As the needs of school communities change in response to residential development and/or enrolment, it is necessary to conduct an Attendance Area Review (AAR) in order to rationalize the student population through the optimization of program offerings and facility spaces to meet the needs of our students.
Read the current TVDSB Attendance Area Review Procedure for more information.
What is an Attendance Area Review?
East Central London Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review (2024)
East Central London Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review (ECLAAR) website |
This dedicated website will allow community members to access information and share comments and questions during the review process. |
About |
On November 26, 2024, Thames Valley District School Board Trustees supported plans to seek public feedback on the East Central London Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review (ECLAAR) initial report. Goals of the review:
The report includes potential attendance area changes for East Carling Public School, Prince Charles Public School, Aberdeen Public School, and Trafalgar Public School. Next steps will involve forming an Attendance Area Review Committee (AARC) as well as school level sub-committees with parent and caregiver representatives from each elementary school involved in the review. The sub-committees will hold meetings with their school communities to gather public feedback about the options under consideration. Attendance area changes would only take effect following public consultation and Trustee approval. The soonest the Board would implement any attendance area changes would be September 2026. For more information, including interactive maps where families can search to see if their address is within the proposed attendance areas, please visit |
Adelaide Metcalfe and Strathroy-Caradoc Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review (2024)
Adelaide Metcalfe and Strathroy-Caradoc Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review (AMSCAAR) website |
This dedicated website will allow community members to access information and share comments and questions during the review process. |
About |
On October 22, 2024, Thames Valley District School Board Trustees supported plans to seek public feedback on the Adelaide Metcalfe and Strathroy-Caradoc Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review (AMSCAAR) initial report. The report includes options for balancing enrolment at Adelaide-Macdonald Public School, Caradoc North Public School, Mary Wright Public School and North Meadows Public School. Next steps will involve forming an Attendance Area Review Committee (AARC) as well as school level sub-committees with parent/guardian representatives from each affected elementary school. The sub-committees will hold meetings with their school communities to gather public feedback about the options under consideration. Boundary changes would only take effect following public consultation and Trustee approvals. The soonest the Board would implement any attendance area changes would be September 2026. For more information, including interactive maps where families can search to see if their address is within the proposed attendance areas, please visit |
South East London Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review (2024)
South East London Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review (SELAAR) website |
This dedicated website will allow community members to access information and share comments and questions during the review process. |
About |
On October 22, 2024, Thames Valley District School Board Trustees supported plans to seek public feedback on the South East London Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review (SELAAR) initial report. The report includes options for balancing enrolment at John P. Robarts Public School, Summerside Public School and the yet-to-be-named new elementary school for South East London. Next steps will involve forming an Attendance Area Review Committee (AARC) as well as school level sub-committees with parent/guardian representatives from each affected elementary school. The sub-committees will hold meetings with their school communities to gather public feedback about the options under consideration. Boundary changes would only take effect following public consultation and Trustee approvals. The soonest the Board would implement any attendance area changes would be September 2026. For more information, including interactive maps where families can search to see if their address is within the proposed attendance areas, please visit |
Oxford South Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review (2024)
Oxford South Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review (OSAAR) website |
This dedicated website will allow community members to access information and share comments and questions during the review process |
About |
On June 25, 2024, Thames Valley District School Board Trustees supported plans to seek public feedback on the Oxford South Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review (OSAAR) initial report. The report includes options for balancing enrolment at Annandale Public School, South Ridge Public School and Westfield Public School in Oxford County. Next steps will involve forming an Attendance Area Review Committee (AARC) as well as school level sub-committees with parent/guardian representatives from each affected elementary school. The sub-committees will hold meetings with their school communities to gather public feedback about the options under consideration. Boundary changes would only take effect following public consultation and Trustee approvals. The soonest the Board would implement any attendance area changes would be September 2026. For more information, including interactive maps where families can search to see if their address is within the proposed attendance areas, please visit |
Middlesex Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review (2023-2024)
Middlesex Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review (MEAAR) Website |
This dedicated website will allow community members to access information and share comments and questions during the review process. |
About |
On October 24, 2023, Thames Valley District School Board Trustees supported plans to seek public feedback on the Middlesex Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review (MEAAR) initial report. The report includes options for balancing enrolment at Delaware Central Public School and Parkview Public School. Next steps will involve forming an Attendance Area Review Committee (AARC) as well as school level sub-committees with parent/guardian representatives from each affected elementary school. The sub-committees will hold meetings with their school communities to gather public feedback about the options under consideration. Boundary changes would only take effect following public consultation and Trustee approvals. The soonest the Board would implement any attendance area changes would be September 2025. For more information, including interactive maps where families can search to see if their address is within the proposed attendance areas, please visit |
