Award of Distinction

The Thames Valley District School Board celebrates the outstanding contributions of students, staff and volunteers through the annual Award of Distinction.

To mark the 25th anniversary of the award, Thames Valley is proud to announce the inclusion of recognition opportunities, available from the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA) awards.

Approximately twenty individuals are selected by the selection committee to receive the Award of Distinction, and all nominees will receive a certificate of recognition.

2025 nominations are now open

Award Criteria
The selection criteria are based on Board’s Vision, Mission, and Values. The Nomination Letter and supporting material should provide clear evidence and examples that demonstrate how the nominee meets the selection criteria.
Nomination Submission 

The completed nomination package consists of four parts:

  1. Completed nomination form

    Select award(s) for consideration.

  2. Nomination letter(s)

    TVDSB Award of Distinction: Include a letter, which outlines the reasons for your nomination and explains how the nominee or group meets two or more of the selection criteria.
    OPSBA Awards of Achievement: Include a letter which summarizes the nominees’ outstanding, exemplary and/or unique contributions to the overall well-being of the school(s) or community(s) through in-school, board-wide, extra-curricular and/or volunteer work or contributions.
    Fred L. Bartlett Memorial Award: Include a letter which summaries the nominees’ contributions to education at both the local (TVDSB) and provincial level.

  3. Supporting material

    TVDSB Award of Distinction: Include up to 20 single-sided pages of supporting materials, such as letters from colleagues or community members etc. which provide clear evidence and examples that demonstrate how the nominee/group of nominees meets the selection criteria. Media clippings, etc. may be included. Audio visual material is inadmissible.
    OPSBA Achievement Award: Supporting materials, in support of the nominees outstanding contributions in the field of education may be included but is not required.
    Fred L. Bartlett Memorial Award: An information summary in point form of the nominees’ Record of Service; a detailed account of the nominee’s accomplishments in the field of education; and a separate list of Supporting Nominators, where appropriate.

  4.  Submit nomination package

    Complete the nomination form and compile all supporting materials and nomination letters into a single PDF document or shared digital file.
    Email completed nomination packages to before 4 p.m. on Wednesday, February 26, 2025.


Letters of Support

Letters of support can be from colleagues, students, community representatives, etc. Support letters should provide clear evidence and examples that demonstrate how the nominee meets the selection criteria. The selection criteria are based on the Board’s Vision, Mission, and Values. This is the only information that the selection committee will consider regarding the nominee.

Please share this information with your staff, school community and organization at upcoming meetings. Help us celebrate the wonderful people in Thames Valley by spreading the news about the Award of Distinction.

For more information, contact Danielle Hancock at 519-452-2000 ext. 20219. 

