Board Committees

To effectively guide the operation of the Thames Valley District School Board, several Standing, Ad Hoc and Administrative Committees have been established in addition to five statutory committees. The Chair of the Board is an ex officio member of all Standing, Ad hoc and Statutory Committees.

Meetings are typically held at the Education Centre, 1250 Dundas Street, London and are open to the public. 

Statutory Committees are established as requested per the Education Act or other legislation/regulation.

Standing Committees are established to address ongoing issues specific to their Individual mandates.

Ad Hoc Committees are established to respond to specific issues. They have a defined task and time line for completion. 

Administrative Committees are established by the Board's Senior Administration to address operational/system needs or initiatives.


Committees of the Board and Community Representation

Administrative Committees
In addition to the Board's Statutory, Standing and Ad Hoc Committees, Trustees also serve as a resource on several committees co-ordinated by the Administration to pursue system initiatives. Currently, the Board has six Administrative Committees in place. 

Accessibility Working Group

This committee meets to share ideas, resources and programs related to providing supports to ensure accessibility of facilities and programs for individuals with disabilities. Members of the committee have the opportunity to provide input into the TVDSB Accessibility Plan and related board policies.  

Trustee representation: David Cripps

Award of Distinction

The Award of Distinction Committee considers nominations received for the Board's annual Award of Distinction.

Trustee representation: Christian Sachs

Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee

The Committee is intended to bring diverse voices together to support the development of initiatives to promote equity, and to identify specific equity challenges that require a collaborative response from both TVDSB and community partners. The Committee will be a place to enhance connection and engagement between and among TVDSB staff and community to ensure effective monitoring and measuring of outcomes related to student achievement and wellbeing.

Trustee representation: Carol Antone and Leroy Osbourne

Environmental Education and Management

The mandate of the Environmental Education and Management Committee is to annually review legislative requirements pertaining to the environment and make recommendations to Senior Administration with respect to Environmental Education and Management programs and practices in TVDSB.

Trustee representation: Marianne Larsen

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee is comprised of 3 trustees and 2 community members at large with business knowledge and an understanding of accounting principles. The Committee meets quarterly each year. 

The Audit Committee will: 
  • recommend the appointment of external auditors and their compensation and review their performance;
  • oversee the work of external auditors and internal auditors;
  • approve the guidelines to be applied to the purchase of non-audit services from the external auditor;
  • review the financial statements and any related communications prior to public release;
  • review control procedures around any other financial disclosures to ensure a consistent and accurate message;
  • review and approve the Board's external and internal audit plans;
  • oversee the integrity of the Board's financial statements;
  • meet with management and auditor to discuss annual financial statements and other financial information and reports;
  • review internal control and risks;
  • review accounting developments and policies;
  • recommend to the Board acceptance of annual financial statements; and
  • review with the auditor:
    • any problems or difficulties encountered during the audit;
    • all critical accounting policies; 
    • the independence of the external auditor;
    • all changes to accounting policies; 
    • management estimates; and 
    • unadjusted errors.

Chair: Leeanne Hopkins, Trustee

Bruce Smith, Trustee

Arlene Morell,  Trustee

Ken Cannon, Community Member

Alex Matos, Community Member

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Board Governance and Bylaw Review Committee

The mandate of the Board Governance and Bylaw Review Committee is to provide oversight to the Governance Action Plan, respond to Trustee professional learning needs in the area of governance and to review Board Bylaws.

Responsibilities include:

1. The development and monitoring of a Governance Action Plan. Activities may include:

  • Identification of goals and annual objectives. To include desired outcomes and key indicators of success;
  • Development of an annual process to assess how well the Board has achieved their annual objectives (Assessment Plan); and 
  • At minimum, report on the Governance Action Plan in the fall with a follow up report each June.

2. The delivery of annual professional learning in the area of governance. To include:

  • Trustee professional development in good governance;
  • Review and maintenance of the Trustee Handbook; and
  • The development and implementation of Trustee orientation in an election year.

