed Carling Heights Public School based on the first-choice naming preference of respondents. 
2023 March 28  17 THAT the Chair of the Board sends correspondence thanking all individuals or groups that provide unsolicited public input to the Board of Trustees.  The correspondence may outline any actions the Board has taken or intends to take, where applicable, to address the input. 
2023 March 28 13.e THAT a New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP) presentation be provided to the Board of Trustees.
2023 March 28 12.c THAT the Board approve the Selection Committee’s recommendation that the current name of F.D. Roosevelt Public School be renamed Forest City Public School based on the first-choice naming preference of respondents. 
2023 March 28  12.b THAT the Director initiate the process to consider the passage of education development charge by-laws across the TVDSB’s jurisdiction in Middlesex, Elgin and St. Thomas, Oxford, and London, including public consultation. 
2023 February 28 18 THAT the motion index includes two additional columns (in progress/completed and primary responsibility) to track the status of all Board approved motions since 2022 January 1.
2023 February 28 18 THAT a recorded vote be completed.
2023 February 28 18 THAT a report exploring the feasibility of partnering with the Cities of London, Woodstock and St. Thomas and all coterminous boards to provide, at no personal cost, municipal bus passes for secondary school students; and ongoing updates be provided to the Planning and Priorities Advisory Committee with a final report to the committee no later than February 2024. 
2023 February 28  14.j THAT the Chair release a public statement outlining our obligation and commitment to human rights in line with all Ontario Human Rights legislation, and expressing our condemnation of the increasing levels of harassment, discrimination and violence targeted at education leaders in the performance of human rights work.
2023 February 28 14.j THAT the motions at the In-Camera session of 2023 February 28 related to personnel matters be approved.
2023 February 28 14.i THAT the Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee Terms of Reference be approved as amended. (SPAC-1)
2023 February 28 14.g THAT the Directors Performance Review Appraisal be added to the Policy Working tracker.
2023 February 28 14.g THAT the Director of Education Performance Appraisal Policy (#2031) be approved as amended.
2023 February 28 14.f THAT the Board of Trustees approve the funding for the new position, Data and Analytics Administrator.
2023 February 28 DEFEATED 14.e AND that trustees shall be reimbursed for mileage reimbursement claims relating to the aforementioned activities retroactive to November 15, 2022.
2023 February 28 14.e AND that, until revisions to the Expense Reimbursement – Trustee Policy are approved by the Board of Trustees, trustees shall be reimbursed for mileage relating to travel to and from board and committee meetings and authorized activities as follows: school visits, travel relating to attendance area reviews, board-sanctioned events, or any other activity a trustee is authorized to attend in their official capacity as trustee.
2023 February 28 14.e THAT the board commit the motion regarding revisions to the Trustee Reimbursement Policy to the Policy Working Committee, to consider the proposed revisions reflecting TVDSB’s specific financial commitments to trustees conducting business in their role as board members.
2023 February 28 COMMITTED 14.e THAT housekeeping revisions to the Expense Reimbursement - Trustees Policy include references to the Education Act 191.2 ((1) through to 191.2(6)) and 191.3, 2009 B6 Memo, Trustee Expenditure Guidelines, and the Broader Public Sector (BPS) Expenses Directive and that Trustees are reimbursed for legitimate expenses such as (graduations, school visits, Board and school community sanctioned events related to Board business), be approved. (PWC-2)
2023 February 28 14.e THAT the Electronic Meetings Policy #2004 be approved. (PWC-1)
2023 February 28  14.a THAT the Board approves up to $150,000 to engage the services of a third-party vendor to support Trustees with the review and development of the Multi-year Strategic Plan and to support the cost of community consultation.
2023 February 28 11.b THAT all new K-8 families residing in the Belmont Elementary School attendance area portion of the former Westminster Central Public School boundary be designated to attend Nicholas Wilson Public School commencing in the 2023-2024 school year and until the opening of the new Belmont Elementary School.
2023 February 28 11.b THAT all new elementary school families residing within the South Dorchester Public School attendance area be designated to attend Springfield Public School for Grades JK-6 and South Dorchester Public School for Grades 7-8 commencing in the 2023-2024 school year and until the opening of the new Belmont Elementary School.
2023 January 31 14.j THAT The Board of Trustees approve the selection committee recommendations for the renaming of Sir John A. MacDonald Public School and F.D. Roosevelt Public School be approved and reported in the public minutes of the January 31, 2023 Board meeting.
2023 January 31 14.g THAT Trustees Hopkins, Morell, Smith, Mai, Sachs, Cripps, Osbourne, Pizzolato, Antone and Larsen and Student Trustee Saran be appointed to the Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee.
2023 January 31 14.e THAT the Chair write a letter in consultation and collaboration with the Trustees of Elgin to the Ministry of Education for clarification on the previous direction given when the funding for a new Southeast S. Thomas School was denied, as well as a request for an exemption or allowance to the current moratorium in an attempt to mitigate displacement and disruption of families and cohorts possibly impacting student well-being and success.
2023 January 31 14.e TO insert "that includes B. Davison Secondary School" following Attendance Area Review.
2023 January 31 14.e THAT Administration proceed with the City of London Secondary Panel Attendance Area Review that includes B. Davison Secondary School and establish an Attendance Area Review Committee for the purpose of obtaining public feedback regarding the accommodation options included in the Initial Attendance Area Review Report.
2023 January 31 13.g THAT a new holding zone (Sunningdale Court Holding), as shown in Appendix A to the December 13, 2022 report, be established within the attendance area of Masonville Public School and that K-8 students from the holding zone attend Jack Chambers Public School commencing February 1, 2023 until permanent accommodations are available.
2023 January 31 Deferred 13.f THAT all new K-8 families residing in the Belmont elementary school attendance area portion of the former Westminster Central Public School boundary be designated to attend Nicholas Wilson Public School commencing in the 2023-2024 school year and until the opening of the new Belmont elementary school.
2023 January 31 Deferred 13.f THAT all new elementary school families residing within the South Dorchester Public School attendance area be designated to attend Springfield Public School for grades JK-6 and South Dorchester Public School for grades 7-8 commencing in the 2023-2024 school year and until the opening of the new Belmont elementary school.
2023 January 31 13.f THAT all new K-8 families residing within that portion of the Hickson Central Public School attendance area located within the City of Woodstock be designated to attend Zorra Highland Park PS commencing in the 2023-2024 school year and until the opening of the new north Woodstock elementary school.
2023 January 31 13.f THAT a recorded vote be completed.
2023 January 31 13.d WHEREAS Thames Valley District School Board (“TVDSB”) has a need to acquire a site in its jurisdiction for an elementary school in the area of Belmont;
AND WHEREAS the TVDSB has determined, after investigation, that there is a site for an elementary school within the village of Belmont, Municipality of Central Elgin, County of Elgin;
AND WHEREAS the TVDSB has identified such site having the following legal description as a suitable site for an elementary school:
Part of Lot 2, Concession 7, designated as Part 1, Plan 33R-21332, Municipality of Central Elgin, County of Elgin being Part of PIN 08195-0282 (LT) (the “Belmont School Site”);
AND WHEREAS the TVDSB approved an Application for Approval to Expropriate Land pursuant to a resolution dated 30 August 2022 in relation to the Belmont School Site;
AND WHEREAS Notice of Application for Approval to Expropriate Land was published in the local newspaper the Aylmer Express on 19 October 2022, 26 October 2022, and 2 November 2022, and published in the local newspaper The London Free Press on 20 October 2022, 27 October 2022, and 3 November 2022;
AND WHEREAS Notice of Application for Approval to Expropriate Land was served upon the registered owners of the Belmont School Site;
AND WHEREAS there were no requests for an inquiry to determine whether the taking is fair, sound and reasonably necessary in the achievement of the objectives of the expropriating authority;
AND WHEREAS the TVDSB has been unable to reach an agreement with the owners to acquire the Belmont School Site;
AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 195(1) of the Education Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.2, as amended (the “Education Act”), a school board may expropriate a school site that is within its area of jurisdiction;
AND WHEREAS the TVDSB has satisfied the requirements of Section 195(1.1) of the Education Act;
AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 4(1) of the Expropriations Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.E.26, as amended (the “Expropriations Act”), an expropriating authority shall not expropriate land without the approval of the approving authority;
AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 5(1)(b) of the Expropriations Act where an elected school board expropriates land, the approving authority shall be the school board;
AND WHEREAS the TVDSB has the right to conduct the expropriation of the Belmont School Site in accordance with the Expropriations Act;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the TVDSB hereby approves the expropriation of the fee simple interest in the Belmont School Site for the purposes of acquiring in its jurisdiction an elementary school site on Manning Drive (known as Seventh Avenue) in Belmont and provides authority and direction to TVDSB Administration to take all steps necessary pursuant to the Expropriations Act to implement the expropriation;
THAT TVDSB Administration is hereby authorized to sign and execute the Certificate of Approval and all other notices and documents which are necessary to carry out the provisions of this resolution;
THAT a Plan of Expropriation be prepared and registered in the proper land registry office with respect to the Belmont School Site to effect the expropriation of the Belmont School Site;
THAT a Notice of Expropriation be served upon the registered owners together with a copy of the Expropriation Plan and a Notice of Election relating to the date of assessment of compensation;
THAT an updated appraisal report estimating the market value of the Belmont School Site be obtained from an accredited appraiser; and
THAT an offer of an amount in full compensation for the registered owners’ interest in the Belmont School Site and immediate payment of 100% of the market value as estimated by the expropriating authority, all in accordance with s. 25 of the Expropriations Act, be served, together with a copy of the appraisal report on which the offer of compensation is based;
THAT a Notice of Possession be served requiring possession of the Belmont School Site at least three months after the date of service of the Notice;
THAT TVDSB is hereby authorized to enter and take possession of the Belmont School Site on the day permitted under the Expropriations Act, or pursuant to any Court Order thereunder, or pursuant to any agreement entered into between the relevant owners and TVDSB;
AND THAT TVDSB Administration and authorized agents are hereby otherwise authorized and directed to do all things required by the Expropriations Act and/or arising from the authorizations in this resolution.
 2023 January 31  13.c THAT the ‘Thames Valley District School Board - Response to the Special Education Plan 2022-2023 Minority Reports’ be shared with the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) for use by its subcommittee when reviewing the TVDSB Special Education Plan 2023-2024.
 2023 January 31  13.b  That the 2023-2024 School Year Calendars, as presented, be submitted to the Ministry of Education for approval.
2022 Board Motions

Date Adopted 

Motion No. 

Motion Information 
2022 December 20  18 THAT an ad hoc committee be established by the board for the purpose of developing a new strategic plan. Recommendations will be presented to the board through a final report no later than the October 24th, 2023, Board meeting. THAT membership of the ad hoc committee shall be extended to all trustees.

THAT the committee will hold its first meeting no later than January 2023 and will meet one or more times each month as required to fulfill its mandate.
THAT the first report will be provided at the February 2023 regular board meeting and will include the terms of reference for the committee which shall include:
• Meeting dates and times
• Membership
• Restatement of mandate
• Resources required
• Reporting mechanism
• Scope
THAT the committee will use Multi-Year Strategic Planning: A Guide For School Board Trustees (2017) as the primary and governing source document.
THAT the committee will provide a report at each regular board meeting.

2022 December 20 14.i THAT the 2023 January 24 Regular Board and Committee of the Whole In-Camera meetings be rescheduled to 2023 January 31. 
2022 December 20  14.f

THAT all new K-8 families, effective January 1st, 2023, residing within the Summerside PS attendance area be designated to attend John P. Robarts PS until permanent accommodations become available in Southeast London.                     

THAT the Sunningdale Court Report and all supporting material be posted for public input for up to 30 days not exceeding the seven calendar days before the January Board meeting, promoted through push communications including social media, and posted to the public input web page.                                                                                                                            THAT the Enrolment capping at Hickson PS, and South Dorchester Public School 2023-2024 report and all supporting material be posted for public input for up to 30 days not exceeding the seven calendar days before the January Board meeting, promoted through push communications including social media, and posted to the public input web page.   

2022 December 20 14.d THAT funding be approved up to $2500 for a professional development session on Board Communication that will be held for Trustees in 2023 January. 
2022 December 20 14.c THAT SEAC be provided with professional assessment wait times and make recommendations to the Board on budgeting implications, if required.
2022 December 20 13.d

THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Selection Committee for the renaming of Sir John A. Macdonald P.S. Trustees Marianne Larsen, Leroy Osbourne, and Carol Antone (voting);
Greg Lavoie, School Administrator (non-voting)
Lynne Griffith-Jones, Superintendent for the area (non-voting);
Andrea Marlowe, Human Rights Policy Advisor (non-voting); and Starr McGahey-Albert, Indigenous Education Lead (non-voting) THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Selection Committee for the renaming of F.D. Roosevelt P.S.
Trustees Marianne Larsen, Leroy Osbourne, and Carol Antone (voting);
Barb McAllister, School Administrator (non-voting)
Lynne Griffith-Jones, Superintendent for the area (non-voting);
Andrea Marlowe, Human Rights Policy Advisor (non-voting); and Starr McGahey-Albert, Indigenous Education Lead (non-voting)

2022 December 20 13.c THAT the Board of Trustees approve the allocation of .33 FTE (two lines) Student Success Teacher (SST) to B. Davison Secondary School.
2022 December 20  11.B.2 THAT TVDSB engage with its community regarding the names of the twelve (12) schools recommended by the Review Committee, and that the Board receive information regarding community input by December 2024.
2022 November 29 14.b THAT the Audit Committee recommend to the Board that the 2021-2022 internal appropriations of accumulated surplus in the amount of $254,565 for the TVDSB and $292,543 for the Thames Valley Education Foundation (as outlined in Chart 1) be approved.                                                                                                                                                                                                                          THAT the Audit Committee recommend to the Board that the 2021-2022 Audited Financial Statements be approved. 
2022 November 29 14.a THAT Trustee Cripps be appointed to mentor Student Trustee Saran for the period ending 2023 August 1. 
2022 November 29 13.d THAT Administration proceed with the City of St. Thomas Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review and establish an Attendance Area Review Committee for the purpose of obtaining public feedback regarding the accommodation options included in the Initial Attendance Area Review Report including a grade reconfiguration option for school committees.
2022 November 29 13.c THAT Southeast St. Thomas Holding, currently being accommodated at Kettle Creek PS, be amended and that new K-8 families within this holding zone be accommodated at Mitchell Hepburn PS commencing January 1, 2023. 
2022 November 29 13.b THAT the Interim Accommodation for Summerside Public School Attendance Area report and the motion be committed to the Planning and Priorities Advisory Committee meeting on December 13th to include potential alternative considerations for student accommodation and discussion and report to the Board December 20, 2022.
2022 November 29 13.a

THAT Sir John A. MacDonald Public School be renamed.

THAT F.D. Roosevelt Public School be renamed.

THAT a financial implication report be produced on the renaming of a school and community consultation by December 20, 2022, Board meeting.

2022 November 22 10 THAT the appointment of Trustees to committee of the Board for 2022-2023, as outlined on the Committees of the Board Community Representation 2022-2023 be approved.
2022 November 15 8

THAT the following person be appointed bank signing officers on behalf of the Board for the period 2022 November 15 to 2023 November 30: Lori-Ann Pizzolato, Chair of the Board
Beth Mai, Vice-Chair of the Board
Mark Fisher, Director of Education and Secretary
Jeff Pratt, Associate Director, and Treasurer

2022 November 15


  • THAT Carol Antone shall be appointed as the First Nations Trustee, to the Thames Valley District School Board for the term ending 2026 November 14.
2022 October 25


  • THAT Chris Magowan be appointed as the representative for Autism Ontario West to the Special Education Advisory Committee for the term ending 2026 November 15. THAT Paul Cook be appointed as the alternate for Learning Disabilities Association of London Region to the Special Education Advisory Committee for the term ending 2026 November 15.
  • THAT Erin Moody be appointed as the representative for Association of Bright Children to the Special Education Advisory Committee for the term ending 2026 November 15.
  • THAT Tracy Leckie be appointed as the alternate for Association of Bright Children to the Special Education Advisory Committee for the term ending 2026 November 15. THAT Amanda Murray be appointed as the representative for Easter Seals Ontario to the Special Education Advisory Committee for the term ending 2026 November 15.
  • THAT Deborah Shore Reid be appointed as the representative for Learning Disabilities Association of London Region to the Special Education Advisory Committee for the term ending 2026 November 15. THAT Michele Barbeau be appointed as the representative for VOICE for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children to the Special Education Advisory Committee for the term ending 2026 November 15.
  • THAT Vicky Hlady Macdonald be appointed as the alternate for VOICE for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children to the Special Education Advisory Committee for the term ending 2026 November 15.
  • THAT Craig Reid be appointed as the additional member representative for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Network to the Special Education Advisory Committee for the term ending 2026 November 15.
  • THAT Tracy Grant be appointed as the additional member alternate for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Network to the Special Education Advisory Committee for the term ending 2026 November 15. THAT Judy Wright be appointed as the representative for Community Services Coordination Network to the Special Education Advisory Committee for the term ending 2026 November 15.
  • THAT Cassie Krygsman be appointed as the alternate for Community Services Coordination Network to the Special Education Advisory Committee for the term ending 2026 November 15.
  • THAT Paula Szabo be appointed as the additional member representative for Children’s Aid Society to the Special Education Advisory Committee for the term ending 2026 November 15.
  • THAT Mike Cvetkovich be appointed as the additional member alternate for Children’s Aid Society to the Special Education Advisory Committee for the term ending 2026 November 15.
  • THAT Suzanne Young be appointed as the additional member representative for London Autism and Disabilities to the Special Education Advisory Committee for the term ending 2026 November 15.
  • THAT Christina Devlin be appointed as the additional member alternate for London Autism and Disabilities to the Special Education Advisory Committee for the term ending 2026 November 15.
  • THAT Alden Charles be appointed as an individual representative to the Special Education Advisory Committee for the term ending 2026 November 15.
2022 October 25