Oxford North Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review (2023)
Oxford North Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review (ONAAR) Website |
This dedicated website will allow community members to access information and share comments and questions during the review process. |
About |
The Oxford North Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review (ONAAR) initial report was first presented at the Planning and Priorities Advisory Committee (PAPA) meeting on Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. On April 25, 2023, Thames Valley District School Board Trustees supported plans to seek public feedback on ONAAR. The report includes options for balancing enrolment at elementary schools located in north Woodstock, Innerkip, Blenheim and Zorra Township. Options included in the report would only take effect following public consultation, Trustee approvals and the opening of the new public school in North Woodstock. "One of the goals of the review is to establish an attendance area for the approved new school in north Woodstock," said Ben Puzanov, Manager of Planning for TVDSB, "This review will not only allow TVDSB to address future residential growth, but also to accommodate students closer to where they live." Next steps will involve forming an Attendance Area Review Committee (AARC) as well as school level sub-committees with parent/guardian representatives from each affected elementary school. The sub-committees will hold meetings with their school communities to gather public feedback regarding the options under consideration. School-level subcommittee meetings for ONAAR will not begin until September 2023. Feedback will be consolidated into a report for Trustee consideration later next school year. "I want to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the parents and caregivers that volunteer their time to gather and give feedback about potential attendance area changes like this," said Chair of the Board, Lori-Ann Pizzolato, "I look forward to hearing from communities in north Oxford so we can strengthen the options under consideration." More details about ONAAR are available at Thames Valley invites community members to submit any comments and questions about the review through this website, where responses will also be posted. Members of the public may also subscribe to the website for updates. |
London Secondary Panel Attendance Area Review (2023)
London Secondary Panel Attendance Area Review (LAAR) Website |
This dedicated website will allow community members to access information and share comments and questions during the review process. |
About |
On January 31, 2023, Trustees supported proceeding with the City of London Secondary Panel Attendance Area Review that includes B. Davison Secondary School and establishing an Attendance Area Review Committee for the purpose of obtaining public feedback regarding the accommodation options included in the initial Attendance Area Report. This review includes secondary schools in London, Arva, Dorchester, and Aylmer. The initial report for this review can be found in the Regular Board Meeting Agenda. "The aim of the review is to balance enrolment within the system," said Superintendent of Facility Services and Capital Planning Geoff Vogt, "Doing so will strengthen Thames Valley's business case to the Ministry of Education for a much-needed new secondary school in north London." "We also want to adjust boundaries so that elementary students can attend the same secondary schools as their peers," added Thames Valley Planning Manager Ben Puzanov, "Right now some student communities are split during the transition to secondary school, based purely on geography." Next steps involve forming an Attendance Area Review Committee (AARC) as well as school level sub-committees with parent/guardian representatives from each affected secondary school. Sub-committees will hold meetings with their school communities to gather public feedback and strengthen the options under consideration. "What tonight’s motion represents is the Board of Trustees wishing to begin a community consultation process about the London Secondary Panel Attendance Area Review, so we can get feedback from school communities about the options under consideration and see if there’s any ways to improve upon those options. We really want to encourage our school communities to get involved in the process," said Chair of the Board, Lori-Ann Pizzolato. If parents/guardians of children at affected secondary schools are interested in joining an AAR Committee, they may complete an Expression of Interest Form and submit a copy of it to their Principal no later than 8:00 a.m. on Monday, February 6, 2023. Following this public input process, a Final Attendance Area Review Report and recommendations will be presented at a Board meeting later this school year for Trustees’ consideration. If approved by Trustees, attendance area changes will take effect no earlier than September 2024. More details about the London Secondary Panel Attendance Area Review are available at Thames Valley invites community members to submit any comments and questions about the review through this website, where responses will also be posted. Members of the public may also subscribe to the website for updates. |
Reports and Shared Information |
St. Thomas Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review (2022-23)
St. Thomas Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review (STAAR) Website |
This dedicated website will allow community members to access information and share comments and questions during the review process. |
About |
Thames Valley District School Board is moving ahead with the City of St. Thomas Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review. The initial report for this review was presented at the November 29 Board Meeting. A recording of this presentation is available for viewing online. The goal of the Attendance Area Review is to balance enrolment within the school system, lessen reliance on portables and shorten travel times for students. The review will also strengthen TVDSB’s business case for a much-needed new school in northwest St. Thomas. Next steps involve forming an Attendance Area Review Committee (AARC) as well as school level subcommittees with parent/guardian representatives from each school. Sub-committees will hold meetings with their school communities to gather public feedback and to strengthen the options under consideration. Following this public input process, a Final Attendance Area Review Report and recommendations will be presented at a Board meeting in the spring for Trustees’ consideration. If approved by Trustees, attendance area changes will take effect no earlier than September of 2024. |