2024 Award of Distinction - Recipients and Nominees

Allison Mitchell Begner
Teacher Secondary at Woodstock Collegiate Institute

Anne Buchanan 
Secretary at Mountsfield Public School

Brittany Moreland
Teacher Elementary at Innerkip Central School

Carling Heights Optimist Club
All Members

Carolyn McMurray
Educational Assistant at Sir John A. MacDonald Public School

Dean McLenaghan
Teacher Elementary at Northbrae Public School

Etienne & Heather Borm
Volunteer at Parkside Collegiate Institute

Jackie Wood
Research & Assessment Associate at the Board Office

James Danaskos 
Charge Custodian at Ashley Oaks Public School

Jim Hull
Volunteer at Westmount Public School

Jordan Bell
Vice Principal at Evelyn Harrison Public School

Julie Christensen
Principal at Dunwich-Dutton Public School

Kendra Lord Creider 
Teacher Elementary at Old North Public School

Leslee Johnston
Teacher Elementary at Learning Support Services

Melinda Curran
Principal at Glen Cairn Public School

Sarah Elizabeth Phelan
Student at Oakridge Secondary School

Selena Horrell
Teacher Elementary at Kensal Park French Immersion Public School

Taylee & Alexa Marshall
Students at Harrisfield Public School

Trish Elcombe
Principal at Plattsville & District Public School

Vandana Bhalla 
Teacher Elementary at Lambeth Public School


Adam Harper
Charge Custodian at Oxbow Public School

Andrea Wardle
Administrative Assistant at Summers’ Corners Public School

Barbra Sinnesael 
Administrative Assistant at Annandale Public School

Beverly Bolton-Wilson
Principal at  River Heights Public School

Central Public School
All Staff

Donald Mountain
Teacher Secondary at Saunders Secondary School

Donna Blair
Teacher Elementary at Wilfrid Jury Public School

East Elgin Secondary School Group Educational Assistants
Val McNeil, Irma Bartch, Michelle Pineau, Jen Kuzniar, Deb Dempsey, Jenn Dance, Jaclyn Davis-Ashford, Jenny
Docheff, Jennifer Reigh and Kathleen Klassen

East Elgin Secondary School Group Office Staff
Rhonda Simon, Carol Aspden, Lisa Gedyes, Shelley Thompson and Mary Giesbrecht

Jackalynn Westman
Educational Assistant at South Ridge Public School

James Gardiner
Teacher Elementary at Aberdeen Public School

Kelly Crowley
Learning Support Teacher at Arthur Stringer Public School

Kim Simpson
Principal at Annandale Public School

Kyle McMurphy
Teacher Elementary at Old North Public School

Lester B. Pearson Public School Group
All Staff

Marc Powell
French Second Language Learning Coordinator, TVDSB Learning Support Services
Rosanne Abdulla
French Second Language Professor & Coordinator, Western University

Marwah Raheem
Student at Sir Frederick Banting Secondary School

Oliver Stephens Public School – Homeroom 109
Elizabeth Yeo and Lisa Carron

Pam Sutherland
Teacher Elementary at Winchester Street Public School

Riley Thorner
Early Childhood Educator at Mitchell Hepburn Public School

Sonja Sager
Custodian at Summerside Public School

Woodland Heights Public School Administrative Team
Andy Orr and Becky Wilson


2023 Award of Distinction - Recipients and Nominees


Emmaline Beauchamp
Secondary Teacher at Saunders Secondary School

Andrea Brule
Secondary Teacher at Oakridge Secondary School

Tammy Cloutier
Admin Assistant at Algonquin Public School

Monika Coletta
Secondary Guidance Secretary at H.B Beal Secondary School

Nicki Dickson
Elementary Teacher at Plattsville and District PS

Kerri Dixon
Secondary Teacher at Medway Secondary School

Suzanne Flegel
Secondary Teacher at Strathroy Distrist Collegiate Institute

Pamela Pilon
Elementary Teacher at Roch Carrier French Immerson

Colleen Pinney
Volunteer at Harrisfield PS

Sherry Ropp
Elementary Teacher at Ealing PS

Joe Sanders
Elementary Teacher at Riverside PS

Angela Snyder
Elementary Teacher at East Williams Memorial PS

Melissa Somerton
Secondary Teacher at TVDSB  Board Office

Rose Walton
Administrator at Oxbow PS

Brian Wilson
Custodian at Sir Arthur Currie

Jodie Olver
Elementary Teacher at Hillcrest PS

Michael Marquis
Elementary Teacher at Lambeth PS

Josh Braiden 
Secondary Teacher at College Avenue Secondary School

Erica Flynn
Secondary Teacher at Sir Wildred Laurier Secondary School

Meredith Fraser
Secondary Teacher at College Avenue Secondary School

Leah Harrington
Secondary Teacher at Saunders Secondary School

Steve Wickens
Secondary Teacher at Westminster Secondary School

Rose Payette
Educational Assistant at Cornerstone Alt Classrooms 1&2

Shelly Carruthers
Educational Assistant at U-Turn Alt Ed (TVASS) Wheable

Terry Leisk
Volunteer at Montcalm SS
2022 Award of Distinction - Recipients and Nominees

Jennifer Clark, Judi Hutchinson-Fife, Terry Johnston, and Laura Kloostra
Educational Assistant Team, Congregated Developmental Education Classroom, Arthur Voaden Secondary School