  • THAT the revised motion index dating back to 2018 be made available to the public on TVDSB's website effective immediately including instructions about obtaining motions dated prior to 2018.
2022 October 25  18
  • THAT the motion index be updated to include all motions since the board amalgamation in 1998 be deferred until the budget process.
2022 October 25  14.a
  • THAT the Chair of the Board write a letter to the Minister of Education, supporting the 2023-24 Education Consultation process, which includes efficiency opportunities to improve/shorten the planning, construction and approval timelines of all capital construction projects.
2022 September 27  16A
  • THAT Betsy Kechego and Joette Lefebvre be appointed to the First Nations Advisory Committee as representatives of the Chippewas of the Thames.           
  • THAT Bette Summers, Joel Kennedy, Alizabeth George-Antone be appointed to the First Nations Advisory Committee as representatives of the Oneida Nation of the Thames.
2022 September 27  15.a.1
  • THAT TVDSB recommends to OPSBA to support an extension of holding electronic board meetings beyond the current expiration date of 2022 November 15.
  • THAT TVDSB recommend to OPBSA that the Ministry consult with the public on holding electronic board meetings
2022 September 27  14G
  • THAT the motions at the in-camera session of 2022 September 27 related to personnel matters be approved.
2022 September 27  14F
  • THAT the Committee Review Ad Hoc Committee be disbanded as of 2022 September 27
2022 September 27  14E
  • THAT the membership to the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association will be paid in the amount of $152,504.80.
2022 September 27  14D
  • THAT the work of the Board Governance Bylaw Review Committee's work on the draft Governing Bylaws be continued into the next term, of the new Board and report back on progress by the 2023 February 28 Regular Board meeting.
  • THAT up to $4000 be approved to fund the Parliamentarian to continue the work on the draft Governing Bylaws into the next Trustee term.  
2022 September 27  14B
  • THAT in accordance with the provisions of Reg 357/06 (Honoraria for Board Members), the TVDSB determine, that Trustee honoraria for a member, the Chair, and the Vice Chair for the term of office commencing 2022 November 15, shall be 100% of the base amounts, 100% of the enrolment amounts, and 100% of the attendance amount and 0% for the distance amount, payable for the year. 
2022 August 30  6
  • WHEREAS Thames Valley District School Board (the “TVDSB”) has a need to acquire a site in its jurisdiction for an elementary school in the area of Belmont; AND WHEREAS the TVDSB has determined, after investigation, that there is a site for an elementary school within the village of Belmont, Municipality of Central Elgin, County of Elgin;
  • AND WHEREAS the TVDSB has identified such site having the following legal description as a suitable site for an elementary school:
  • Part of Lot 2, Concession 7, designated as Part 1, Plan 33R-21332, Municipality of Central Elgin, County of Elgin being Part of PIN 08195-0282 (LT) (the “Belmont School Site”);
  • AND WHEREAS the TVDSB has been unable to purchase the Belmont School Site it requires and must, therefore, expropriate the Belmont School Site;
  • AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 195(1) of the Education Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.2, as amended (the “Education Act”), a school board may expropriate a school site that is within its area of jurisdiction;
  • AND WHEREAS the TVDSB has satisfied the requirements of Section 195(1.1) of the Education Act;
  • AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 4(1) of the Expropriations Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.E.26, as amended (the “Expropriations Act”), an expropriating authority shall not expropriate land without the approval of the approving authority;
  • AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 5(1)(b) of the Expropriations Act where an elected school board expropriates land, the approving authority shall be the school board;
  • AND WHEREAS the TVDSB has the right to conduct the expropriation of the Belmont School Site in accordance with the Expropriations Act;
  • THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the TVDSB initiate the process to expropriate all right, title and interest in and to the Belmont School Site;
  • THAT the TVDSB, as expropriating authority, apply to the TVDSB, as approving authority, for approval to expropriate the Belmont School Site;
  • THAT TVDSB Administration is hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the TVDSB, the Application for Approval to Expropriate Land Form 1, with respect to the Belmont School Site, substantially in the form attached hereto as Appendix “A”;
  • THAT TVDSB Administration is hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the TVDSB, a Notice of Application for Approval to Expropriate Land Form 2 with respect to the Belmont School Site, substantially in the form attached hereto as Appendix “B”, and that such Notice of Application for Approval to Expropriate Land be served and published, as required by the Expropriations Act;
  • THAT in the event a Hearing of Necessity is requested by an owner or registered owner and a report is issued, the report shall come before the TVDSB for consideration; and,
  • THAT TVDSB Administration is hereby authorized and directed for and in the name of the TVDSB to do all such other acts and things as may be necessary to give effect to this resolution and carry out all necessary administrative actions in respect of the expropriation of the Belmont School Site in accordance with the Expropriations Act.
2022 July 12  5
  • THAT a report be presented to Trustees by the October 2022 Board meeting on a plan to support current students at B. Davison Secondary School with fulsome programming before revised budget estimates and include detailed costing of Special Education funds.
2022 July 12  5
  • THAT a report on achievement data/success rates for students enrolled in locally developed programs and workplace programs in each of our secondary schools be prepared and presented to Trustees by January 2023. The report examines data such as: attendance data, report card data, credit attainment, accreditations earned, graduation rates/certification completion and any other relevant data and research.
  • THAT this report be referred to SEAC for recommendations before any action be taken on the report. 
2022 July 12  5

THAT a report will be presented by Administration to the Board of Trustees no later than September 2022 providing an update regarding the following motions from 2013 June 11:

  • THAT every effort be made to expand and enhance program offerings at B. Davison.
  • THAT a regular review of program offerings at both B. Davison and the Technology Emphasis Secondary Schools be undertaken to ensure that student needs and community future employment opportunities are being addressed.
  • THAT it be mandatory for detailed written information about technology Emphasis Secondary Schools and B. Davison as well as any other program offerings, as appropriate by the region, be sent to parent/guardians of Grade 7 and 8 elementary school students by November of each year.
  • THAT solicited public input in all forms be received by Trustees.
2022 June 28 14H
  • THAT the revised Board/Committee meeting schedule be approved.
  • THAT Trustees C. Antone, L. Pizzolato and L. Gonzalez be appointed as Mentors to the three incoming Student Trustees
2022 June 28 14E 
  • THAT the Audit Committee recommends to the Board of Trustees the Approval of the 2022 external audit service plan. 
2022 June 28 14D
  • THAT the Indigenous Task Force Terms of Reference be APPROVED.
  • THAT the Indigenous Task Force be extended and present a final report to the Board no later than 2023 June 27.
  • THAT funding in the amount of $3500 to seek consultation services from Community Advisors in the First Nations Communities be APPROVED.
2022 June 28 14C
  • THAT the Committee Review Ad Hoc Committee be supported with an extension and present a final report to the Board by September 2022.
  • THAT procedure 1007a Trustee Honoraria be committed to Administration and the Policy Working Committee to review section 1.3 Attendance Amount to reincorporate the attendance amount in the calculation of Trustee Honoraria.
2022 June 28 14A
  • THAT the Board of Trustees approve the following members and terms for the Thames Valley Parent Involvement Committee for 2022-2023:
  • Lori Martinez: Parent Member, City of London Wards 1, 11, 12, 14 (One Year Term)
  • Marianne Larsen: Parent Member, City of London Wards 1, 11, 12,14 (Two Year Term)
  • Kay Grant: Parent Member, City of London Wards 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (One Year Term)
  • Parveen Grewal: Parent Member, City of London Wards 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (Two Year Term)
  • Sutanuka Roy: Parent Member, City of London Wards 7, 8, 9, 10, 13 (One Year Term)
  • Kim Seguin: Parent Member, City of London Wards 7, 8, 9, 10, 13 (Two Year Term)
  • Jean Coles: Parent Member, Middlesex County (Two Year Term)
  • Kristin Knelsen: Parent Member, Elgin County (Two Year Term)
  • Sean Noon: Parent Member, Oxford County (Two Year Term)
  • Beverley Madigan: Community Member (One Year Term)
  • Devinder Luthra: Community Member (One Year Term)
  • Teresa Waley: Community Member, TVCHSA (One Year Term)
2022 June 28 13B
  • THAT the Chair write a letter to the Mayor and (city) Council outlining the concerns expressed in the subcommittee reports surrounding  the need for further collaboration between Trustees and Councillors related to the future growth within the City of London and the need for further consideration of the impact development has on schools in TVDSB. 
2022 June 28 13.b
  • THAT Kipps Lane Holding at Sir John A. Macdonald PS be permanently accommodated at Sir John A. Macdonald PS commencing in the 2022-2023 school year. 
2022 June 28 13.b 
  • THAT Bostwick Holding, currently being accommodated at Sir Isaac Brock PS, be amended and that new K-8 families within this holding zone be accommodated at Victoria PS commencing in the 2022-2023 school year until permanent accommodations are available.
2022 June 28 13.b
  • THAT the attendance areas for the Eagle Heights Focus Area, forming part of the June 7th, 2022, Final Attendance Area Review Report for the City of London Elementary Panel, be approved as shown in Appendix K commencing in the 2023-2024 school year with the exception of the attendance areas for Mountsfield PS and Cleardale PS, which are approved as per Figure 11-3 in the Final Attendance Area Review Report and are to commence in the 2023-2024 school year.
  • THAT current students and their siblings residing within that portion of Highlands Holding at Mountsfield PS as of March 31, 2023 and designated to Cleardale PS be provided with the “legacy agreement option” to remain at Mountsfield PS with transportation (if eligible) only being provided for the 2023-2024 school year.
  • THAT current students and their siblings residing within that portion of the Victoria PS attendance area designated to Wortley Road PS as of March 31, 2023 be provided with the “legacy agreement option” to remain at Victoria PS.
2022 June 28 13.b
  • THAT a new holding zone (Uplands North Holding), as shown on Figure 6-3 to the June 7, 2022 Final Attendance Area Review Report for the City of London Elementary Panel, be established within the attendance area of Centennial Central PS (including land known municipally as 2300, 2102, and 2154 Richmond Street; and 310 and 348 Sunningdale Road East) and that K-8 students from the holding zone attend Evelyn Harrison PS commencing in the 2022-2023 school year until permanent accommodations are available;
  • THAT a new holding zone (Northeast London Holding), as shown on Figure 6-3 to the June 7, 2022 Final Attendance Area Review Report for the City of London Elementary Panel, be established within the attendance area of Cedar Hollow PS (including land known municipally as 1140 Fanshawe Park Road East; 2123, 2135, 2141, 2149, 2157, 2165, 2171, and 2179 Highbury Avenue North; and 1597 Sunningdale Road East) and that K-8 students from the holding zone attend Bonaventure Meadows PS commencing in the 2022-2023 school year until permanent accommodations are available;
  • THAT a new holding zone (East London Holding), as shown on Figure 6-2 to the June 7, 2022, Final Attendance Area Review Report for the City of London Elementary Panel, be established within the attendance area of F.D. Roosevelt PS (including land known municipally as 840 and 850 Highbury Avenue North) and that K-8 students from the holding zone attend Sir John A. Macdonald PS commencing in the 2022-2023 school year until permanent accommodations are available;
  • THAT a new holding zone (West Kilbourne Holding), as shown in Appendix G from the June 7th, 2022, Final Attendance Area Review Report for the City of London Elementary Panel, be established within the attendance area of Lambeth PS as proposed in the Initial Attendance Area Review Report for the City of London Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review and that K-8 students from the holding zone attend Nicholas Wilson PS commencing in the 2022-2023 school year until permanent accommodations are available;
  • THAT a new holding zone (East Kilbourne Holding), as shown in Appendix G from the June 7th, 2022, Final Attendance Area Review Report for the City of London Elementary Panel, be established within the attendance area of Lambeth PS as proposed in the Initial Attendance Area Review Report for the City of London Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review and that K-8 students from the holding zone attend Glen Cairn PS commencing in the 2022-2023 school year until permanent accommodations are available.
2022 June 28 13.b
  • THAT the attendance areas for the Southwest London Focus Area, forming part of June 7th, 2022, Final Attendance Area Review Report for the City of London Elementary Panel, be approved as shown in Appendix J and that these take effect in September of the year of opening of the approved new Southwest London elementary school.
2022 June 28 13.b
  • THAT the attendance areas for the West London Focus Area, forming part of the City of London Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review, be approved as shown in Appendix I and that these take effect in September of the year of opening of the proposed new West London elementary school.
2022 June 28 13.b
  • THAT the attendance areas for the Northwest London Focus Area, forming part of the City of London Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review, be approved as shown in Appendix H and that these take effect in September of the year of opening of the approved new Northwest London elementary school;
  • THAT the attendance areas for the Downtown London Focus Area, forming part of the City of London Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review, be approved as shown in Appendix L, with the boundary changes between Aberdeen PS and St. George’s PS taking effect in the 2023-2024 school year and the boundary changes between Old North PS and St. George’s PS taking effect in September of the year of opening of the approved new Northwest London elementary school;
  • THAT Sir Arthur Currie PS students going into grade 8 in the first year of operation of the New Northwest PS be provided with the option to continue attending Sir Arthur Currie PS with transportation until graduation. That on a case-by-case basis, for families that apply by February 1st of the year of opening of the new Northwest School, the board will consider Out of Area Exemption Requests (Procedure 4012a) for students within the boundary of the new Northwest PS currently attending Sir Arthur Currie PS without transportation as well as those at St. George’s to Old North PS.
  • THAT the Sunningdale North holding zone be permanently accommodated at Old North PS as of the first year of operation of the new northwest London elementary school. Enrollment from this area will be monitored annually.
2022 June 28 13.a
  • THAT a report prioritizing and outlining a schedule for reviewing each Standard in the Special Education Plan be provided to the Board of Trustees by the 2022 October Board meeting.
  • THAT a report responding to each of the concerns raised in the minority reports be provided to the Board of Trustees by the 2022 November Board meeting.
  • THAT the current plan be shared with community members and stakeholders following the same process to receive public input on TVDSB Board policies.
2022 June 28 13.a
  • THAT the TVDSB Board of Trustees approve the updated ‘Thames Valley District School Board (TVDSB) Special Education Plan 2022-2023’  
2022 June 21  
  • That the 2022-23 revenue budget of $1,078,463,505 and the 2022-23 expense budget of $1,084,507,265 be approved. That the projected 2022-23 deficit for compliance purposes of $(4,497,541), be funded from the August 31, 2022, accumulated surplus through the following appropriations: Unappropriated Accumulated Surplus (2,651,175)
  • IT Technology and Infrastructure (2,778,302)
  • Future Amortization of Internally Supported Capital Projects (732,313)
  • Items excluded from Compliance 1,664,249
  • Operating Deficit for Compliance Purposes (4,497,541)
  • Accumulated Surplus Unavailable for Compliance (1,546,219) Operating Deficit (6,043,760) That whereas the Ministry requires the 2022-23 in-year deficit elimination plan be approved, the expenses will be addressed in 2023-24 through the following measures: One time project expenses that do not continue in 2023-24:
  • Support for the Student Information System transition $2.7 m
  • Arc Flash Hazard Study $0.9 m
  • One additional year of Trillium support $0.1 m
  • Final year of the multi-year musical instrument initiative $0.3 m
  • Trustee One-Time Expenses $0.5 m
  • $4.5 m
2022 June 21 5A
  • THAT $100,00 be allocated for the purchase of technology devices for student use. 
2022 June 21 5A
  • THAT four (4) FTE positions be added to the budget to support special education as a Learning Support Teacher (LST) or Board Certified Behaviour Analyst (BCBA) in any combination.
2022 May 24 18
  • THAT the Chair write a letter to the Ministry of Education requesting that Thames Valley District School Board be granted an exemption from the timelines and process outlined in O.Reg. 412/00 00 and that Thames Valley District School Board’s Trustee determination be permanently distributed as two(2) Trustees for each of Oxford, Middlesex and Elgin and six (6) Trustees for the City of London. 
2022 May 24 16
  • THAT Chris Magowan be appointed to the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) as the Representative for Autism Ontario for the remainder of the 2018-2022 term. 
2022 May 24 14.f
  • THAT Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting Student Achievement Policy (5015) as amended be approved. 
2022 May 24 14.b
  • THAT staff review the SEAC recommendations in the SEAC Report of 2022 May 24 and develop a policy and procedure for a SEAC appointment process and filling of vacancies to be referenced in the SEAC handbook, seek input from SEAC committee, and present the policy and procedure to the Board for consideration by the 2022 October 25th Board meeting.
2022 May 24 13.c
  • THAT the Chair write a letter to the new Minister of Education when appointed to consider;
  • increase capital benchmark funding for building of new schools, additions and other repairs;
  • increase funding to the School Condition Improvement (SCI) and School Renewal Allocation (SRA) grants to reduce TVDSB’s capital backlog which presently is at $694,156,214 and is forecasted to increase to $912,786,055 over the next five years
  • decreasing approval timelines through land acquisitions and construction of a new school
2022 May 24 13.c
  • THAT a new holding zone (Ingersoll Greens Holding) be established within the attendance area of Harrisfield Public School for the redevelopment of the Ingersoll Golf Club (County of Oxford File No. OP 20-12-6, SB 20-04-6, and ZN 6-20-04) and that all K-8 students from the holding zone attend Laurie Hawkins PS until permanent accommodations are available;
  • THAT a new holding zone (Southwest Woodstock Holding) be established within the attendance area of Central PS (County of Oxford File No. OP 21-18-8, SB 21-13-8, SB 21-14-8, ZN 8-21-21, and ZN 8-21-22) and that all K-8 students from the holding zone attend Eastdale Public School until permanent accommodations are available;
  • THAT the three North Woodstock holding zones currently being accommodated at Central Public School be amended and that new K-8 families within these holding zones be accommodated at Zorra Highland Park Public School until permanent accommodations are available; and
  • THAT the following schools be approved for potential facility collaborations:
  • Ealing PS
  • B. Davison SS
  • Montcalm SS
  • Clarke Road SS
  • Westminster SS
  • North Middlesex DHS Glencoe DHS
  • Ingersoll DCI
  • Port Burwell PS
  • Springfield PS
  • Arthur Voaden SS
  • West Elgin SS
2022 May 24 13.b
  • THAT TVDSB Administration provide an implementation plan for approval by the Board of Trustees by December 2022. 
2022 April 26 13.i
  • THAT the motions approved at the in-camera session of 2022 April 26 related to negotiation and personal matters be approved.
  • THAT $5650 be approved to fund the consultant/Parliamentarian as approved by Board motion at the 2022 March 22 meeting of the Board. Following four sessions, the revised bylaws will be presented to the Board no later than 2022 September.
2022 April 26 13.g
  • THAT the revised Board/Committee meeting schedule by approved. (Chairs-1)
2022 April 26 13.e
  • THAT the Trustee Recognitions Policy 2011 be approved. (PWC-1)
2022 April 26 13.b
  • THAT funds up to $1500 be provided to support a hybrid Trustee forum.
  • THAT the motion previously adopted on 2021 December 14 be amended to strike renumeration and replace it with remuneration.
2022 April 26 13.a
  • THAT in recognition of the importance of the diverse voices and interests of Indigenous communities being present at the SEAC table, SEAC recommends that the Board of Trustees review Indigenous representation at SEAC.
2022 April 19 4A
  • Whereas Public Health Ontario on April 8th released a report advising that “temporary re-implementation of masking requirements indoors and improved air quality can reduce the risk of in-school transmission and related disruption for students, families and educational settings.                                                         
  • Whereas Increasing absences during the 6th wave are resulting in staff absences, combined classes, and school closures; now therefore be it resolved,                                                                                                 
  • THAT the Director require, from an occupational health and safety perspective, mask use for all staff, students, and visitors in all TVDSB buildings until such time as Public Health Ontario updates this guidance or the Local Public Health Units in TVDSB explicitly advise otherwise.                                                    