3. Review of the Board Bylaws. Activities may include:

  • Development of a framework to facilitate the ongoing/continuous review of the Bylaws;
  • Review of applicable legislation;
  • Review of leading practices;
  • Facilitating a legal and/or parliamentary review of Bylaws, as needed;
  • Review of Bylaws; and
  • Make recommendations for amendments to the full Board of Trustees.

Membership on the committee consists of 4 Trustees and the Chair of the Board. Membership shall be for a two-year Term.

Chair: David Cripps, Trustee

Carol Antone, Trustee

Lori-Ann Pizzolato, Trustee

Beth Mai, Trustee

Arlene Morell, Trustee

Chair's Committee

The Chair's Committee, by Board Bylaw, is designed to provide a focus for matters to be considered by the Board and to ensure the effective working of the Board. It is responsible for the following:

The Committee meets the week prior to the regularly-scheduled Board meetings and as often as required.

The Chair's Committee is responsible for the following: 
  • developing Ad Hoc committees with defined tasks and appropriate time lines;
  • recommending appointment of Trustees to ad hoc committees to the Board;
  • recommending appointment of Trustees to committees of the Board;
  • reviewing Board agenda items, determine the routing process and in-camera status, accept and review submissions of public input to the Board and determine submissions to be placed on the agenda of appropriate committees;
  • co-ordinating Member activities as required;
  • providing a report at the next regular scheduled Board meeting;
  • reviewing Standing Committee mandates as appropriate.


Chair: Beth Mai

Vice-Chair: David Cripps

Past Chair: Lori-Ann Pizzolato 

Chair: Sheri Polhill, Planning and Priorities Advisory Committee

Chair: Lori-Ann Pizzolato, Program and School Services Advisory Committee 

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Director of Education Performance Appraisal Committee
The purpose of the committee is to annually appraise the Director of Education based on both statutory criteria outlined in the Education Act and regulations as well as locally focused priorities as identified by the TVDSB Board of Trustees in collaboration with the Director of Education.
First Nations Advisory Committee

The First Nations Advisory Committee (FNAC) makes recommendations to the Board, provides a forum to share issues or concerns with regard to programs and services, and celebrates the accomplishments of its Indigenous students. This Standing Committee normally meets on the third Tuesday of each month throughout the school year.

Administrative Resources to the Committee

Andrew Canham, Associate Director

Kevin Auckland, Superintendent of Student Achievement

Fred Nicholas, Indigenous Student Trustee

Gwen Doxtator, System Principal

Starr McGahey-Albert, FNMI Education Advisor

Katheryn Lambert, Manager of Professional Services

Michael Keyes, Learning Coordinator for Indigenous Education

Sarah Folino, Research and Assessment Associate

Sydney Gingras, Communications 

Christina Breen, Elementary Principal

John Richmond, Elementary Principal

Bruce Nielson, Secondary Principal

Mary Saunders, Secondary Principal

Todd Woollings, Secondary Principal


Chair: Carol Antone, Trustee

C. Kechego, Chippewa of the Thames First Nation

S. Styers, Chippewa of the Thames First Nation

O. Correia, Munsee-Delaware Nation

B. Summers, Oneida Nation of the Thames

A. George-Antone, Oneida Nation of the Thames

J. Kennedy, Oneida Nation of the Thames

Lori-Ann Pizzolato, Trustee

Marianne Larsen, Trustee

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Planning and Priorities Advisory Committee

The role of the Planning and Priorities Advisory Committee is to assist the Board of Trustees in fulfilling its duties related to governance and oversight with a system wide focus by providing advice on system issues related to Organizational Support Services and other such matters related to Business, Finance, or Facilities/Capital Planning.

The committee will maintain an ongoing strategic dialogue with and through the Director of Education to ensure matters related to business and finance; capital planning and facilities; student transportation; and human resources are in alignment with the Board's strategic mission, vision and commitments. The Committee deals with such matters as may be referred to the Committee by the Board and receives reports as requested or as appropriate.