Greg Bain
Secondary Teacher at Westminster Secondary School

Michael Barry
Vice Principal at East Elgin Secondary School

Heidi Collins
Administrative Staff at Arthur Ford Public School

Tiffany Froines
Secondary Teacher at Montcalm Secondary School

Allison Gamble
Secondary Teacher at London South Collegiate Institute

Jody De Leebeeck
Educational Assistant at June Rose Callwood Public School

Scott Grimbleby
Charge Custodian at Zorra Highland Park Public School

Maggie Hagedorn
Administrative Secretary at Huron Park Secondary School

Melissa Hayter
Elementary Teacher at Parkhill-West Williams Public School

Nathan Henderson
Elementary Teacher at Ashley Oaks Public School

Helen Kim
Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA) – English Second Language (ESL)

Amie Mann
Elementary Teacher, CC Carrothers Public School

Finley McCauley
Student, College Ave Secondary School

Gary McNaughton
Volunteer, Ekcoe Central Public School

Ann Moulton
Staffing Supervisor, Education Centre

Joyce Sandham
Elementary Teacher, South Ridge Public School

Heather Summers
Elementary Teacher, Lambeth Public School

Carolyn Wiens
Elementary Teacher, Northridge Public School

Melissa Zylstra
Educational Assistant, Southside Public School


Lubna Abdallah
Student at Oakridge Secondary School

Marci Aitken
Guidance Counsellor at A. B. Lucas Secondary School

Nicholas Bishop
Learning Support Teacher at Woodland Heights Public School

Leonard Boyd
Teacher at W. Sherwood Fox Public School

Ron Duffy
Principal at Wilfrid Jury Public School

Robyn Glen
Social Worker and Attendance Counsellor at A. B. Lucas Secondary School

Dan Gordon
Educational Assistant at John P. Robarts Public School

Sherri Moody
Educational Assistant at Ashley Oaks Public School

Juliana Redigonda
Teacher at Southside Public School

Kip Sang
Teacher at Northridge Public School

Kim Seguin
Parent Volunteer at Arthur Ford Public School

Mariana Torrens
Teacher at Sir Wilfrid Laurier Secondary School

Group: Jamie Johnson, Early Childhood Educator and Tracey Zavitz, Teacher at Old North Public school

2021 Award of Distinction - Recipients and Nominees
 2021 Recipients

Scott Allison
Elementary Music Teacher, Lester B. Pearson School for the Arts

Michelle Da Silva
Elementary Teacher, Orchard Park Public School

Kevin Gordon
Administrator, Wilton Grove Public School

Jennifer Gould
Speech-Language Pathologist, Algonquin Public School

David Hocking
Community Coach, Sir Wilfrid Laurier Secondary School

Greg Howard
Administrator, Medway High School

Tracy Leonard
Elementary Teacher, Valleyview Public School

Renee Mackey-Burson
Educational Assistant, Algonquin Public School

Alisa Murphey-Smith
Elementary Teacher, Arthur Ford Public School

Carrie Robblee
Early Childhood Educator, Northdale Public School

Amy Shamoon,
Administrator, Westmount Public School

Lorie Shook
School Support Counsellor, Eagle Heights Public School

Amber Wadsworth
Secondary Teacher, Parkside Collegiate Institute

Group Recipients:

H. B. Beal Raider Robotics 5024 Teacher Mentors
Ivan Arneill, Elyse Booth, James Grant, Lisa Shelton, Dung Tiet

Black Student Support and Resource
Liz Akano, Sir Wilfrid Laurier Secondary School; Grace Arku, Clarke Road Family of Schools; Sheri Lee Clendinning, Sir Wilfrid Laurier Secondary School; Quin Dodge, Sir Wilfrid Laurier Secondary School; Huzan Dordi, Montcalm Secondary School; Marguerite Lengyell, Psychologist; Andre Meyer, H.B. Beal Secondary School; Rheba Moore-Nash, Wilton Grove Public School; Courtney Parker, Sir Wilfrid Laurier Secondary School; Seneca Sanford, H.B. Beal Secondary School; Alicia Smith-Raphael, Cleardale Public School; Jeff Tamusuza, Sir Wilfrid Laurier Secondary School; Helen Underwood, London Central Secondary School