  • BE IT RESOLVED THAT: In order for TVDSB to continue to provide a supportive approach to mask wearing for students of the Board, students will not be required to submit medical documentation for exemptions. 
2022 April 19 4A
  • To suspend the rule which interferes with reconsideration of the motion appeal, voted on at the Special Board meeting on 2022 April 12. 
2022 April 12 6
  • Whereas Public Health Ontario on April 8th released a report advising that “temporary re-implementation of masking requirements indoors and improved air quality can reduce the risk of in-school transmission and related disruption for students, families and educational settings.                                     
  • Whereas Increasing absences during the 6th wave are resulting in staff absences, combined classes, and school closures; now therefore be it resolved,                                                                                             
  • THAT the Director require, from an occupational health and safety perspective, mask use for all staff, students, and visitors in all TVDSB buildings until such time as Public Health Ontario updates this guidance or the Local Public Health Units in TVDSB explicitly advise otherwise.                                                                     
  • BE IT RESOLVED THAT: In order for TVDSB to continue to provide a supportive approach to mask wearing for students of the Board, students will not be required to submit medical documentation for exemptions. 
2022 March 22 13.i
  • THAT the motion(s) approved at the in-camera session of 2022 March 22 related to property and personal matters be approved. 
2022 March 22 13.k
  • Be it resolved that the Board send a letter thanking all community members for their work on the Rural Education Taskforce.
  • Be it resolved that the work of the committee be sent to the three First Nations communities with education service agreements, the Special Education Advisory Committee, the Equity and Inclusion committee as well as administration for feedback. That feedback be provided to the entire board through the advisory committees.
  • Be it resolved that the report presented satisfies the board of trustees and the committee dissolved.
2022 March 22 13.h
  • THAT Home Instruction Policy (4009) be approved.  
2022 March 22 13.b
  • THAT the revised appointment of Trustees to committees of the Board for the 2021-2022, as outlined on the Committees of the Board and Community Representation of 2021-2022, be approved. 
2022 March 22 12.b
  • THAT the Thames Valley District School Board designates the Municipalities of Middlesex County identified as Newbury Village, Southwest Middlesex, Strathroy-Caradoc, Thames Centre, Middlesex Centre, Adelaide Metcalfe, North Middlesex and Lucan Biddulph, as low population municipalities.
  • THAT the following Trustee distribution to the four geographic areas of the Board be approved.
  • Elgin County – 2 Trustees
  • Middlesex County – 2 Trustees
  • Oxford County – 2 Trustees
  • City of London – 6 Trustees with ward distribution as follows:
  • Wards 1, 11, 12,14 – 2 Trustees
  • Wards 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 – 2 Trustees
  • Wards 7, 8, 9, 10, 13 – 2 Trustees
2022 March 22 12.a  
  • Whereas: Dr. Summers has stated, the following in statements to the media:
  • “In addition to being up to date with one’s COVID-19 vaccinations, wearing a mask is a simple and effective way to reduce the risk of getting COVID-19,” (Toronto Star, March 16, 2022)
  • Whereas: The Southwest Public Health Unit has provided accessible guidance around when a mask is still required in school settings
  • Whereas: The Ministry has communicated, that “they encourage school boards and schools to promote respectful, welcoming and inclusive practices and communications within their school communities.
  • Be it resolved: That the Director share a message from the Board of Trustees to school communities via paper copies sent home, April school newsletter messaging, TVDSB website, social media and internal staff communications that includes the following statement:
  • That the board of trustees strongly recommends that all students, staff and visitors continue to wear masks.
  • Be it further resolved: That it be included in the communications that masks will be available for students in all TVDSB schools, that the communication includes the conditions by which an individual must wear a mask to school as outlined by the Southwest Public Health Unit.
  • Be it resolved that: A school will provide a minimum of one days’ notice to families with communication via school messenger and/or preferred communications method, if an indoor school-wide event is planned, so that families can choose to have their child(ren) remain home during this time.
  • Be it resolved that: TVDSB will provide an opportunity for families to switch immediately where space is possible into virtual synchronous learning between now and April 5th. This will be communicated to the TVDSB community.
2022 March 22 10.b.1
  •  THAT the amendments to section 5.0 of the bylaws be approved.
2022 March 22 10.b.1
  • THAT the use of a consultant and/or parliamentarian be approved to conduct a comprehensive review of the Board bylaws and make recommendations to the Board Governance and Bylaw Review Committee. 
2022 March 22 4
  •  To suspend bylaws 15.6.9, and 15.6.10 for the purposes of this meeting.
2022 February 22 15.a.1
  • THAT Mike Cvetkovich be appointed to the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) as the Alternate Representative for the Children’s Aid Society of London & Middlesex for the remainder of the 2018-2022 term.
2022 February 22 13.h
  • THAT the motions approved at the in-camera session of the 2022 February 22 Committee of the Whole related to property matter be approved.
  • THAT a Senior Supervisor, Custodial Operations position be approved to support custodial operations across TVDSB.
2022 February 22 13.g
  • THAT the changes to sections 15.4.2, 15.4.5 of the bylaws and the removal of section 15.4.6 from the bylaws be approved.
2022 February 22 12.e
  • THAT the Southwestern Ontario Student Transportation Services (STS) Service Agreement for 2022-2023 be approved.
2022 February 22 12.d
  • THAT the identified funding for the permanent hiring of a 1.0 FTE Mental Health and Well Being Lead – Staff be approved.
2022 February 22 12.c
  • THAT the 2022-2023 School Year Calendars be submitted to the Ministry of Education for approval.
2022 February 22 12.a  
  • THAT the following ranked projects be submitted to the Ministry of Education’s 2022-23 Capital Priorities Program:
  1. Wilberforce PS Addition and Renovations
  2. Summerside PS Addition
  3. New West London Elementary School
  4. New Northeast London Elementary School
  5. New Ingersoll Elementary School
2022 February 22 10.b.1  
  • THAT the revised copy of the ‘Message from the Board of Trustees’ for the Strategic Plan be approved; and
  • THAT the following statements being added to the strategic plan under the ‘Our Commitments’ section:
  • 1. Recognizes the inherent rights of Indigenous Peoples and the need for ongoing collaboration with Indigenous communities, families, students, and First Nation, Métis and Inuit staff.
  • 2. Prioritizes commitment to identify and address disproportionalities and disparities faced by students and staff
2022 January 25 20
  • THAT the Notice of Motion Which Has Been Given be deferred to the next Board meeting. 
2022 January 25 16.c
  • THAT the property owner of the land located on the south side of Seventh Avenue and west of Snyders Avenue, legally described as Part of Lot 2, Concession 7, being Part 1, Plan 33R8653 be advised that the TVDSB’s preference is to avoid an expropriation and that it will continue to negotiate in good faith in order to acquire the site should the property owner be willing to do so.
2022 January 25 16.c 
  • THAT Administration notify the property owner of the land located on the south side of Seventh Avenue and west of Snyders Avenue, legally described as Part of Lot 2, Concession 7, being Part 1, Plan 33R8653, as well as the Municipality of Central Elgin, of the notice to be given to the Ministry of Education under Section 195(1.1) of the Education Act as well as the expected need to expropriate the land; and
2022 January 25 16.c
  • THAT Administration give notice to the Ministry of Education of the TVDSB’s intent to acquire portions of the land located on the south side of Seventh Avenue and west of Snyders Avenue, legally described as Part of Lot 2, Concession 7, being Part 1, Plan 33R8653, per Section 195(1.1) of the Education Act, and advise the Ministry of the expected need to expropriate the school site in order to facilitate the land acquisition.
2022 January 25 16.c
  • THAT the property owner of 1284 and 1388 Sunningdale Road West be advised that the TVDSB’s preference is to avoid an expropriation and that it will continue to negotiate in good faith in order to acquire the site should the property owner be willing to do so.
2022 January 25 16.c
  • THAT Administration notify the property owner of 1284 and 1388 Sunningdale Road West as well as the City of London of the notice to be given to the Ministry of Education under Section 195(1.1) of the Education Act as well as the expected need to expropriate the land. 
2022 January 25 16.c
  • THAT Administration give notice to the Ministry of Education of the TVDSB’s intent to acquire portions of the properties known municipally as 1284 and 1388 Sunningdale Road West, per Section 195(1.1) of the Education Act, and advise the Ministry of the expected need to expropriate the school site in order to facilitate the land acquisition.
2022 January 25 16.c
  • THAT the motions at the in-camera session of 2022 January 25 meeting related to property and personal matters be approved.
2022 January 25 16.b
  • THAT the Director of Education, or his designates, take reasonable steps to publicly report data, to the extent it is available, on COVID-19 cases in TVDSB schools;
  • THAT the TVDSB ensure families and staff have a mechanism for COVID-19 self-reporting for those who have access to tests;
  • THAT the Board provide information on school and class closures and unusual rates of absenteeism in school communities; and should the government alter its direction on the collection of this data, the Board will revisit its position.
2022 January 25 16.a
  • THAT the Trustee Recognitions Policy 2011 be committed back to the Policy Working Committee for review.  
2022 January 25 14.b  
  • THAT the Chair write a letter to the CMOH (Chief Medical Officer of Health), including the local MOHs (Medical Officers of Health) and the MOE (Minister of Education) copying all member Boards requesting:
  • Continued tracking and public reporting of confirmed and suspected COVID‐19 cases in schools by Public Health Units
  • student and staff access to PCR testing in cases of high-risk exposure and suspected COVID-19;
  • supports and implementation of a “Test to Return” strategy following COVID-19 illness and exposure, supported by an adequate rapid antigen test supply;
  • assurance that funding and supplies of medical masks and respirators (such as N95 and KN95 masks) will continue for staff;
  • funding of supplies of medical masks and respirators (such as N95 and KN95 masks) be made available for students;
  • assurance that funding and supplies of rapid antigen tests for all students and staff will continue;
  • funding for ventilation upgrades, beyond portable HEPA units be made available;
  • reimbursement of all school-board pandemic-related costs;
  • funding for additional staff for remote learning;
  • funding for minimum 3000 Chromebooks to replace damaged and unreturned Chromebooks;
  • stable yearly funding within the GSN for technology for students/staff and a full-time mental health lead for staff;
  • Transparent and timely communication to families and staff regarding changes to both learning models in secondary and any changes to in-person learning;
  • THAT the Province work with local municipalities and broadband providers to address inequitable access across TVDSB which impact the ability of students to participate in remote school.
2022 January 25 14.b
  • THAT an abstention for the purpose of this meeting is a non vote.
2022 January 25 14.a
  • THAT the Board approve the Selection Committee’s recommendation that the current name of Ryerson Public School be renamed Old North Public School based on the first-choice naming preference of respondents.
2022 January 25 12.b.2
  • This motion is committed to the 2022 February 8th Planning and Priorities Advisory Committee Meeting.
2022 January 25 12.b.1
  • THAT Administration be directed to proceed with public consultation and the preparation of a Final Attendance Area Review Report for the Northwest London Focus Area of the London Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review;
  • THAT Administration be directed to proceed with public consultation and the preparation of a Final Attendance Area Review Report for the Eagle Heights Focus Area of the London Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review;
  • THAT Administration be directed to proceed with public consultation and the preparation of a Final Attendance Area Review Report for the West London Focus Area of the London Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review;
  • THAT Administration be directed to proceed with public consultation and the preparation of a Final Attendance Area Review Report for the Southwest London Focus Area of the London Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review;
  • THAT Administration be directed to proceed with public consultation and the preparation of a Final Attendance Area Review Report for the Downtown London Focus Area of the London Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review; and
  • THAT Administration be directed to solicit public consultation and suggested revisions regarding the new Uplands North, Northeast London, East London, Kipps Lane (those holding to Sir John A. Macdonald Public School) and Kilbourne Holding Zones as well as the Bostwick Holding Zone Amendment and include recommendations regarding these in the Final Attendance Area Review Report.
2022 January 25 8
  • THAT the Indigenous Task Force be comprised of representation from Oneida Nation of the Thames, Chippewa of the Thames First Nation, Munsee-Delaware Nation and; the First Nations Trustee and the First Nation Metis Inuit Education Advisor, Indigenous Student Trustee; And that the task force has the authority to fill vacancies as required.
  • THAT the cost of 2021-2022 OSTA-AECO School Board membership be approved.
2022 January 25 7
  • THAT the Trustee Recognition Committee be disbanded.
  • THAT the revised appointment of Trustees to committees of the Board for 2021-2022, as outlined on the Committees of the Board and Community Representation 2021-2022, be approved.
  • THAT the current process for approving Board committee reports and committee recommendations be brought to the attention of the Board Governance Review Committee for their review.
  • THAT Trustees Morell, Gonzalez and Rahman be appointed to the Committee Review Ad Hoc committee.
  • THAT B. Summers, O. Correia, J. Lefebvre, N. White-Eye, S. McGahey-Albert and C. Antone be appointed as members of the Indigenous Task Force.
2021 Board Motions

Date Adopted 

Motion No. 