The committee is comprised of the full membership of the Board. The Chair of the Committee is elected as per the Board Bylaws.

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Policy Working Committee

The Policy Working Committee initiates and/or considers draft policies related to the Board's operations and philosophies and makes recommendations for approval to the Board. It receives draft procedures and independent procedures for discussion and may offer suggestions for consideration by the originating department, with subsequent referral to the Board for information.

This Standing Committee ensures that community input is sought on all policies, procedures and independent procedures prior to being referred to the Board for approval or information. It is responsible for directing the maintenance of accurate and current records of all Board policies and may conduct a review of policies every three years or when referred to the Committee for review.

It normally meets the fourth Tuesday of each month during the school year. The Chair of the Information Committee of the Whole serves as Chair of the Policy Working Committee.

Members are appointed annually by Board motion at the annual Inaugural meeting of the Board held the second Tuesday in December. Chairs of Standing committees are elected at their first meeting.


Chair: Dave Cripps, Trustee

Lori-Ann Pizzolato, Trustee

Marianne Larsen, Trustee

Christian Sachs, Trustee

Leroy Osbourne, Trustee

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Program and School Services Advisory Committee

The role of the Program and School Services Advisory Committee is to assist the Board of Trustees in fulfilling its duties related to governance and oversight with a system-wide focus by providing advice on system issues related to programming and school services.

The committee will maintain an ongoing strategic dialogue with and through the Director of Education to ensure school programs and school services are in alignment with the Board's strategic mission, vision and commitments. The Committee deals with such matters as may be referred to the committee by the Board.

The committee is comprised of the full membership of the Board. The Chair of the Committee is elected as per the Board Bylaws.

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Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)

In Ontario, boards are required to establish a Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC). These committees include trustees and representatives from local parent associations. These representatives serve as advocates for children and parents, and the associations have useful parent resources.

SEAC provides the Board with advice about special education programs and services. Members of SEAC include representatives from local community-based organizations, three trustees, representation for First Nations, Metis and Inuit students and members of the community. 

This Statutory Committee generally meets on the second Monday/Tuesday (alternating) of the month (except during July, August and December) at the Education Centre in London.


Administrative/Resources to the Committee

Andrew Canham, Associate Director

Jeff Bruce, Superintendent of Student Achievement

Matthew Chevalier, System Principal

Cheryl Weedmark, Communication Specialist

Marci Damen, Elementary Principal

Tammy Waller Gordon, Elementary Principal

Renee Shave, Secondary Principal

Mike Phillips, Secondary Principal


Special Education Advisory Committee - Community Organizations Overview

Chair: Allison Morse

Vice Chair: L. Pizzolato, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Network

Trustees: S. Moore


Member Organizations:

T. Leckie, Association for Bright Children

C. Pecican, Autism Ontario London

P. Szabo, Children's Aid Society of London & Middlesex

C. Fortnum, Children's Hospital at LHSC

J. Wright, Community Services Coordination Network

A. Morse, Easter Seals

P. Cook, Inclusion Action Ontario

D. Shore Reid, Learning Disabilities Association of London Region

S. Young, London Autism and Disabilities Group 

M. Serwatuk, Vanier Children's Services

M. Barbeau, VOICE for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children

R. Askew, London Down Syndrome Association 

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Thames Valley Parent Involvement Committee (TVPIC)

The Thames Valley Parent Involvement Committee (TVPIC) supports, encourages and enhances parent engagement at the Board level in order to improve student achievement and well-being.

The committee consists of parent members, community representatives and staff who meet on a monthly basis during the school year to increase parent engagement, support school councils, and organize district-wide events.

Go to the TVPIC website

For further information, contact:

Supervisor, Board Services
Thames Valley District School Board
London, Ontario N5W 5P2

Telephone 519-452-2000 ext. 20218
Email: Board Services

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