 2021 Nominees

Chantelle Carruthers
Educational Assistant, Sir GE Cartier Public School

Sonia Doyle
Elementary Teacher, Arthur Ford Public School

Renate Edwards
Administrator, Arthur Ford Public School

Blythe George
Elementary Teacher, Springfield Public School

Shirley Hachey
Adult ESL Instructor, G.A. Wheable

Angela Horvath
Transcriber Educational Assistant, Wilfrid Jury Public School

Andrea Leatham
Administrator, LSS - Education Centre

Scott Massecar
Secondary Teacher, Central Elgin Collegiate Institute

Sharon Nielson
Administrator, Rich Hansen Public School

Teresa Roberstson
Administrative Secretary, Central Elgin Collegiate Institute

Jodie Zimmer
Elementary Teacher, Arthur Ford Public School


CC Carrothers Public School Staff


2020 Award of Distinction Recipients

Gord Buxton
Teacher, West Oaks French Immersion Public School

Henriette Rita deGroot
Teacher, Wilberforce Public School

Chris Friesen
Principal, B. Davison Secondary School

Cluney Greenham
Custodian, Byron Somerset Public School

Anne Head
Educational Assistant, Arthur Stringer Public School

Jane Kennedy
Teacher, John P. Robarts Public School

Sheri Knight
Teacher, Orchard Park Public School

Lynda Mackey
Technology Itinerant, TVDSB

Erin Mutch
Learning Coordinator, Environmental Education, Science, and Experiential Learning

Ken Overeem
Principal, Eagle Heights Public School

Lynda Rickert
Teacher, Northridge Public School

Danielle Rivard
Educational Assistant, Elgin Court Public School

Laura Sandwith
Teacher, Mountsfield Public School

Stacey Suffel
Teacher, East Elgin Secondary School 

Anny Tshilongo
ESL Student, G.A. Wheable Centre

Meredith Turner
Teacher, Byron Northview Public School 

Lauren Toll
Teacher, June Rose Callwood Public School

Maria Velda
Educational Assistant, College Avenue Secondary School

2020 Award of Distinction Nominees

Terry Allen
Teacher, G.A. Wheable Adult Education Centre

Lynnai Bruggeman
Student, Glencoe District High School

Chantelle Carruthers
Education Assistent, Sir George Etienne Cartier Public School

Janine de Vree
Teacher, Wilberforce Public School

Will Evans
Student Volunteer, Aberdeen Public School

Lisa Goodwin
Teacher, Tecumseh Public School

George Hennessey
Charge Custodian, London Central Secondary School

Anna Karamoutzos
Education Assistant, Saunders Secondary School

Jenna Lutchin
Teacher, Aberdeen Public School

Tara McInnis
Early Childhood Educator, Ealing Public School

Jennifer Richards
Administrator, Forest Park Public School

Kelly Webb
Teacher, Knollwood Park Elementary School

MaryAnn Wright
Teacher, Southside Public School

Ally Vanderlaan
Teacher, Princess Elizabeth Public School 


2019 Award of Distinction Recipients

Jennifer Bard
Secondary Teacher, Cornerstone 1 and U-Turn

Tecla Bruckschwaiger 
ASD Educational Assistant ASD System Staff, TVDSB Board Office

Randy Cousins
Charge Custodia, Sir GE Cartier PS

Pam Deven
Secondary Teache, Arthur Voaden SS

Mike Goncalves
Elementary Teache, John Wise PS

Tina Hickey
Elementary Teacher, Ashley Oakes PS

Vickie Hlady-MacDonald
Speech Patholoy/Auditory, Fairmont PS

Linda Hodgkinson
Elementary Teacher, Vision Resource Learning Support Services

Bryan Hopson
Elementary Teacher, Westfield PS

Kevin Howe
Resource Officer, Glencoe SS, Medway SS, North Middlesex DHS, Strathroy DCI, West Elgin SS Families Of Schools