Motion Information 
2021 December 14



  • TO request that the Chair send a letter to the Ministry of Education asking for the amendment of the Education Act to give Student Trustees the right to move and second motions.
  • WHEREAS per section 55(5) of the Ontario Education Act student trustees have the right to partake in certain in-camera sessions closed to the public, demonstrating the high standing and trustworthiness of student trustees, and;
  • WHEREAS the student voice is most effectively communicated by granting student trustees equal opportunities to participate in Board functions as other Board trustees, and;
  • WHEREAS per section 55(7) of the Ontario Education Act student trustees receive equal opportunities to Board trustees, including access to professional development, resources and training, and;
  • WHEREAS student trustees are elected representatives, and are to be held accountable to the student body, and;
  • WHEREAS the student voice must be articulated fairly and expressively for the benefit of the school board, and;
  • WHEREAS the student voice must be represented fairly and articulated expressively for the benefit of the school board and to accurately reflect the students' in decision-making, and;
  • WHEREAS student trustees further desire the right to move and second motions, to incite discussion:
  • WHEREAS doing so furthers the dynamic and effectiveness of student representation across Ontario, as students can begin the discussions surrounding items that they feel are most pertaining to their constituency without the need to request for support.
  • BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the Chair of the Board send a letter to the Ministry of Education on behalf of the Thames Valley District School Board with copies to local MPPs and other school boards, requesting the Ministry of Education to push for the recommendation in allowing student trustees the right to independently move and second motions during board meetings.
2021 December 14


  • THAT the motion approved at the in-camera session of 2021 December 14 regarding personal matters be approved.  
2021 December 14  18.g
  • That the Filling Trustee Vacancy Ad Hoc Committee be disbanded, as the mandate of the committee has been met.
2021 December 14  18.f
  • THAT TVDSB extend the current strategic plan along with the mission, vision, and values at this time until the newly elected trustees develop and approve a new strategic plan along with the mission, vision and value statement.
  • THAT the “message from the Board of Trustees” be revised to;
  • a. reflect the Boards commitment to equity and inclusion
  • b. provide reasons why the plan is not being updated at this time
  • c. have the Chair present a draft “message from the Board of Trustees” to the Board for approval at the 2022 January 25 regular meeting of the Board.
  • THAT a strong statement around the Boards commitment to equity and inclusion be included as part of the strategic plan and that Administration present a draft to the Board of Trustees for approval at the 2022 January 25 regular meeting of the Board.
  • THAT any revisions to the Strategic Plan be approved by the Board of Trustees.
  • THAT the committee be disbanded as the mandate of the committee has been met.
2021 December 14  18.e
  • THAT an Ad Hoc committee be struck to review committee structure, scheduling, renumeration and composition for the 2022-2023 academic year and report back in 2022 June.
  • THAT the appointment of Trustees to committees of the Board for 2021-2022, as outlined on the Committees of the Board and Community Representation 2021-2022 chart, be approved. And to add Trustee Ruddock and Hunt to the OPSBA; and remove Trustee Ruddock as an alternate.
2021 December 14  18.d  
  • THAT the motion approved at the in-camera session of 2021 November 23 related to personal matters be approved.
  • THAT the Strategic Planning Ad Hoc committee engage Overlap and Associates to determine the scope of work and costs associated with extending the current strategic plan including revisions and the development of a process for the 2022 strategic plan and report back to the Board with recommendations for next steps at the 2021 December 14 Board meeting.
2021 December 14  18.c
  •  THAT the Student Trustees on the Board Policy be approved.
2021 December 14  14
  • THAT Laura Gonzalez and Sherri Moore be appointed as Trustees on the Board representing Wards 7,8,9,10 and 13 of the City of London effective 2021 December 15 for the remainder of the term.
2021 December 14  13.b.2
  •  THAT the amendments to Section 15.2.2 and 15.2.8 be approved.
2021 December 14  13.b.1
  • THAT the chair write a letter to the National Council of Canadian Muslims and share to all area Members of Provincial Parliament supporting the educational reform recommendations in the Our London Family Act brought forward by the National Council of Canadian Muslims. 
2021 December 14  4
  • That the agenda be revised to include the addition of item "Appointment of Incoming Trustee" after item 10.b "Business Arising from Minutes"
2021 November 23  6
  • THAT the Board of Trustees fill the two Trustee vacancies for Wards 7,8,9,10 and 13 by appointing a total of two Trustees from the existing pool of seventeen applicants being interviewed by the Board of Trustees.
2021 November 23  5
  • THAT the Board accept the resignation of Trustee J. Skinner effective immediately.  
2021 November 23  7  
  • That the following persons be appointed bank signing officers on behalf of the Board for the period 2021 December 01 to 2022 November 30:
  • Lori-Ann Pizzolato, Chair of the Board
  • Peter Cuddy, Vice-Chair of the Board
  • Mark Fisher, Director of Education and Secretary
  • Jeff Pratt, Associate Director and Treasurer
2021 November 23 14.i
  • THAT the 2021 November 23 Policy Working Committee interim report be deferred to the 2021 December 14 Board meeting.
2021 November 23 14.g
  •  To defer to the 2021 December 14 board meeting to allow time for debate.
2021 November 23 14.f


  • THAT Trustees A. Morell and M. Ruddock be appointed to the Trustee Recognition Ad Hoc Committee.
  • THAT a Filling Trustee Vacancy Ad Hoc Committee be created and fully authorized to develop a final standardized interview grid that will be used with all candidates without further Board approval. 
  • THAT Trustees G. Hart, S. Polhill, L. Pizzolato, B. Smith, be appointed to the Filling Trustee Vacancy Ad Hoc Committee and the committee reports no later than January 25, 2022.
  • THAT the Board of Trustees sit until 11:15 p.m.
2021 November 23 14.d
  • THAT the 2020-2021 internal appropriations of accumulated surplus in the amount of $4,864,449 for the TVDSB and $166,554 for the Thames Valley Education Foundation (as outlined in Chart 1) be approved. 
  • THAT the 2020-2021 Audited Financial Statements be approved.
2021 November 23 14.a
  • THAT the Rural Education Task Force be supported with an extension until March 2022. 
2021 November 23 12.e  

To defer the London Area Attendance Report to the January 25th, 2022, Board meeting in order to reflect any new potential capital investments that TVDSB may receive.

Additionally, to request that Administration include the following three French Immersion schools, including but not limited to enrolment data, school boundaries, and other pertinent information in the scope of the London review:
• Louise Arbour
• Lord Roberts
• Jeanne Sauvé

2021 November 23 12.d
  • THAT all new K-8 families from the Sir Arthur Currie Public School attendance area attend Knollwood Park Public School commencing January 1, 2022, until a new elementary school opens in Northwest London.
  • THAT Sir Arthur Currie PS remain a K-8 school, siblings of existing students attend Sir Arthur Currie Public School, current full remote learners wishing to return be assessed on a case-by-case basis to determine if the school can accommodate the student. If space is currently unavailable, they will be allowed to return for the 2022-23 school year.
  • THAT enrollment at Sir Arthur Currie PS be reviewed annually, with consideration given to allow for future enrollment of students residing in the catchment area should space become available.
  • THAT all new K-8 families in the Fox Hollow West holding zone attend Wilfrid Jury Public School and the families in Sunningdale North attend University Heights Public School commencing in the 2022-23 school year until a new elementary school opens in Northwest London.
  • THAT all Fox Hollow West and Sunningdale North families currently attending the school formerly know as Ryerson Public School and their siblings be allowed to remain at Ryerson Public School until such time as the new Northwest London elementary school opens.
2021 November 23 12.c
  • THAT the Board of Trustees approve the Low-German Mennonite pilot proposal for a two-year period effective September 2022. 
  • THAT the Board of Trustees approve the Low-German Mennonite pilot proposal as a program eligible for transportation.
2021 November 23 12.b
  • THAT the Board approve the Selection Committee’s recommendation that the new Southeast school be named Summerside Public School based on the first-choice naming preference of respondents.
2021 November 23 12.a 
  • THAT the Board approve the Selection Committee’s recommendation that the current name Tweedsmuir Public School remain Tweedsmuir Public School based on the first-choice naming preference of respondents. 
2021 November 23 10.b
  •  THAT the motion be deferred to the 2021 December 14 meeting of the Board
2021 November 23 4
  • That the agenda be revised to include the addition of item 14.i 2021 November 23 Policy Working Committee Interim Report.
2021 November 1 8.h
  •  THAT the three school names be approved. 
2021 November 1 7.f
  • THAT an adhoc committee comprised of Trustees and staff to support, plan, and implement a celebration that may include members of the community for Trustees who have resigned during this term. The celebration must occur prior to 2022 January.
2021 November 1 7.a
  • THAT the vacancy on the Board be filled through an interview process as outlined in section 1.2.b of the Filling Trustee Vacancies on the Board Procedure(2015a), with a 2021 November 29 deadline to receive applications.
2021 October 26 12.b
  • THAT the vacant Trustee position be offered to the runner up of Wards 7,8,9,10 and 13 of the last election and bring this agenda item back to the Board of Trustees if the offer is not accepted.
2021 October 26 10.b
  • Whereas the motion unanimously passed at the 2020 June 23 meeting of the Board that states in part, to engage in extensive consultation with students, staff, community members, Trustees, parents/guardians regarding the School Resource Officer Program.
  • THAT the recommendations of the leadership team be accepted.
  • Therefore, be it resolved that the Trustees approve the following recommendations as presented by the School Resource Officer Leadership Team:
  • 1. Continue to use a trauma-informed approach
  • 2. Be led by and co-create with impacted students, parents and graduates
  • 3. Continue to address systemic racism and work towards reconciliation
  • 4. Clearly articulate the purpose of the School Resource Officer Program
  • 5. Improve professional learning and increase diversity of School Resource Officers
  • 6. Increase accountability
  • 7. Review, critique and update educational materials
  • Further be it resolved, that in order for student and community voice to be heard, Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC) student representation and Black Lives Matter (BLM) Leadership will have a seat on the Leadership Committee.
  • Finally, be it resolved that the TVDSB Administration Leadership Committee will provide the Trustees with quarterly reports on the School Resource Officer Program review with any recommendations brought back to the Board of Trustees for approval.
2021 October 19 5
  • THAT the Board accept the resignation of Trustee J. Bennett effective immediately.
2021 September 28 15.a
  • THAT Deborah Reid be appointed as the representative to SEAC and that Paul Cook be appointed as the alternate for the remainder of the term ending November 15, 2022. 
2021 September 28 13.h
  • Trustee G. Hart be appointed to the Discipline Committee, the Accessibility Working Group, and the Thames Valley Education Foundation. Trustee C. Antone be appointed to the Board Governance and Bylaw Review Committee. Trustee B, Smith be appointed to the Communication and Public Relations Committee and the Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee. 
2021 September 28 13.g 
  • That the Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee be provided an extension to 2022 January 25. 
2021 September 28 13.f
  • That an alternative means be established to collect public input regarding vaccination policies at the Thames Valley District School Board per the order by the Chief Medical Officer of Health and local public health guidelines. 
2021 September 28 13.e
  • THAT the amendments to Section 12.0 Advisory Committee Meetings be approved. 
2021 September 28 12.c
  • That the following individuals be appointed to the Selection Committee for the renaming of Ryerson P.S. Trustees Corrine Rahman, Peter Cuddy, and Carol Antone (voting); Linda Reid, School Administrator (non-voting) Lynne Griffith-Jones, Superintendent for the area (non-voting); Andrea Marlowe, Diversity and Equity Coordinator (non-voting); and Starr McGahey-Albert, Indigenous Education Lead (non-voting).
2021 September 28 12.b
  • THAT South Dorchester PS be restructured to a K-8 school commencing in the 2022-2023 school year; and 
  • THAT Westminster Central PS students who reside within the attendance area of the future Belmont elementary school be designated to attend South Dorchester PS commencing in the 2022-2023 school year until such a time that the new Belmont elementary school is operational. 
  • THAT 2021-2022 grade 7 students at Westminster Central Public School be provided the option to attend their 2022-2023 school year at either South Dorchester Public School or the new Southeast Public School with transportation. 
  • THAT administration continue to work collaboratively with the School Councils and/or Home and Schools of Westminster Central Public School and South Dorchester Public School in the 2021/2022 school year in all aspects of transitioning students and families to their respective schools to create a smooth, well communicated transition.
2021 September 28 12.a
  •  THAT the motion be divided and addressed separately.
  • THAT a dual-track English and French Immersion school be established at Oliver Stephens PS commencing in the 2022-2023 school year; 
  • THAT the Oxford County French Immersion boundary between Roch Carrier French Immersion Public School and Oliver Stephens Public School follow the CP Railway tracks from westerly limits of the County of Oxford until it intersects with County Road 2 just west of County Road 22, at which point the boundary shall be County Road 2 extending to the easterly limits of the County of Oxford.
  • THAT the portion of the Oliver Stephens PS English Track attendance area located west of Mill Street be designated to attend Eastdale PS commencing in the 2022-2023 school year; 
  • THAT the portion of the Springbank PS attendance area located north of Devonshire Avenue, south of Lansdowne Avenue, and east of Spitfire Street, including all development on the west side of Spitfire Street, the east side of Alberni Road and the east side of Juno Crescent, be designated to attend Algonquin PS commencing in the 2022-2023 school year; and 
  • THAT the holding zone within the Springbank PS attendance area that is currently designated to attend Winchester Street PS be accommodated at Springbank PS commencing in the 2022-2023 school year. 
  • THAT 2021-2022 grade 7 students at Roch Carrier French Immersion PS who reside in the French Immersion attendance area designated to Oliver Stephens PS be provided the "grandparenting option" for the 2022-2023 school year to remain at Roch Carrier French Immersion PS, with transportation
2021 September 28 10.a
  • That the Board request the government provide the funds for testing student athletes who have a first dose of the vaccine and wish to participate in extra curricular sports.
2021 September 8  8
  • That the Board write a letter to the Minister of Education requesting that the Minister provide to all education staff Health Canada approved respirators for daily PPE use. That Education staff that obtain their own Health Canada approved respirators be permitted to wear these in the workplace, provided staff follow the application and removal guidelines stipulated by the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS). Staff will continued to be supplied with the Ministry approved PPE.
2021 September 8  6
  • That membership to the Ontario Public School Boards' Association be renewed.
  • That per the Filling Trustee Vacancies on the Board procedure, the first runner up in the last regular school board election, in the electoral region where the vacancy has occurred be provided an opportunity to fill the Trustee Vacancy. 
  • That Graham Hart be appointed Trustee for the Thames Valley District School Board for the term ending 2021 November 15. 
2021 August 31  9
  •  That the resignation of Trustee B. McKinnon from the Board be accepted.
2021 August 31  8
  • That there exists sufficient evidence to support a finding of a breach of Code of Conduct.
  • That Trustee Smith be issued a censure and given a warning not to repeat similar actions by way of a formal letter from the Chair of the Board.
  • That Trustee Smith be recommended to make a formal apology to the Board of Trustees at an in-camera session.
2021 June 22  19
  • That a review be conducted all TVDSB schools, facilities and learning environments (such as but not limited to gyms, out-door learning spaces, libraries, specialty rooms (music)) named after individuals. The review to ensure TVDSB schools, facilities and learning environments named after individuals reflect the Board policy regarding naming schools which states “all school names will reflect the Board’s commitment to promote human rights, equity and inclusive learning environments and honor the diversity of TVDSB schools and community”. The review will also consider the principals of decolonization, anti-racism and anti-oppression.
  • That a report with recommendations be received by Board of Trustees no later than May 2022. That the review begin with Sir John A. MacDonald PS and Ryerson PS.
  • Whereas: Canadians and the world have seen the devastating impact of Anti-Muslim hate through the tragic deaths of 4 Londoners and injury of a child from the same family, this included a member of our own TVDSB community who was a beloved student from Oakridge Secondary School.
  • Whereas: Students in Thames Valley have come together in a show of overwhelming support and solidarity against Anti-Muslim hate.
  • Whereas: A 2020 report submitted to the UN by the International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group outlines that 46% of Canadians have an unfavorable view of Islam, 52% of Canadians believe that Muslims can only be trusted ‘a little’ or ‘not at all’; and 42% of Canadians think that discrimination against Muslims is ‘mainly their fault’.
  • Whereas: Islamophobia has been on the rise in Canada since the onset of COVID-19 and Islamophobia intersects with other systems of racism.
  • Whereas: There are a number of policies that focus on equity and inclusion at TVDSB, including the Strategic Plan, anti-black racism/anti-racism strategy, anti-racism training for staff etc. and the Board is committed to ensure equitable opportunities for students and staff.
  • BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Chair write a letter to the Prime Minister, copied to OPSBA, OSTA-AECO and the CSBA and Thames Valley MPs supporting the call for an immediate National Action Summit on Islamophobia, where federal, provincial, and municipal/territorial leaders come together to take immediate action on dismantling both violent forms of Islamophobia and systemic Islamophobia. These actions are necessary to ensure that no one else suffers the way #OurLondonFamily has suffered. 
  • BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Chair write a letter to the Minister of Education, to support the creation of curriculum supports and resources for educators to address Islamophobia.
  • BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Trustees of the Board affirm by way of this motion, their commitment to address Islamophobia and continue to work to dismantle systemic racism in education.
  • Whereas: Ryerson Public School is named after Edgerton Ryerson;
  • Whereas: TVDSB is committed to creating a safer and more inclusive learning environment;
  • Whereas: TVDSB’s naming of schools procedure, states that the Board can give approval to consider a name change to an existing school;
  • Whereas: The Ryerson School Council community on Monday June 7th met and expressed support for the name of Ryerson Public School to be changed;
  • Whereas: All school names will reflect the Board’s commitment to promote human rights, equity and inclusive learning and working environments for all students and staff. In naming schools, the Board will honour the diversity of Thames Valley school communities.
  • BE IT RESOLVED THAT TVDSB engage in the consultation process as outlined in the Naming of Schools procedure to rename Ryerson Public School, which includes broad community consultation and participation from First Nations community members on the ad hoc committee;
  • BE IT RESOLVED THAT in the spirit of truth and reconciliation, that education resources be provided to the school community about Egerton Ryerson’s legacy.
2021 June 22  17.a
  • That Paula Szabo be appointed to the Special Education Advisory Committee as the representative for the Children's Aid Society London-Middlesex for the remainder of the term, ending 2022 November 30.
2021 June 22  15.c
  • That the motions at the in-camera session of 2021 June 22 related to legal and personal matters be approved.
2021 June 22  14.c
  • That the draft Board and Advisory Meeting schedule be approved for the period of 2021 September 1 to 2022 June 30.
2021 June 22  14.b
  • THAT the Chair of the Board of TVDSB write a letter to the Minister of Education requesting that this cost be covered by the Government and not by School Boards, thus allowing the $5M to be used for student achievement and wellbeing.
  • THAT Chairs of all Boards in Ontario be copied on this letter.
2021 June 22  14.b
  • That administration purchase an additional 235 portable Air Filtration Units, at a total estimated cost of $200,000, to be allocated on a priority basis to classrooms which support students with complex medical needs, or any other classroom environment deemed appropriate by management.
2021 June 22  14.b  

That the projected 2021-22 deficit for compliance purposes of $(9,064,986), be funded from the August 31, 2021 accumulated surplus through the following appropriations:

  • Unappropriated Accumulated Surplus
  • Other Operating Appropriations
  • IT Technology and Infrastructure
  • SSF and ISP Funds Remaining
  • Amount for Future Internally Supported Capital Projects
  • Future Amortization of Internally Supported Capital Projects
  • Operating Deficit for Compliance Purposes
  • Items Excluded from Compliance
  • Operating Deficit
2021 June 22  14.b
  • That the 2021-22 revenue budget of $1,023,948,708 and the 2021-2022 expense budget of $1,034,563,880 be approved.
2021 June 22  14.b
  • That the remaining $200,000 be allocated to 2 FTE teachers to reduce class sizes.
2021 June 22  14.b 
  • That the staffing Priorities and Partnerships Fund of $695,000.00 be allocated for 7 FTE teachers to reduce class sizes. 
2021 June 22  14.a
  • That Thames Valley District School Board (TVDSB) Special Education Plan 2021-2022 be approved
2021 June 15  6
  • That the following schools be approved for potential facility collaborations: Ealing PS
  • Knollwood Park PS Montcalm SS Clarke Road SS Westminster SS North Middlesex DHS Delaware Central PS Glencoe DHS Ingersoll DCI Arthur Voaden SS West Elgin SS
2021 June 10  13.d
  • That the motion approved at the in-camera session of 2021 June 10 related to a legal matter by approved.
  • That a leave of absence for Trustee Bennett be approved to August 31, 2021.
  • That the leave of absence for Trustee McKinnon be extended to August 31, 2021.
2021 June 10  13.c
  • THAT the Accommodation Policy be approved.
2021 June 10  13.a
  • THAT the Board of Trustees prioritize the development of a process for minority reports.
2021 June 1  8
  • That the following persons be appointed signing officers on behalf of the Board for the period 2021 June 01 to 2021 November 30:
  • Lori-Ann Pizzolato, Chair of the Board Meagan Ruddock, Vice-Chair of the Board Mark Fisher, Director of Education Jeff Pratt, Associate Director and Treasurer
2021 May 25  17
  • Be it resolved that the Strategic Planning Adhoc Committee begin work on the process whereby the Board of Trustees would extend the current strategic plan with revisions.
2021 May 25  15.a
  • THAT Amanda Murray be appointed to the Special Education Advisory Committee as the alternate for Easter Seals Ontario for the remainder of the current term ending November 30,2022.
2021 May 25  13.c
  • THAT the motions at the in-camera session of 2021 May 25 related to legal matters be approved.
2021 May 25  12.d
  • THAT the draft 2021-2022 School Year Calendars be submitted to the Ministry of Education for approval.
2021 May 11  13.d
  • That, having completed its mandate, the Award of Distinction Ad Hoc Committee be disbanded.
2021 May 11  12.a That the following ranked projects be submitted to the Ministry of Education’s 2021-2022 Capital Priorities Program:
  1.  Eagle Heights Public School- Addition and Renovations
  2.  New Southwest London Elementary School – Lambeth
  3.  New North Woodstock Elementary School
  4. 4. Wilberforce Public School Addition and Renovations
  5. 5. New West London Elementary School – Riverbend
2021 May 11  10.b.1
  • Be it resolved that the Chair write a letter to the Minister of Education (with copy to OPSBA, OPSBA member boards, local MPPs, MPs etc.) requesting all students, educators and staff in Ontario to be taught the signal for help (palm forward and tuck thumb, trap thumb).
  • Be it resolved that the TVDSB's OPSBA directors, bring this item forward to OPSBA for consideration of support at the next Director's meeting.
2021 May 11  10.b
  • That the Board seek independent legal counsel, on the instruction of the Board, regarding the Central Secondary decision to move to a semester schedule and on the meaning of 'day-to-day' as outlined in the Education Act.
2021 April 27  17
  • Be it resolved that the Chair write a letter to the Minister of Education, to advocate in support of the concerns expressed by OPSBA and the OSTA-AECO public statement regarding the Ministry of Education’s proposed plan regarding remote learning as a permanent option.
2021 April 27  12.e
  • That the motions at the in-camera session of 2021 April 27 related to personal and legal matters be approved
2021 April 27  12.c
  • That a leave of absence for Trustee McKinnon be approved from May 1 to June 30, 2021
2021 April 6  15.a
  • That Carol Fortnum be appointed to the Special Education Advisory Committee as the representative for Vanier Children's Mental Wellness for the remainder of the current term ending November 30, 2022.
2021 April 6  13.b
  • That up to $6,000 from the Trustee PD budget be approved to support the Trustee Forums and any additional expenses will be brought forward at the next Board meeting for approval.
2021 April 6  13.b
  • That Trustees C. Antone, L. Pizzolato, and C. Rahman be appointed to the Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee.
2021 March 23  17 That administration be directed to provide a report no later than June 22, 2021 on:
  • the criteria used to suggest secondary home schools will be successful for locally developed programs including a report on de-streaming.
  • a list of the locally developed, workplace and specialized programs offered in each grade for all secondary schools.
  • A plan to monitor student progress in locally developed programs and de-streamed programs
2021 March 23 13.b 
  • That the Chair write a letter to the Premier, the Minister of Education, and the Treasury Ministry regarding the unfreezing of executive compensation.
2021 March 23 12.b

That a Selection Committee be established for the naming of the new South East London school.

  • That the following individuals be appointed to the Selection Committee for the new South East London school:
  • Trustees Sheri Polhill, Lori-Ann Pizzolato, and Carol Antone (voting); Sheila Builder, serving as facility administrator (non-voting) Lynne Griffith-Jones, Superintendent for the area (non-voting); Andrea Marlowe, Diversity and Equity Coordinator (non-voting); and Starr McGahey-Albert, Indigenous Education Lead (non-voting) That the following individuals be appointed to the Selection Committee for the potential renaming of Tweedsmuir Public School:
  • Trustees Sheri Polhill, Lori-Ann Pizzolato, and Carol Antone (voting); Ann Marie Parsons, Principal (non-voting); Lynne Griffith-Jones, Superintendent (non-voting); Andrea Marlowe, Diversity and Equity Coordinator (non-voting); and
  • Starr McGahey-Albert, Indigenous Education Lead (non-voting)
2021 March 9  13.c
  • That an Ad Hoc Strategic Planning Committee be formed and report back to the Board by 2021 September 28.
  • That the Ad Hoc Strategic Planning Committee make recommendations to the Board regarding the process for developing the 2022 strategic plan; and that the work also include the vision, values, and commitments to support the strategic plan.
  • That Catherine McCullough be invited back to review the current strategic plan noting the review could be instrumental in updating the current strategic plan and in advancing the 2022 strategic planning process
2021 March 9  13.b
  •  THAT the Naming of Schools Policy (2016) be approved
2021 February 23 17
  • That the motion to initiate the program to recognize exceptional work by frontline staff in a simple, timely, effective, and on-going manner be referred to the Award of Distinction Ad Hoc Review Committee for consideration.
2021 February 23 13.d
  • That the Policy Working Committee be asked to create a Trustee Leave of Absence policy to address section 170(1) of the Education Act with respect to pregnancy leaves and parental leaves of members of the Board; and to cover general leaves of absences per section 14.0 of the Board Bylaws.
2021 February 23 13.d
  • That Section 14.0 of the Board Bylaws be amended as follows:
  • To meet the provisions of Section 228 (1)(b) of the Education Act, a Board Member applying for leave of absence shall make the request directly to the Board.
  • Any action on a request for leave of absence must be recorded as a motion of the Board.
2021 February 23 13.c
  • That the 2021 April 13 meeting of the Board be rescheduled to 2021 April 6 in light of the new spring break schedule.
2021 February 23 12.b
  • That Administration be directed to proceed with the Oxford County French Immersion and City of Woodstock Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review and establish an Attendance Area Review Committee (AARC) for the purpose of obtaining public feedback regarding the accommodation options included in the Initial Attendance Area Review Report. That a Final report be presented within one hundred and forty days (140) Business Days after the AARC meeting. 
2021 February 9 13.a
  • That the Trustee allowance for printer expenses, for items such as paper and ink, be increased to $250 for the current fiscal year to support Trustees working from home. 
2021 January 26 13.d
  • That the motions at the in-camera session of 2021 January 26 related to negotiation matters be approved.
2021 January 26 13.b
  • That Trustees B. McKinnon and A. Morell be appointed to the Award of Distinction Ad Hoc Committee.
2021 January 26 10.b
  •  Do you agree with the ruling of the Chair?
2021 January 26 10.b
  • A decision on the motion was deferred to the June 2021 meeting of the Board on motion of Trustee Cuddy, seconded by Trustee Smith and carried.  The deferred motion is as follows
  • That all Program and School Services Advisory Committee meetings and Planning and Priority Advisory Committee meetings be video recorded and broadcast as is done for formal meetings of the Board.
2021 January 12 17
  • In a continued effort to enhance communication and connectedness with our public-school supporters, Thames Valley District School Board will organize and facilitate two trustee forums in each trustee area (wards/county) for the 2021 calendar year
2021 January 12 13.b
  • THAT the current Board meeting structure of two meetings a month continue through to the end 2021 June 30, with the Advisory Meetings being suspended.
2021 January 12 12.b
  • THAT in compliance with the new public health guidelines that have been established by the Ontario Ministry of Education and the Canadian Federal Government for accepting international students, we remain committed to our International Education students and program
2020 Board Motions

Date Adopted 

Motion No. 

Motion Information 
2020 December 15


  • THAT suspensions on a student record that would now be in violation of Regulation 440/20 be expunged. This would include suspensions that occurred when the student was in junior kindergarten, kindergarten, grade 1, 2 or 3 be expunged from their OSR.
2020 December 15


  • That the motion at the in-camera session of 2020 December 15 related to negotiation matters be approved.
2020 December 15  15.c
  • THAT the appointment of Trustees to committees of the Board for 2020-2021, as outlined on the Committees of the Board and Community Representation 2020-2021, be approved.
  • THAT Trustee L. Pizzolato be appointed as a Student Trustee mentor.
2020 December 15  15.b
  • THAT the Electronic Meeting Policy (#2004) be approved.
  • THAT the Conflict of Interest and Nepotism Policy be approved.
  • THAT the revisions to the Student Concussion Policy (#4004) be approved.
  • THAT the Exclusion of a Student Policy be approved
2020 December 15  14.a
  • THAT Administration be directed to prepare an Initial Attendance Area Review Report for both the elementary and secondary panels in the City of London for the purpose of reducing enrolment pressure at overutilized schools and improving the use of empty pupil places at underutilized schools.
2020 December 15  10
  •  THAT the Chairperson’s Inaugural Address be spread upon the minutes
2020 November 24  13.d
  • That the motions at the in-camera session of 2020 November 24 related to personal matters be approved
2020 November 24  13.c
  • That the proposed amendments to Sections 5 (Public Input), 9 (Role of the Chair and Vice Chair), and 15 (Rules of Order) of the Bylaws be deferred until such time that they may be further reviewed by the Board Governance and Bylaw Review Committee.
2020 November 24  13.c
  • That the amendments to Sections 2 (Board Governance Principles), 8 (Inaugural Meeting of the Chair), 11 (Committee of the Whole, In-Camera), and 14 (Leave of Absence) of the Bylaws be approved and that leave of absence provisions be reviewed by the Board Governance and Bylaw Review Committee.
2020 November 24  13.c
  • That the mandate of the Board Governance and Bylaw Review Committee be approved.
2020 November 24  13.c
  • That the Bylaw Ad Hoc Committee be disbanded such that a Board Governance and Bylaw Review Standing Committee of the Board be created.
2020 November 24  13.b
  • That the Inaugural Meeting scheduled for December 8 be cancelled and that the Recognition to the Outgoing Chair, the presentation of the gavel, and the Chair’s Inaugural Address be incorporated into the 2020 December 15 Board meeting agenda.
2020 November 24  13.b
  • That an Ad Hoc Committee be struck to review the criteria and format of the Award of Distinction with a report back to the Board of Trustees by 2021 June 22.
2020 November 24  13.a
  • That the appointment of Maranda King and Monica Nusink as audit committee members for a second three-year term ending December 31, 2023 be approved
2020 November 24  13.a
  •  That the 2019-2020 Audited Financial Statements be approved.
2020 November 24  13.a
  • That the 2019-2020 internal appropriations of accumulated surplus in the amount of $4,443,912 for the TVDSB and $745,795 for the Thames Valley Education Foundation (as outlined in Chart 1) be approved.
2020 November 24  8
  •  THAT Chair Morell's Valedictory Address be spread upon the minutes
2020 November 10  13.d
  • That the motions at the in-camera session of 2020 related to negotiation and property matters be approved.
2020 November 10  13.a
  • THAT the Development and Management of Board Policies and Administrative Procedure Policy (PWC-1) be approved.
2020 October 27  17 THAT the Chair write a letter to the Minister of Education, acknowledging gratitude

for the Capital Priorities Grant, and to explore further options, if necessary,
regarding the Capital Priorities Grant submission of September 2019 related to the
new school in Belmont.

2020 October 27  15
  • THAT the letter received from the Council of the Municipality of Central Elgin on 2020 October 26 be included in the minutes (BOARD-1).
2020 October 27  13.c
  • THAT membership to the Ontario Student Trustees Association be renewed.
2020 October 27  12.b
  • THAT Administration be directed to prepare an Initial Attendance Area Review Report for the Oxford County French Immersion and City of Woodstock Elementary Panel Accommodation Review and that this be based on Option A, which would provide accommodation through the establishment of a dualtrack French Immersion elementary school and enrolment balancing for French Immersion and select English-track elementary schools in the City of Woodstock.
2020 October 13  17
  • THAT the agreement between the Thames Valley District School Board and the Municipality of Central Elgin with regard to the use of the Central Elgin facilities by Central Elgin schools be revisited to ensure the agreement accurately reflects the wishes of Council and the Board.
2020 October 13  13.c
  • That the Rural Education Task Force Committee be provided an extension to 2021 November 23.
  • Maintaining and enhancing the Rural and Northern Education Fund (RNEF) funding model for rural and northern schools.
  • Maintaining the moratorium on school consolidations and closures for the schools that qualify/identified for the Rural and Northern Education Fund in accordance with the Ministry of Education's revised draft of the Pupil Accommodation Guidelines.
  • Strengthening of integrated local planning at the community level and to promote local planning conversations among school boards, municipalities and other relevant local partners to ensure ongoing communication and notification regarding possible school consolidations, closures, additions or new builds.
  • Provincial policies for capacity planning and pupil accommodation reviews that formally recognize the importance and value to the community of rural and single school community schools.
2020 September 22  15.a
  • THAT Sherri Moore be appointed to the Special Education Advisory Committee for the remainder of the 2019 December 1 to November 30 2022 term.
2020 September 22  13.c
  • THAT the motions at the in-camera session of 2020 September 22 related to negotiation matters be approved.
2020 September 22  13.a
  • THAT membership to the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association be renewed.
2020 September 22  10.b
  • That the board meeting schedule found in Appendix A of the 2020 July 4 Board meeting minutes, be changed so that the Special Board meetings become regular Board meetings with the exception of the 2020 December 1, Special board meeting saved for Board elections.
2020 Aug 25  7
  • THAT the motions at the in-camera session of 2020 August 25 related to legal matters be approved
2020 Aug 25  6
  • That the Chair write a letter to Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health and the Ministry of Education regarding standardization of mask wearing protocols in schools and public places in Ontario.
2020 Aug 25  6
  • THAT an amount up to an additional 1% of the 2020-2021 TVDSB projected operating revenues, totaling $9,395,781, may be used from the unappropriated accumulated surplus balance to fund COVID-19 related expenses in 2020-2021
2020 Aug 25  5
  • BE IT RESOLVED THAT masks shall be mandatory in all TVDSB buildings and on student transportation for all students JK-3, staff and visitors where 2m (6ft) of physical distancing is not possible until such time as masks are no longer required or recommended in the general population to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
  • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT individuals may be exempt based on medical conditions or otherwise. Alternatives are explored for staff and students that are medically exempt from wearing face masks.
  • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Staff will work towards mask compliance with students compassionately with no disciplinary actions for students who have difficulty complying.
  • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that frequent mask breaks will be available.
2020 Aug 12  5
  • THAT the Chair write a letter to the Premier of Ontario, the Ontario Minister of Education to grant resources such as sufficient funding for School Boards to effectively ensure staff and student safety and well being to be resourced. In addition that the letter advocate for the reduction of class sizes to reflect current social distancing guidelines. That the Director continue to work alongside the Ministry of Education to provide full funding to achieve lower Elementary class sizes.
2020 July 21  8
  • THAT whereas the Ministry requires the 2020-2021 in-year deficit elimination plan be approved, the expenses will be addressed in 2021-2022 through the following measures:
  • One time project expenses that do not continue in 2021-2022 $7.2 m Additional allocation of Secondary Teachers to support programming to be addressed (approx. 4 FTE) 0.4 m Total $7.6 m
2020 July 21  8