David Inglis
Secondary Teacher, HB Beal SS

Lynda Jackson
Parent, Delaware Central PS

Dawn Jones
Educational Assistant, East Williams Memorial PS

Cam Langford
Elementary Teacher, Wilton Grove PS

Robyn Michaud
Elementary Teacher, Woodstock Central PS

Stacey Mountford
Elementary Teacher, Blenheim District PS

Jennifer Nuyens
Parent, Northdale PS

Tracy Raposo
Lunch and Recess Supervisor, Caradoc PS

Lesley Robertson
Teacher Librarian, Mountsfield PS

Gordon Sproule
Grandparent, Byron Southwood PS

Mike Tait
Elementary Teacher, Clara Breton PS


2018 Award of Distinction Recipients

Carol Aspden

Administrative Assistant at East Elgin Secondary School

Diana Berger

Charge Custodian at the TVDSB Education Centre 

Kelly Corrin

English Second Language/English Literacy Development Teacher at Eagle Heights Public School

Leigh-Anne Currie

Volunteer at Glen Cairn Public School

Melanie Ferdinand

Coordinator, School Support Counsellor and Social Work, Learning Support Services

Jeffrey Flesher

Teacher at Princess Elizabeth Public School

Donna Hill

Volunteer at Northbrae Public School

Heather Jakobi

Vice Principal at Arthur Voaden Secondary School

Dr. Janice Kurita

Acting Coordinator, Psychological Services, Learning Support Services

Wendy Silva and Heather Lenhardt

Educational Assistants at Sir Frederick Banting Secondary School

Linda MacDougall

Teacher at Saunders Secondary School

Tim Orr

Learning Coordinator, Secondary Athletics, Learning Support Services

Rick Pardo

Learning Coordinator, Culture of Innovation, Learning Support Services

Stan Sawicki

Custodian at Arthur Ford Public School

Carolyn Schering

Educational Assistant at Byron Southwood Public School

Christina Schultz

Educational Assistant at Plattsville and District Public School

Kara van der Hoff

Teacher at Bonaventure Meadows Public School

Stacey Vries

Parent at Roch Carrier French Immersion Public School

Natalee Wales

ESL/ELL/LEARN Teacher, Learning Support Services


2017 Award of Distinction Recipients

ASD Class Team - Locke's Public School
Jeff Anderson, Chris Acheson and Marg Tenbruggencate

Rajaa Al-Abed and Bo Vladetic
SWIS worker and ESL Department Head, Westminster S.S.

Kimberly Alexander
Teacher, B. Davison S.S.

Rosemary Bannerman
Music Teacher, Sir Wilfrid Jury P.S.

Anne Burrows
Educational Assistant, Westminster S.S.

Chris Clarke
Charge Custodian, Arthur Ford P.S.

Brenda DeGier
LST, Huron Park S.S.

Sharon Gowdey
Parent Volunteer, Central Elgin C.I.

Jason Harloff
Kindergarten Teacher, Byron Northview P.S.

Frances Martinkevicius
Volunteer, Port Burwell P.S.

Hoda Najm
PTA President, White Oaks P.S.

Oakridge S.S. Student Culture for Learning Committee
Nika Bajaj, Keenan Dawdy, Alex Drouillard, Aiden Duffy, Dianna Farfaras, Erin Fitzhenry,
Emma Kirwin, Mustfah Madlol, Jordan Pare and Angelica Theocharis

Oxford County Student Voice Group
Shelby Austin, Margaret Corlett, Gwennan De Rudder, Jada Downing, Gwen Garon, Alex Golden, Riley Hamilton,
Paul Loura, Laura Oxley, Sophia Romanick, Caitlin Sim, Zach Staddon and Brittany Wilson

Steve Richards
Music Teacher, C.C. Carrothers P.S.

Julie Ruberto
Teacher, Stoney Creek P.S.

Joe Sheik
Principal, University Heights P.S.

Christopher Silcox
Mathematics Learning Coordinator K-8, Math Coach

Sonya Smith
Administrative Assistant, South Ridge P.S.

Nancy Ticknor
Volunteer/NHS at Knollwood Park P.S.

Leslie Vanderbrink
Educational Assistant, John Wise P.S.

Tam Woo
Volunteer, Caradoc P.S.

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