  • THAT the projected 2020-21 deficit for compliance purposes of $(9,316,423), be funded from the August 31, 2020 accumulated surplus through the following appropriations:
  • Unappropriated Accumulated Surplus (1,782,370) Other Operating Appropriations (75,281) IT Technology and Infrastructure (5,381,135) Amount for Future Internally Supported Capital Projects (718,460) Future Amortization of Internally Supported Capital Projects (1,359,177) Operating Deficit for Compliance Purposes (9,316,423) Items Unavailable for Compliance (Accrued Interest) 117,382 Operating Deficit (9,199,041)
2020 July 21  8
  • THAT the 2020-2021 revenue budget of $1,022,410,397 and the 2020-2021 expense budget of $1,031,609,438 be approved.
2020 July 21  8
  • Recognizing that there will be additional costs, unknown to the Board at this time, related to COVID-19, the Board include in its budget a COVID-19 allocation of $1.8M (the remainder of the allowable in year deficit of 1%) as an expense for the 2020-21 school year.
2020 July 21  8
  • That the Chair write a letter on behalf of the Board of Trustees to the Minister of Education regarding increased flexibility in balancing the budget for the fiscal year 2020-2021 through Regulation 280.
  • To change the requirement for a compliant in-year deficit by 1% to a 2% total. The additional 1% year-in deficit (2020-2021 fiscal year), is a one-time stop gap measure to only fund COVID-related expenses from accumulated surplus, providing the in-year deficit is less that 50% of the Board’s accumulated surplus. This will ensure deficit recovery as a one-time expense in the 2020-2021 fiscal year and financial stewardship.
2020 July 21  8
  • THAT the Chair write a letter on behalf of the Board of Trustees to the Minister of Education expressing concerns related to unfunded expenses attributed to COVID-19 and the utmost importance of keeping our students and staff safe & healthy during the pandemic.
2020 July 21  7.b 
  • THAT the TVDSB Board of Trustees send a letter to the Minister of Education advocating that Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) be recognized as an exceptionality category with the appropriate funding. The letter is to be distributed to OPSBA and the other Boards in the province.
2020 July 21  7.b 
  • THAT the Thames Valley District School Board Special Education Plan 2020-2021 be approved.
2020 July 21  7.b 
  • THAT a gifted program review be established by Administration to review data, research and information with input from the gifted subcommittee at SEAC.
2020 July 14 7
  • THAT the revised 2020-2021 Board meeting schedule be approved (Appendix A).
2020 June 23  12.e
  • That the motions at the in-camera session of 2020 June 23 related to negotiation matters be approved.
2020 June 23  12.d
  • THAT Trustees B. McKinnon, C. Rahman, and C. Antone be appointed as mentors to the three incoming Student Trustees.
2020 June 23  12.d
  • THAT discussion and decision on the 2020-2021 Board meeting schedule and consideration of video recordings of Advisory Committee meetings be deferred to the 2020 July 14 Special Meeting of the Board, or if necessary, until a Special Meeting of the Board is called to receive the preliminary budget.
2020 June 23 12.c
  • THAT the Display of Flags Policy be approved.
2020 June 23 12.c
  • THAT the Equitable Recruitment Policy be approved.
2020 June 23 12.c
  • THAT the Student Use of Guide Dogs and Service Animals Policy be approved.
2020 June 23 12.a
  • That the next attendance area review address the significant student distribution problem in the City of London, pending the capital priorities submission results, as well as the overcapacity accommodation issue at Roch Carrier French Immersion P.S.
2020 June 23 10.b
  • WHEREAS: We the Board of Trustees have heard from the community through the June 6th 2020, rally in Victoria Park, demonstrations in other TVDSB communities and protests at the Board office that real action is needed on anti-black racism, racism in schools, equitable hiring practices and reflective curriculum.
  • WHEREAS: The deaths of Black people are a result of a network of oppressive institutions in which the education system plays a role;
  • WHEREAS: There are a number of policies that focus on equity and inclusion at TVDSB, including the Strategic Plan and the Board is committed to the removal of systemic barriers to improve student learning, close achievement gaps, and to ensure equitable opportunities for students and staff;
  • WHEREAS: The Minister has the authority to make regulations governing the hiring practices for teachers.
  • BE IT RESOLVED THAT: TVDSB develop an equity action plan that includes anti-black racism/anti-racism strategy. That the board develop this strategy through extensive consultation. That the strategy include specific objectives tied to actions, measurable outcomes and timelines for meeting those objectives include provisions for engaging with students, parents/guardians, and other stakeholders. Include provisions for public reporting on progress towards achieving outcomes in the strategy on a monthly basis. That the board hear all recommendations no later than June 2021;
  • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: The board establish an equity and inclusivity advisory committee which includes students, community members, trustees, administration and parents/guardians. The majority of the committee should be community members tasked to help create the equity action plan. That the committee is representative of the demographics and intersectionality’s of the Board’s student body. That the committee be consulted with, in a meaningful way, on policies, programs and initiatives such as culturally relevant resources, dress codes, disciplinary policies and procedures etc.;
  • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: TVDSB explore the practice of collecting disaggregate data by school, grade, race, language, disability, sex, gender, and socioeconomic status and report back to the board on any issues or concerns with doing so. Disaggregated data could be used to put a critical lens on suspension, expulsion and graduation rates, representation in academic, applied and locally developed credit courses, representation in special education, credit accumulation and student absenteeism. This data could be used to assess, evaluate and report on progress towards improving outcomes for all students;
  • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: TVDSB, commit to exploring equity training including anti-racism and anti-oppression training for Trustees, administrators, teachers, staff and students and all statutory committees of the Board;
  • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: The Policy working committee, review the Police/School Board Protocol in the 2020/21 School year;
  • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: TVDSB engage in extensive consultation with students, staff, community members, trustees and parents/guardians regarding the School Resource Officers (SROs) program. That the consultation probes the feelings and experiences of students in relationship to SROs and police presence in our schools. That staff prepare an accountability report for Trustees and the community in consultation with Police services across Thames Valley on the nature of the role of School Resource Officers, include the results of the survey and recommendations moving forward by December 2020;
  • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: The Chair of the Board, in collaboration with the Board of Trustees, the mover and seconder of the motion and staff, send a letter to the Minister requesting the development of the Policy and Program Memorandum (PPM) on equity and diversity in hiring practices as requested by OPSBA. That the Chair communicate in the letter to the Minister support for OBSPA’s position to remove Regulation 274/12 as it relates to increasing diversity/inclusivity, credentials and mobility. So that learners can see themselves reflected in the different positions of leadership in our schools;
  • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: The Chair of the Board, in collaboration with the Board of Trustees, the mover and seconder of the motion and staff, send a letter to the Minister of Education encouraging the revision of the curriculum to better incorporate Black history and Indigenous histories. We ask that the Government honour the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. To collaborate with Survivors, Aboriginal peoples, and educators to continue with curriculum revisions across subjects, grades and courses, to strengthen Indigenous content and learning.
2020 June 23 10.b  
  • WHEREAS Chippewas of the Thames First Nation, Oneida Nation of the Thames and Munsee-Delaware Nation stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement;
  • WHEREAS the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) states in part “Recognizing in particular the right of indigenous families and communities to retain shared responsibility for the upbringing, training, education and well-being of their children, consistent with the rights of the child…
  • Indigenous peoples and individuals are free and equal to all other peoples and individuals and have the right to be free from any kind of discrimination, in the exercise of their rights, in particular that based on their indigenous origin or identity.”
  • WHEREAS the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action states in part “We call upon the federal government to develop with Aboriginal groups a joint strategy to eliminate education and employment gaps between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Canadians.”
  • WHEREAS TVDSB and CMO have long standing Tuition/Education Service agreements in place and where the First Nations Advisory Committee has been asking the Board for accountability and data regarding the success of the First Nation Students;
  • WHEREAS decades of racism endured by Indigenous students and most recently the incident at Saunders Secondary School in the Fall of 2019 involving racial activities was not addressed by way of a formal report to the CMO communities TVDSB.
  • WHEREAS the TVDSB has autonomy to make regulations governing the hiring practices for teachers.
  • WHEREAS the CMO communities support a letter to the Minister regarding SRO’s, curriculum and the development of the Policy and Program Memorandum on equity and diversity in hiring practices as requested by OPSBA.
  • THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT CMO community representatives, the Indigenous Lead and the Indigenous Trustee need be involved in intentional principal placement in schools with Indigenous populated students and system principal placement through new mechanisms;
  • BE IT FINALLY RESOVED THAT the TVDSB establish an Indigenous led task force during the 2020-2021 school year that will be mandated to work on, but not limited to:
  • Creating an ombudsman for Indigenous families to hear complaints and implement and mentor staff on restorative practices.
  • An Indigenous Superintendent or someone with extensive knowledge on Indigenous culture, have a seat at decision-making tables per Ministry memorandum dated June 24, 2016.
  • That the recommendations of the task force will be brought to the TVDSB Board of Trustees for approval.
2020 June 16 11
  • That the motion approved at the in-camera session of 2020 June 16 related to personal matters be approved.
2020 June 16  5 In response to the Black Lives Matter request that has been circulated in the media, the following recommendation is moved:

That Administration prepare a report by the end of November 2020 to include:

  • the availability of nutrition programs,
  • the availability of black and indigenous counsellors,
  • the availability of mental health professionals and programs,
  • information on the black and indigenous curriculum available to students,
  • the role of School Resource Officers and which schools current utilize this service; and
  • information on the equity training/programs provided to staff and students.
  • That the report be inclusive of all schools within Thames Valley. On motion of Trustee Pizzolato, seconded by Trustee Skinner the motion was deferred to the 2020 June 23 meeting of the Board.
2020 May 26  17
  • That the Chair write a letter to the Premier and the Minister of Education regarding closing the gap in access to rural broadband in Ontario’s rural communities and address access in urban centres as well.
2020 May 26  15.a
  • THAT Teresa Whaley be appointed to the Special Education Advisory Committee as an alternate for the remainder of the 2018 December 1 to 2022 November 30 term.
2020 May 26  13.c
  • THAT having found there exists insufficient evidence to support a finding of a breach of the Code of Conduct. The Inquiry Committee recommends that the Inquiry Committee be dissolved.
2020 May 26  13.c
  • THAT the motion approved at the in-camera session of 2020 May 26 related to personal matters be approved.
2020 May 26 12.b 
  • That the Draft 2020-2021 School Year Calendar be submitted to the Ministry of Education for approval.
2020 April 21  5
  • That the 2020 Board meeting schedule be revised to meet twice monthly by adding a Special Board meeting on the second Tuesday of each month in lieu of the Advisory Committee meetings. In addition, that on the alternating Tuesdays a commitment to virtual check-ins with Director Fisher be established.
  • That this schedule be revisited at the end of 2020 June.
2020 March 24  10.a That the following positions for the Planning Department, which are in addition to the current staffing model, be approved:
  • 1.0 FTE Manager of Planning (effective May 2020)
  • 1.0 FTE Planner (effective May 2020)
  • 1.0 FTE Assistant Planner (effective September 2020)
  • 1.0 FTE Data and Visualization Specialist (effective September 2020)
  • 1.0 FTE Co-operative Education student (effective September 2020)
2020 February 25  15.a
  • THAT Dusty Young be appointed to the First Nations Advisory Committee effective 2020 January 30.
2020 February 25  14.a
  • THAT the Chair write a letter on behalf of the Board of Trustees to the Minister of Education to draw attention to our ongoing concerns with proposed education changes. Specifically, the letter will address our ongoing concerns with proposed class size ratios and impacts on pathways and programs and mandatory e-learning. Specifically that the TVDSB Trustees prefer a 22:1 class size ration, expect unfunded liabilities to be fully funded including Special Education, absenteeism, student transportation and capital projects. The TVDSB Trustees oppose mandatory online learning as a broad based policy and recognize that teachers are our most valuable asset in student success. Our letter will also highlight the need for all parties to use positive dispute resolution means and to return to the bargaining table for ongoing dialogue in the best interest of students in our Board and across the Province.
2020 February 25  12.b
  • THAT the Chair send a letter to the Ministry of Education asking for funding to reimburse TVDSB for the implementation of the new Student Information System and any ongoing maintenance costs.
2020 February 25  12.b
  • THAT a commitment of $5,266,000.00 from the accumulated surplus internally appropriated for IT Technology and Infrastructure, to support the transition to, and implementation of, the Board’s new Student Information System be approved.
2020 January 28  15.a
  • THAT Kelly Wilson be appointed to the Special Education Advisory Committee as an alternate for the remainder of the 2018 December 1 to 2019 November 30 2022 term.
2020 January 28  13.e
  • THAT the motion relating to a personal matter be approved.
2020 January 28  12.c
  • That the Thames Valley District School Board (TVDSB) procure 25 portables from NRB Inc. at an estimated cost of $3,137,975 appropriated from accumulated surplus to fund the cost of the portables.
2019 Board Motions

Date Adopted 

Motion No. 

Motion Information 
2019 December 17


  • Trustee Bennett reported the Committee of the Whole met in-camera from 5:45 p.m. to 6:11 p.m. The committee discussed confidential legal, negotiation and personal matters
2019 December 17


  • THAT Dave Cripps of the Thames Valley Parent Involvement Committee and Trustee Cuddy be appointed to the Rural Education Task Force Steering Committee.
2019 December 17  15.b
  • That the reserve fund be used to support the OPSBA Alternate Members to attend the OPSBA meetings.
2019 December 17  15.b
  • That the following individuals be appointed to the Rural Education Task Force Steering Committee: Suzanne McCullough, OSSTF: Jennifer Brackenbury, OPC-Elementary; Larisa Grant, OPC-Secondary; Jennifer Nuyens, Thames Valley Council of Home and School Associations; Adrian Cornelissen, Middlesex County; Sally Martyn, Elgin County; Marcus Ryan, Oxford County; and Student Trustees Butler and Kennedy.
2019 December 17  14.c That the Board provide a minimum of one English language combined Junior Kindergarten/Senior Kindergarten class at the following French Immersion Elementary Schools, effective September 1, 2020:
  • Éva Circé-Côté French Immersion Public School
  • J.S. Buchanan French Immersion Public School
  • Jeanne Sauve French Immersion Public School
  • Kensal Park French Immersion Public School
  • Lord Roberts French Immersion Public School
  • Louise Arbour French Immersion Public School
  • Pierre Elliott Trudeau French Immersion Public School
  • Princess Anne French Immersion Public School
  • West Oaks French Immersion Public School
2019 December 17  14.b  
  • THAT the previously adopted motions on 2018 May 22: WHEREAS the approval of the Ministry of Education with respect to the Capital Priorities funding grant for the new Southeast London Public School and Tweedsmuir Public School was delayed until 2018 March 13,
  • BE IT RESOLVED THAT Fairmont Public School, at 1040 Hamilton Road, London ON, close effective 2020 June 30 and declared surplus.
  • THAT the Tweedsmuir Public School junior kindergarten to grade 8 new attendance area be approved, as per Figure 01 (Appendix A), effective 2020 July 01.
  • THAT the students residing in the proposed Tweedsmuir Public School attendance area to be accommodated at Tweedsmuir Public School, effective 2020 July 01.
  • be amended as follows:
  • THAT Fairmont Public School, at 1040 Hamilton Road, London ON, close effective no earlier than 2021 June 30 and declared surplus, contingent upon Ministry of Education approvals as per the Capital Approval Process.
  • THAT the Tweedsmuir Public School junior kindergarten to grade 8 new attendance area be approved, as per Figure 01 (Appendix A), effective no earlier than 2021 July 01, contingent upon Ministry of Education approvals as per the Capital Approval Process.
  • THAT the students residing in the proposed Tweedsmuir Public School attendance area to be accommodated at Tweedsmuir Public School, effective no earlier than 2021 July 01, contingent upon Ministry of Education approvals as per the Capital Approval Process.
2019 December 10 14
  • The following motion was moved by Trustee Ruddock, seconded by Trustee Smith and CARRIED:
  • THAT the appointment of Trustees to committee of the Board for 2019-020, as outlined on the Committees of the Board Community Representation 2019-2020 be approved.
2019 December 3 7
  • The following recommendation was moved by Trustee Yeoman, seconded by Trustee Hunt and CARRIED:
  • That the following persons be appointed signing officers on behalf of the Board for the period 2019 December 01 to 2020 November 30:
2019 December 3 7
  • The following recommendation was moved by Trustee Hunt, seconded by Trustee Bennett and CARRIED:
  • That the following persons be appointed signing officers on behalf of the Board for the period 2019 December 01 to 2020 November 30:
  • Arlene Morell, Chair of the Board
  • Meagan Ruddock, Vice-Chair of the Board
2019 November 26  13.a 
  • Be it resolved that, in order to provide consistent, equitable access to high-quality elementary French Immersion programming in all areas of the school district, the entry point for French Immersion will be Grade 1 effective September 2020.
2019 November 26 11.b.1
  • THAT the Chair of the Board write a letter to the Ministry of Education regarding the Board’s decision to prioritize the new Belmont school and the addition to Eagle Heights as the two top priorities of the Board.
2019 November 26  11.b.1
  • THAT the new business case for the Belmont school and current business case for Eagle Heights P.S. be submitted as top priorities of the Board.  
2019 November 26 11.b.1
  • THAT the following motion adopted at the 2017 May 23 Board meeting regarding EPAR-01 be rescinded:
  • THAT Springfield Public School, located at 51336 Ron McNeil Line, Springfield, close effective 2020 June 30 and be declared surplus, contingent upon Ministry of Education approval of capital funding for the new Belmont Public School.
2019 November 26 11.b.1
  • THAT the following motion adopted at the 2017 May 23 Board meeting regarding EPAR-01 be rescinded:
  • THAT New Sarum Public School, located at 9473 Belmont Road, St. Thomas, close effective 2020 June 30, contingent upon Ministry of Education approval of capital funding for the new Belmont Public School and the new Southeast St. Thomas Public School.
2019 October 22  18
  • THAT the decision be deferred to the 2019 November 26 meeting of the Board, contingent on the presentation of the report from Administration (per the Board motion of 2019 June 25), public input, and receipt of the business cases for Belmont and the Southeast St. Thomas schools
2019 October 22  16.b
  • THAT Sarah Lawrence-Farrants be appointed to the Special Education Advisory Committee for the remainder of the 2018 December 1 to 2019 November 30 2022 term.
2019 October 22  16.a
  • THAT Sarah Thomson be appointed to the Special Education Advisory Committee for the remainder of the 2018 December 1 to 2019 November 30 2022 term
2019 October 22  14.e
  • That Trustees B. Yeoman, A. Morell, M. Ruddock, S. Hunt, and B. Smith be appointed to the Rural Education Task Force Steering Committee.
2019 October 22  13.b
  • THAT the deadline for the report on the potential of closing classrooms to address empty pupil places be amended from no later than 2019 November 26 to no later than 2020 January 28.
2019 October 22  5 THAT the agenda be amended to included public input as item #10. A poll vote was conducted.

YEAS: C. Antone, S. Hunt, A. Morell, L. Pizzolato, C. Rahman, R. Ruddock, B. Smith, B. Yeoman
NAYS: J. Bennett, P. Cuddy, B. McKinnon, S. Polhill, J. Skinner
Abstained: none
Student Trustees: NAYS: E. Butler, S. Chun, C. Kennedy

2019 Sept 24  14.i
  • That the motions at the in-camera session of 2019 September 25 related to property matters be approved
2019 Sept 24  14.g
  • That membership to the Ontario Student Trustees Association be renewed.
2019 Sept 24  14.g
  • That Trustees L. Pizzolato, B. Smith, C. Rahman, J. Bennett, and A. Morell be appointed to the Bylaw Ad Hoc Committee.
2019 Sept 24  14.c
  • THAT membership to the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association be renewed
2019 Sept 24  14.a
  • THAT M. Fisher be reinstated as a member of the First Nation Advisory Committee.
2019 June 25  14.i THAT the following individuals be appointed as members of the Thames Valley Parent Involvement Committee:

Lori Martinez (Parent Member for a 1-year term, representing London wards 1, 11, 12, and 14).
Stacey Vries (Parent Member for a 1-year term, representing Oxford County).
David Cripps (Parent Member for a 2-year term, representing Oxford County).
Lisa Bailey-Moore (Parent Member for a 1-year term, representing London wards 2,3,4,5, and 6).
Susan Miller (Parent Member for a 1-year term, representing London wards 7,8,9,10, and 13).
Steven Vanloffeld (Parent Member for a 1-year term, representing the Indigenous Community).
Michelle Bacon (Community Member for a 1-year term).
Theresa Whatley (Community Member, Thames Valley Council of Home and School Associations for a 1-year term).

2019 June 25  14.h
  • THAT Trustees B. McKinnon, L. Pizzolato, S. Polhill, and C. Antone be appointed as mentors to the three new Student Trustees for the period ending 2019 November 30.
2019 June 25  14.g
  • That Administration prepare a report, on or before 2019 November 26, regarding Capital Priorities funding criteria as it relates to the EPAR-01 recommendations
2019 June 25 14.d 
  • THAT the revised Political Activity on Board Property Policy (#9009) be approved. 
  • THAT the revised Employee Code of Conduct Policy be approved
2019 June 25  13.c
  • THAT the Thames Valley District School Board Accessibility Plan 2019-2021 be approved
2019 June 25  13.b
  • THAT the Thames Valley District School Board Special Education Plan 2019-2020 be approved.
2019 June 25  13.a
  • That Chair’s Committee be directed to establish a Rural Education Task Force, with a final report due to the Board no later than November 2020.
2019 June 25  13.a
  • That the existing attendance areas for Centennial Central PS/North London remain status quo.
2019 June 25  13.a
  • That the existing attendance area for Caradoc PS remain status quo.
2019 June 25  13.a
  • That the existing attendance area for East Williams Memorial PS remain status quo.
2019 June 25 13.a 
  • That the attendance area for Valleyview remain status quo.
  • That current holding zone students, and their siblings, enrolled at Valleyview PS be permitted to continue to attend Valleyview PS, with transportation, for so long as that student and their siblings continue to reside at the address they did at the time of the establishment of the new boundary and until such time that student and their siblings graduate from Valleyview PS or otherwise cease attending Valleyview PS for their own reasons.
2019 June 25  13.a 
  • That the motion to have the existing attendance area for Oxbow PS remain status quo be substituted with the following: That the subdivisions of Timberwalk 39T-MC0401 and Clear Skies 39T-MC1401 be permanently designated to the existing attendance area of Oxbow PS effective September 2020.
2019 June 25  13.a 
  • THAT the recommendations regarding the attendance areas for Oxbow P.S., Valleyview P.S. and East Williams Memorial P.S. be addressed separately.
2019 June 25  13.a 
  • THAT the subdivision plans of 39T-MC1301 and 39T-MC0902 be permanently designated to the existing attendance area of Delaware Central PS effective immediately
2019 May 28  8
  • THAT the recognitions brought by Chair Morell and Director  Elliott be spread upon the minutes.
2019 May 28  14.j
  • That, in the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair be authorized on behalf of the Board to approve personnel changes as required during 2019 July and August.
2019 May 28  14.j
  • THAT the Chair of the Board be authorized on behalf of the Board to approve personnel changes as required during 2019 July and August
2019 May 28  14.h
  • That the 2019-2020 Board and Advisory Meeting Schedule be approved.
2019 May 28  14.b
  • THAT the revised Self-Identification for Aboriginal Students Policy be approved.
2019 May 28  14.b
  •  THAT the revised Transportation Policy be approved
2019 May 28 13.a
  • THAT the Board decision regarding the Western Area Middlesex Attendance Area Review motions as follows be deferred to the 2019 June 25 meeting of the Board:
  1. THAT the subdivision plans of 39T-MC1301, 39T-MC0902, and any other future subdivision plans contained in Area “A” as identified in the Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. Report “TVDSB: Middlesex Attendance Area Review (Supplementary Data), December 17, 2018” be permanently designated to the existing attendance area of Delaware Central PS
  2. THAT the existing attendance areas for Oxbow PS / Valleyview PS / East Williams Memorial PS remain status quo. 3. THAT the existing attendance areas for Centennial Central PS / North London remain status quo. 4. THAT a Transition Committee be established at each of the elementary schools affected by a change based on the approved attendance areas.
2019 April 23  14.l
  • That the motions at the in-camera session of 2019 April 23 related to personal matters be approved.
2019 April 23  14.k
  • That a Bylaw Ad Hoc Committee be established in the fall of 2019 to review the Trustee Code of Conduct and any other required changes to the TVDSB Bylaws with a report due to the Board no later than 2020 April 28.
2019 April 23  14.k
  •  That the Trustee Code of Conduct be confirmed.
2019 April 23  14.i
  • That the Thames Valley District School Board (“TVDSB”) approve a 2-year renewal option with Deloitte LLP to provide external audit services to the TVDSB for the period of 2020 January 1 to 2021 December 31.
2019 April 23  14.f
  • That the Thames Valley District School Board (“TVDSB”) approve a 2-year renewal option with Deloitte LLP to provide external audit services to the TVDSB for the period of 2020 January 1 to 2021 December 31.
2019 April 23  14.d
  • THAT the Chair write a letter to the Minister of Education expressing the concerns of the board regarding Education funding announcements. 
2019 April 23  14.a
  •  THAT the Terms of Reference as revised be approved (FNAC-1).
2019 April 23  13.a
  • THAT the School Committees of Caradoc, Centennial Central, Delaware Central, East Williams Memorial, Oxbow, Parkview and Valleyview Public Schools be disbanded.
2019 April 23  13.a
  • That the following motions be deferred:
  • THAT the subdivision plans of 39T-MC1301, 39T-MC0902, and any other future subdivision plans contained in Area “A” as identified in the Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. Report “TVDSB: Middlesex Attendance Area Review (Supplementary Data, December 17, 2018” be permanently designated to the existing attendance area of Delaware Central PS Oxbow PS / Valleyview PS / East Williams Memorial PS
  • THAT the existing attendance areas for Oxbow PS / Valleyview PS / East Williams Memorial PS remain status quo.
  • Centennial Central PS / North London
  • THAT the existing attendance areas for Centennial Central PS / North London remain status quo.

  • THAT a Transition Committee be established at each of the elementary schools affected by a change based on the approved attendance areas.

2019 March 26  14.f
  • That the motions at the in-camera session of 2019 March 26 related to personal and legal matters be approved.
2019 March 26  14.e
  • THAT Beth Mai be appointed the alternate for the Association for Bright Children of Ontario on the Special Education Advisory Committee for the term ending 2022 November 30.
2019 March 26  14.e
  • THAT Cassie Krygsman be appointed the alternate for the Community Services Community Coordination Network on the Special Education Advisory Committee for the term ending 2022 November 30.
2019 March 26  13.c
  • THAT $2,425,564 of unappropriated accumulated surplus be used to fund the revised business case for Masonville Public School approved by the Ministry of Education, dated February 28, 2019.
2019 March 26  13.b
  • That the Draft 2019-2020 School Year Calendars be submitted to the Ministry of Education for approval.
2019 February 26  14.f
  • That the motions at the in-camera session of 2019 Feburary 26 related to personal matters be approved.
2019 February 26  14.b
  • THAT a maximum of $3,700 be allocated from the Trustee budget to furnish the Chair’s office.
2019 January 22    
2018 Board Motions

Date Adopted 

Motion No. 

Motion Information 
2018 December 18


  • THAT the AED Policy be referred to the Policy Working Committee to review the funding structure for the purchase and maintenance of AEDs in schools.
2018 December 18


  • THAT Kim Robertson be appointed to the Thames Valley Parent Involvement Committee for the 2018-2019 term (2018 December 18– 2019 November 30).
2018 December 18  16.a
  • THAT Bette Summers(Life Long Learning Administrator), Ursula Doxtator (Elected Councillor) and Charity Doxtator (Elected Councillor) be appointed to the First Nations Advisory Committee for the 2018-2019 term ( 2018 December 18– 2019 November 30).
2018 December 18  14.c
  • THAT the motions at the in-camera session of 2018 December 18 related to personal matters be approved.
2018 December 18  14.b
  • THAT the Professional Development requests from Trustees C. Rahman, J. Skinner, A. Morell, L. Pizzolato, S. Hunt, B. Yeoman; and Student Trustees S. Chun and I. Frick to attend the 2019 Public Education Symposium be approved.
2018 December 18  14.b
  • THAT L. Pizzolato be appointed as the Alternate to the Safety and Crime Prevention Advisory Committee.
2018 December 18  14.a
  • THAT the Assessment and Evaluation of Student Achievement policy (#5003) be rescinded
2018 December 18  6
  • THAT the appointment of Carol Antone, First Nations Trustee, to the Thames Valley District School Board be approved.
2018 December 3  7 That the following persons be appointed signing officers on behalf of the Board for the period 2018 December 01 to 2019 November 30:

Arlene Morell, Chair of the Board
Joyce Bennett, Vice-Chair of the Board
Laura Elliott, Director of Education and Secretary
Jeff Pratt, Associate Director and Treasurer

2018 December 3  5.a
  • A motion to close nominations was moved by Trustee Rahman, seconded by Trustee Yeoman and
2018 November 27  15.k
  • That the motions at the In-Camera session of 2018 November 27 related to personal and legal matters be approved.
  • THAT the following individuals be appointed as members of the Thames Valley Parent Involvement Committee:
  • Lori Martinez (Parent Member for a 1 year term, representing London wards 1, 11, 12, and 14).
  • Laura Gonzalez (Parent Member for a 2 year term, representing London wards 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6).
  • Sarah Thomson (Parent Member for a 2 year term, representing London wards 7, 8, 9, 10 and 13).
  • Theresa Whaley (Community Member for a 1 year term representing Thames Valley Home and School Associations).
2018 November 27  15.h
  • THAT the Chair write the Ministry expressing the significant concerns of Trustees regarding delays in capital project approvals highlighting the significant investment of resources, adherence to ministry process, and the impact the delay is having on communities.
2018 November 27 15.g
  • THAT the 2017-2018 internal appropriations of accumulated surplus of $23,680,833 and
  • $950,994 for Thames Valley Education Foundation as outlined in Chart 1
  • (See Audit-2), be approved.
2018 November 27 15.g
  • THAT the 2017-2018 Audited Financial Statements be approved.
2018 November 27 15.e
  • THAT the TVDSB Board of Trustees compose a joint letter with the Thames Valley Parent Involvement Committee to the Ministry of Education regarding the pause on the Reaching Out Grants.
2018 November 27 15.c
  • THAT Trustee C. Goodall be reappointed to the Chairs Committee
2018 November 27 15.b
  • THAT the revised School Rededications, Opening and Closure policy (#2007) be approved. 
2018 November 27  
  • On motion of R. Tisdale, seconded by J. Skinner the approval of the terms of reference were deferred to the 2019 January 22 Board Meeting.
2018 November 27 15.a
  • THAT the proposed amendments to the First Nations Advisory Committee Terms of Reference be approved
2018 November 27 14.b
  • THAT the following proposed capital construction projects for potential co-build opportunities and facility collaboration: Belmont (new Elementary School), London Southwest (new Elementary School), St. Thomas Southeast (new Elementary School) and (Springbank Public School(addition and renovation) be approved.
2018 November 27 14.b
  • THAT Aberdeen Public School, Ealing Public School, Knollwood Public School, Nicholas Wilson Public School, Trafalgar Public School, Arthur Voaden Secondary School, Clarke Road Secondary School, B. Davison Secondary School, Glencoe District High School, Ingersoll District Collegiate Institute, Montcalm Secondary School, North Middlesex District High School, West Elgin Secondary School and Westminster Secondary School be approved for potential facility collaborations.
2018 November 27 7
  • THAT Chair Reid's Valedictory Address be spread upon the minutes
2018 November 27 3
  • The agenda was approved on motion of Trustee C. Goodall, seconded by Trustee P. Jaffe.
2018 November 13 5
  • That the motions approved at the in-camera session of 2018 November 13 related to personal matters be approved.
2018 October 23 13.a
  • THAT the recommended renewal projects for the Education Centre for 2018/2019 be approved and funded through unappropriated surplus for $2,131,248.
2018 October 23 14.a.i
  • THAT the revised Community Use of Building, Facilities and Equipment (Rental Permits) Policy approved.
2018 October 23 14.a.ii
  • THAT the Director of Education Performance Review Policy be approved.
2018 October 23 14.a.iii
  • THAT the Asthma and student policy be rescinded.
2018 October 23 14.b
  • THAT membership to the Ontario Student Trustees Association be renewed.
2018 October 23 14.d.i
  • THAT the 2018-19 Internal Audit Plan work to be performed by PWC be amended to reflect funding constraints for the South Region Internal Audit (SRIA) function.
2018 October 23 14.d.ii
  • THAT the Annual Report to the Board of Trustees and Forwarded to the Ministry of Education for the year ended 2018 August 31 be approved and submitted to the Ministry of Education.
2018 October 23 14.h
  • THAT the motions at the in-camera session of 2018 October 23 related to legal matters be approved.
2018 September 11 5
  • That the motion approved at the in-camera session of 2018 September 11 related to a personal matter be approved.
2018 October 9 5.a
  • That the decision on the recommendation for renewal projects at the Education Centre be deferred to the 2018 October 23 Board meeting.
2018 October 9 5.b
  • That the renovation of rooms 145, 146, and 147 at Louise Arbour F.I. P.S. be approved for a new International Welcome Centre and 50-person multi-purpose meeting room funded through unappropriated accumulated surplus in the amount of 1.735 M.
2018 September 25 14.a
  • THAT funds not to exceed $650,000 be appropriated to support implementation of a proof of concept for a new centralized video surveillance solution at five TVDSB sites, and the purchase of video surveillance replacement hardware to support current operational needs at all other TVDSB sites with video surveillance systems. To be funded through unappropriated accumulated surplus.
2018 September 25 14.b
  • THAT additional funding of $100,000 for the purchase of spare equipment and support maintenance services to minimize risk of telephone service disruption to the Board in the event of telephone system hardware failures be approved. To be funded through unappropriated accumulated surplus.
2018 September 25  14.b
  • THAT funding of $80,000 for the hire of a 1-year temporary project manager to lead the procurement and multi-year implementation of a new unified communications solution for the board be approved with an option to extend for an additional year, if required, at $80,000. To be funded through unappropriated accumulated surplus.
2018 September 25  14.c
  • THAT an in-year budget request of $100,000 to pay a third party vendor (“vendor”) to research and write a comprehensive Business Continuity Plan (“BCP”) and a Disaster Recovery Plan (“DRP”) be approved. To be funded through unappropriated accumulated surplus.
2018 September 25  15.b
  •  THAT the membership to Ontario Public School Board Association be renewed.
2018 June 26  15.a
  •  THAT E. Young be appointed to the First Nations Advisory Committee
2018 June 26  13.i
  • THAT the motions approved at the in-camera session of 2018 June 26 related to legal and personal matters be approved.
  • THAT the following members be approved to the Thames Valley Parent Involvement Committee: Laura Bick (2 Years, London Wards: 1, 11, 12 and 14), Jonathon Grant (1 Year, London Wards: 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6) Fatima Elamin (1 Year, London Wards: 7, 8, 9, 10 and 13), Dana Parsons (1 year, Middlesex County), Melissa Bayes (1 year, Elgin) and Raghad Ebied, (1 Year, Community Partner – Islamic Centre of Southwest Ontario)
2018 June 26  13.j
  • THAT Trustees B. McKinnon, A. Morell, and P. Schuyler be appointed to continue as mentors to the three new Student Trustees for the period ending 2018 November 30. 
2018 June 26  13.h
  •  THAT the 2018-2019 Internal Audit Plan be approved
2018 June 26  13.c
  • THAT the Supporting Students with Prevalent Medical/Health Conditions in Schools Policy be approved.
  • THAT the Medical/Health Support for Students Policy (#5001) be rescinded.
  • THAT the Medical/Health Support for Students Procedure (#5001a) be rescinded.
  • THAT the Asthma and Students Procedure (#4019a) be rescinded.
  • THAT the revised School Councils Policy be approved.
  • THAT the School Councils Policy (#3003) be rescinded.
  • THAT the School Councils – Conflict Resolution Process for Internal School Council Disputes Policy (#3007) be rescinded.
  • THAT the School Councils – Parent Members Policy (#3008) be rescinded.
  • THAT the School Councils – Conflict Resolution Process for Internal School Council Disputes Procedure (#3007a) be rescinded.
  • THAT the Home & School Associations Policy be approved.
  • THAT the Home & School and other Parent and Student Associations Policy (#3002) be rescinded.
2018 June 26 13.b
  • THAT the Chair of the Board be authorized on behalf of the Board to approve personnel changes as required during 2018 July and August. 
2018 June 26 12.e
  • THAT the priorities and goals of the 2018-2022 Strategic Plan for the Thames Valley District School Board be approved.
 2018 June 26 12.d
  • THAT the Special Education Plan for 2018-2019 be approved. 
2018 June 26 12.c
  • THAT the Board approve a further use of $1.8 million of Board-Supported Capital Appropriation of accumulated surplus to fund the Southside Public School addition.
2018 June 26 12.b
  • THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Compliance Audit Committee: Fraser Macdonald, Marianne Park, John Trudgen, Melanie Molnar and Indradeo Sukhdeo. 
2018 June 19  6
  • Staffing Officers (1.0 FTE)
  • Additional Noon Hour Supervisors – 31
  • Qualtrics Enterprise Suite
  • Continuous Intake Student Success Pilot
  • Global Competencies Regional Facilitators
  • Bus Transportation, Tools and Facility Rental for Aviation Program
  • Robotics Initiative – Elementary
  • FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC)
  • System Secondary School Literacy Support – OSSLT
  • Music Instrument Enhancement $50,000 each year for 2 years
  • Musical Instrument Replacement Investment
  • Adaptive Arts Programming Investment
  • Technological Education/Machine Safety and Program Equipment Support
  • Technological Education/Software to Support Program Needs
  • THAT the Branding TVDSB initiative ($250,000 over 2 years) be included in the 2018-19 budget.
  • THAT the Building and enhancing Family Engagement initiative be increased to 88,000 and be included in the 2018-19 budget.
  • THAT the Diversity and Inclusion Officer including PD, supplies and services (1.0 FTE) initiative be included in the 2018-19 budget.
  • THAT the Elementary STEAM Equipment Fund initiative be included in the 2018-19 budget.
  • THAT $50,000 be included in the 2018-19 budget to create a one-time “Chill Room” Fund for schools.
  • THAT the Flagpole budget initiative be referred back to Administration with a report to come forward to Trustees.
  • THAT the 2018-2019 revenue budget of $973,042,190 and the 2018-2019 expense budget of $975,262,054 be approved.
  • THAT the projected 2018-2019 deficit for compliance purposes of $2,323,220 be funded from the August 31, 2018 accumulated surplus through the following appropriations:

Unappropriated Accumulated Surplus (379,023)
Other Operating Appropriations (531,631)
Amount for Future Internally Supported Capital Projects (1,470,000)
Future Amortization of Internally Supported Capital Projects 57,434
Compliance Surplus/ (Deficit) (2,323,220)
Non-Compliance Items 103,356
Overall Surplus/ (Deficit) (2,219,864)

2018 June 12  5
  • That the motions approved at the in-camera session of 2018 June 12 related to a legal matter be approved.
2018 May 22  15.j
  • THAT the new French Immersion Public School located in Sparta be named Éva Circé-Côté French Immersion Public School.
  • THAT Port Stanley Public School be renamed Kettle Creek Public School.
  • THAT the motion approved at the in-camera session of 2018 May 22 related to a personal matter (item 9.d) be approved.
  • THAT the motion approved at the in-camera session of 2018 May 22 related to a personal matter (item 9.g) be approved.
  • THAT the motion approved at the in-camera session of 2018 May 22 related to personal matters (item 9.h) be approved.
  • THAT the motion approved at the in-camera session of 2018 May 22 related to a personal matter (item 9.i) be approved.
2018 May 22 15.i
  • THAT the Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee be disbanded. 
2018 May 22 15.h
  • THAT the 2018-2019 Board and Advisory Meeting scheduled be approved.
2018 May 22 15.c
  • THAT the revised Fundraising Projects for Schools Policy be approved.
2018 May 22 15.b
  • THAT Student Trustees T. Kennedy, S. Kim, and N. Lavdas and incoming Student Trustees be approved to attend the Ontario Student Trustee’s Association Annual Conference 2018 May 24-27. 
2018 May 22 14.b
  • THAT the hiring of 75 FTE permanent Educational Assistants, in advance of the 2018-19 budget approval process, be approved. 
2018 May 22  14.a WHEREAS the approval of the Ministry of Education with respect to the Capital Priorities funding grant for the new Southeast London Public School and Tweedsmuir Public School was delayed until 2018 March 13,

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Fairmont Public School, at 1040 Hamilton Road, London ON, close effective 2020 June 30, and declared surplus.
THAT Tweedsmuir Public school junior kindergarten to grade 8 new attendance are be approved, as per Figure 01, effective 2020 July 01
THAT the students residing in the proposed Tweedsmuir Public School attendance area be accommodated at Tweedsmuir Public School, effective 2020 July 1.

2018 April 24  14.k
  • THAT the motions approved at the in-camera session of 2018 April 24 related to personal matters be approved.
2018 April 24  14.i
  • THAT Trustee C. Goodall be appointed as the voting delegate at the OPSBA 2018 Annual General Meeting.
  • THAT Trustee M. Reid be appointed as the alternate voting delegate at the OPSBA 2018 Annual General Meeting.
2018 April 24  14.c
  • THAT the Environmental Education and Management Policy be approved. 
2018 April 24  13.c THAT the following incremental positions, to commence September 2018, be included in the 2018-19 Budget:

• 3.0 FTE Social Services (Social Workers);
• 3.0 FTE Speech-Language Pathologies;
• 3.0 FTE Psychological Services Staff;
• 2.4 FTE Social Workers/School Support Counsellors;
• 2.4 FTE Psychological Services Staff;
• 17.7 FTE Elementary Guidance Teachers;
• 15.4 FTE Educational Assistants; and
• 2.0 FTE Social Workers/School Support Counsellor.

2018 April 24  13.b
  • THAT the Naming Committee Membership for the new Sparta French Immersion Public School be approved as follows: C. Goodall (Trustee), L. Munro (Learning Supervisor, S. Dyke (Parent, Pierre Elliott Trudeau F.I. P.S.), D. Douglas (Parent, Pierre Elliott Trudeau F.I. P.S.), T. Ellis (Parent, Pierre Elliott Trudeau F.I. P.S.), E. Rivers (Parent, Pierre Elliott Trudeau F.I. P.S.), V. Dukelow (Parent, Pierre Elliott Trudeau F.I. P.S.) and the Principal (New Sparta French Immersion Public School).
  • THAT the Naming Committee Membership for the Consolidated Port Stanley Public School be approved as follows: C. Goodall (Trustee), L. Munro (Learning Supervisor), J. Wilkins (Parent, Sparta P.S.), J. Magri (Parent, Sparta P.S.), L. Johnston (Parent, Port Stanley P.S.), N. Dunn (Parent, Port Stanley P.S.) and the Principal (Consolidated Port Stanley Public School).
2018 April 24  13.a
  • THAT an Attendance Area Review be conducted for the attendance area (inclusive for assigned/future holding zones) of Parkview P.S., Valleyview P.S., Oxbow P.S., and Delaware Central P.S.
  • THAT the review, as per the TVDSB Attendance Area Review procedure, be commenced no later than 2018 November 27 with the final report presented to Trustees no later than 2019 May 28.
  • THAT, during the review, consideration of boundary adjustments be given to the boundaries for Caradoc P.S., East Williams Memorial P.S. and Centennial Central P.S.
2018 March 27  17.a
  • THAT Barb Furac be appointed as the Community Living London Representative on the Thames Valley District School Boards, Special Education Advisory Committee for the remainder of the term ending 2018 November 30. 
2018 March 27  14.i
  • THAT the motions approved at the in-camera session of 2018 March 27 related to personal and property matters be approved.
2018 March 27  14.h
  • THAT the Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee be provided an extension to 2018 June 26 Board meeting to submit their final report such that work may be completed on the development of strategic goals. 
2018 March 27  14.g
  • THAT Trustees J. Bennett, C. Goodall, B. McKinnon, M. Reid, and R. Tisdale be appointed to sit on the Selection Committee for the new French Immersion School in Elgin County; and for consideration, the renaming of Port Stanley Public School.
2018 March 27  14.c THAT the Thames Valley District School Board designates the Municipalities of Middlesex County identified in Appendix B as Newbury Village, Southwest, Strathroy-Caradoc, Thames Centre, Middlesex Centre, Adelaide Metcalfe, North Middlesex and Lucan Biddulph, as low population municipalities.

THAT the following Trustee distribution to the four geographic areas of the Board be approved:
• Elgin County – 2 Trustees
• Middlesex County – 2 Trustees
• Oxford County – 2 Trustees
• City of London – 6 with Ward distribution as follows:
o Wards 1, 11, 12, 14 – 2 Trustees
o Wards 2, 3, 4, 5 – 2 Trustees
o Wards 7, 8, 9, 10, 13 – 2 Trustees

2018 March 27  14.b THAT an additional 5.0 FTE teachers be added to the 2018-2019 secondary staffing.

THAT 2.5 FTE additional teacher-librarians be allocated to ensure that every secondary school has a minimum of .67 FTE teacher-librarians.

THAT an additional 2.5 FTE teachers be allocated to ease timetabling conflicts, address the breadth of programming, and reduce the number of on-line courses students must take in schools with student enrollment below 400 FTE.

That the costs of hiring the following incremental staff for September 2018 be included in the 2018-19 Budget:
• 5.33 FTE secondary ESL/ELD teachers,
• 1.5 FTE secondary ESL/ELD Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA),
• 1.0 FTE secretary to support ROAC,
• 6.0 FTE elementary ESL/ELD TOSA’s,
• 18.0 FTE elementary ESL/ELD teachers,
• FTE ESL/ELD elementary Learning Co-ordinator,
• 10.0 FTE elementary Learning Support Teachers (Special Education),
• 1.0 FTE Learning Co-oordinator – Equity and Inclusive Education

2018 March 27  14.a
  • THAT the funding for the cost of the addition at Port Stanley P.S. of $1.6 million be approved from the appropriation of accumulated surplus for board-supported capital.
2018 February 27  18
  • THAT the vote made on 2017 December 19 regarding the proposed increase to the Facility Services department’s permanent staffing complement in the form of a 1.0 FTE Project Coordinator and 2.0 FTE Project Supervisors be RECONSIDERED.
  • THAT the Board approves an increase to the Facility Services department’s permanent staffing complement in the form of a 1.0 FTE Project Coordinator and 2.0 FTE Project Supervisors.
2018 February 27 14.h
  • THAT the motions approved at the in-camera session of 2018 February 27 related to negotiations and personal matters be approved.
2018 February 27 14.g
  • THAT the Naming of Schools Policy be approved. 
2018 February 27 14.a
  • THAT the Equity and Inclusive Education Policy be approved.
2018 February 27  13.c THAT the allocation of an additional budget of $1,522,000 in 2017-2018 to the one-time projects as outlined below be approved: 
  • Additional Physical Education Support in the amount of $88,000
  • Tech Renewal Funds in the amount of $275,000
  • Windows 10 and MS Office Suite Training in the amount of $100,000
  • Professional Development - training and speakers for Business Services in the amount of $10,000
  • Business Services casual salaries and benefits to support current workload pressures in the amount of $125,000
  • Consulting fees for implementation of on-going projects in Business Services in the amount of $100,000
  • Training of additional staff to deliver the new International Baccalaureate program in the amount of $30,000
  • Replacement of obsolete network switches in schools in the amount of $299,000.
  • Further advancement of electronic data collection and reporting functionality during the board's budget development process in the amount of $225,000
  • Consultation feeds for the review and re-design of space at the Education Centre in the amount of $250,000
  • Strong Start to Reading in the amount of $20,000.

2018 February 27  13.a
  • THAT the new French Immersion Public School, located at 45885 Sparta Line, St. Thomas, attendance area for SK to grade 7 French Immersion program be approved, as per Figure 01, with the exclusion of area A, effective 2018 July 1.
  • THAT the Pierre Elliott Trudeau French Immersion Public School attendance area for SK to grade 7 French Immersion be approved, as per Figure 02, effective 2018 July 1.
  • THAT the Pierre Elliott Trudeau French Immersion Public School attendance area for grade 8 French Immersion be approved, as per Figure 03, effective for the 2018-2019 school year only.
  • THAT the Pierre Elliott Trudeau French Immersion Public School Extended French Immersion attendance area be approved as per Figure 04, not including Area A, effective 2018 July 1.
  • THAT Pierre Elliott Trudeau French Immersion Public School and the new French Immersion Public School, located at 45885 Sparta line, St Thomas, school models be expanded to grade 8, effective 2019 July 01.
  • THAT the new French Immersion Public School, located at 45885 Sparta line, St Thomas, attendance area for SK to grade 8 French Immersion be expanded to include Area A as shown on Figure 01, upon the opening of the new Belmont Public School.
  • THAT the Pierre Elliott Trudeau French Immersion Public School attendance area for Extended French Immersion be expanded to include Area A as shown on Figure 04, upon the opening of the new Belmont Public School.
  • THAT the French Immersion attendance area for Princess Anne French Immersion Public School, Princess Elizabeth Public School be adjusted to exclude Area A as shown on Figure 01, upon the opening of the new Belmont Public School.
  • THAT the Extended French Immersion attendance area for Princess Elizabeth Public School and Louise Arbour French Immersion Public School be adjusted to exclude Area A as shown on Figure 04 upon the opening of the new Belmont Public School.
  • THAT a Naming Committee be established to provide input regarding the naming of the new French Immersion Public School, located at 45885 Sparta line, St Thomas.
  • THAT Transition Committees be established for the new French Immersion Public School, located at 45885 Sparta line, St Thomas and Pierre Elliott Trudeau French Immersion Public School based on the proposed attendance areas.
  • THAT New Sarum Public School, located at 9473 Belmont Road, St. Thomas, be declared surplus and offered up for disposition, upon the opening of the new Southeast St. Thomas and new Belmont Public Schools.
  • THAT students residing in Area A of Figure 01 be permitted to attend the new French Immersion school for French Immersion programming or Pierre Elliot Trudeau F.I. Public School for Extended French Immersion programming effective 2018 July 01, with the understanding that transportation will not be provided until such time as a new Belmont School is opened.

2018 February 27  13.a
  • THAT a new single track SK to grade 7 French Immersion Public School open at 45885 Sparta Line, St. Thomas, effective 2018 July 1. 
2018 February 27  11.b
  • THAT the Executive Compensation Program for Ontario’s Publically Funded School Boards for the Thames Valley District School Board be approved. 
2018 January 30 6
  • That the Board forwards the Proposed Executive Compensation Program for Ontario’s Publicly Funded School Boards template for TVDSB and the public input to the Ministry of Education.
2018 January 30 5
  • THAT Trustee B. McKinnon be appointed to the Board of the Thames Valley Education Foundation (TVEF) for the term ending 2018 November 30.
2018 January 23  16.a
  • THAT the Chair of the Board write a letter to support the waiving of school taxes for  the Special Ability Riding Institute (SARI), a registered charity in Arva, resulting from proposed amendments to the SARI Act of Ontario and a bylaw of the municipality of Middlesex Centre allowed by the SARI Act.
2018 January 23  14.f
  • THAT the motions approved at the Committee of the Whole meeting pertaining to personal matters be approved. 
2018 January 23 14.d
  • THAT Sue Doxtator be appointed to the Thames Valley Parent Involvement Committee as the Indigenous Parent Member for the term ending 2018 November 30.
2018 January 23 14.b
  • THAT the Chair of the Board write a letter to the Minister of Education requesting Boards be consulted by the Ministry before any action(s), on recommendations in the 2017 Auditor General’s Annual Report pertaining to the public education sector, are considered. 
2018 January 23 14.a
  • THAT the Health and Safety Policy be approved.
  • THAT the Ancillary and Non-Instructional Materials Policy be approved.
  • THAT the Political Activity on Board Property Policy be approved.
2018 January 23 13.c

THAT items 1-6, 8, 11-13, and 16 be approved as follows:

  • Additional musical instruments in the amount of $95,000.
  • Additional allocation to interpretation budget in the amount of $80,000.
  • Additional Special Education Staffing: 10 FTE Elem LST ($564,988); 50 EAs ($1,221,472); 1 Speech Language Pathologist ($48,310); 3 Social Workers ($144,932); 0.5 Admin Assistant (SEA) ($17,141). For a total amount of $1,996,843.
  • Speech and Language Hours for SLP assessments (summer) $70,826; Social Work Hours for camp with SLPs (DE students; summer) $22,200; Lexia Licenses spring 2018 (120) and 2018-19 (500) $32,600; Psychology hours (summer) $65,950; Empower 2018-19 $100,000. For a total amount of $291,576.
  • Additional Coordinator of Experiential Learning in the amount of $93,000.
  • Swim to Survive in the amount of $25,000.
  • Alternate Disputes Resolution Training Part 2 in the amount of $47,500
  • PD on Physical Education (for non PE specialists) – release time in the amount of $10,000
  • Strategic Planning Support for consultation process in the amount of $40,000
  • Support due to increased ELL at ROAC and International Education $152,000
  • Global Competency Implementation support in the amount of $150,000
  • THAT item 7, additional release days for job-shadowing, mentoring and professional learning (classroom management, programming and planning) for teachers requiring support as part of their improvement plans, in the amount of $25,000, be approved.
  • THAT item 9, support for schools to bring delegates and Teacher Advisors to the Global Student Leadership Summit, Scenario 1, in the amount of $49,300 be approved.
  • THAT item 10, System Investment for Principals and Vice Principals in the amount of $146,547, be approved. THAT item 14, an increase to the TVDSB Student Leadership Conference budget in the amount of $35,000, be approved.
  • THAT item 15, Labour Relations Audit in the amount $35,000, be approved.
  • THAT item 17, Continuous Intake SST Pilot in the amount of $34,000, be approved.
2018 January 23 13.b
  • THAT the Draft 2018-2019 School Year Calendars be submitted to the Ministry of Education for approval
2018 January 23 13.a
  • THAT the decisions for recommendations #1-13 (from the Elgin County French Immersion Attendance Area Review (2017) Senior Administration Final Report) be deferred to 2018 February 27, in order to allow the Board to receive Public Delegations on 2018 February 7/8.
  • THAT the school-level committees of Port Stanley Public School French Immersion and Pierre Elliott Trudeau French Immersion Public School be disbanded.

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