Reports and Shared Information |
London Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review (2021)
London Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review Website |
A dedicated website was created for community members to access information and share comments and questions during the review process. View the LAAR Elementary website |
About |
At the June 23, 2020 Board meeting, Trustees directed administration to undertake a comprehensive review of attendance areas within the City of London in order to address persistent accommodation pressure and enrolment imbalances across the elementary panel. These imbalances have become more pronounced with the rapid pace of low-density residential development in various areas of the city and the inability of various school sites to continue accommodating this unprecedented growth. This review is intended to address numerous matters, including permanently accommodating longstanding holding zones, reducing overall empty pupil places, and reducing reliance on portable classrooms in various areas of the City of London. |
Reports and Shared Information |
Woodstock Attendance Area Review (2021)
WAAR Website |
A dedicated website was created for community members to access information and share comments and questions during the review process. The website is displayed prominently on the websites of the six participating schools. To access the WAAR website, CLICK HERE |
About |
At its June 23, 2020 Board Meeting, Trustees approved the following motion: “That the next attendance area review address the significant student distribution problem in the City of London, pending Capital Priorities submission results, as well as the overcapacity accommodation issue at Roch Carrier French Immersion Public School.” The subject report provides options for resolving the overcapacity issue at Roch Carrier French Immersion (FI) Public School (PS) and a separate report to be presented in November will provide options for addressing student distribution challenges in the City of London. Roch Carrier is Oxford County’s only FI elementary school. Due to the small facility size (on-the-ground capacity of 282 pupil places) and overall enrolment growth in Oxford County, the school is sustaining accommodation pressure. In addition to enrolment pressure at Roch Carrier FI PS, there is also a growing accommodation challenge across English-track schools in the City of Woodstock. There are a number of elementary schools that are experiencing capacity constraints and where enrolment is projected to steadily increase. However, there are also schools that are underutilized with stable or declining enrolment. Through discussions with Ministry of Education Capital Program Branch staff regarding the TVDSB’s 2019-2020 Capital Priorities Grant Program submission, Administration was encouraged to develop accommodation solutions in the City of Woodstock that address both enrolment pressure and underutilization of schools prior to pursuing funding for capital investments in this area. |
Reports and Shared Information |
Western Middlesex Attendance Area Review (2018)
WMAAR Website | ||||||||||||||||||||
A dedicated website was created for community members to access information and share comments and questions during the review process. The website is displayed prominently on the websites of the seven participating schools as well as the homepage of TVDSB's district website. To access the WMAAR website, CLICK HERE | ||||||||||||||||||||
About | ||||||||||||||||||||
From the Minutes of the April 24, 2018 Board meeting: It was noted this report was prepared in response to the following motion of 2017 November 28: THAT Administration provide an Initial Attendance Area Review Report for the Komoka- Kilworth area by 2018 April 24. S. Mark reviewed the slide-deck provided in the agenda package. S. Mark reported in order to address the accommodation challenges in the Komoka-Killworth and Delaware areas of Western Middlesex County the creation of a Holding Zone and designation of a Holding School is recommended. Administration responded to questions of clarification. The following recommendation was moved by Trustee Morell, seconded by Trustee J. Bennett and CARRIED: THAT an Attendance Area Review be conducted for the attendance area (inclusive for assigned/future holding zones) of Parkview P.S., Valleyview P.S., Oxbow P.S., and Delaware Central P.S. THAT the review, as per the TVDSB Attendance Area Review procedure, be commenced no later than 2018 November 27 with the final report presented to Trustees no later than 2019 May 28. THAT, during the review, consideration of boundary adjustments be given to the boundaries for Caradoc P.S., East Williams Memorial P.S. and Centennial Central P.S. In consideration of the above, the following deferred motion of 2017 November 28 was withdrawn. THAT the Kilworth Holding Zone be created for subdivision plans 39T-MC-CDM1704, 39T-MC1301, 39T-MC0902 as outlined on Figure 16 of the Western Middlesex Attendance Area Review (2018) Initial Report, designated to Delaware Central PS as a Holding School. |
Reports and Shared Information | ||||||||||||||||||||
Elgin County Elementary French Immersion (2017)
On September 26, 2017 the Board authorized Senior Administration to conduct an Attendance Area Review for the Elementary French Immersion program serving Elgin County. The review was in response to the growing demand for French Immersion programs within Elgin County, the capacity issues at Pierre Elliott Trudeau and to address the interim solution of Grade 7 and 8 Immersion programs temporarily located in Port Stanley. The Attendance Area Review focused on the options for new SK-8 attendance areas for both Pierre Elliott Trudeau French Immersion Public School and a new French Immersion School to be located at Sparta Public School, as of September 2018. French Immersion parents and guardians were invited to participate in the public consultation process as a member of the Attendance Area Review Committee (AARC) for their school. The committees were asked to share with and gather information from their respective community and to complete a report to the Board that represents input from the community. |
The following reflects the decisions made by the Board of Trustees for the Thames Valley District School Board on February 27, 2018.
* Minutes of the February 27 Board meeting to be approved on March 27, 2018 |
Approved Implementation Timeline | |||||||||||||||||||||
Approved Attendance Area Maps | |||||||||||||||||||||
1 - Attendance area for the new French Immersion Public School, located at 45885 Sparta Line, St. Thomas 2 - French Immersion attendance area for Pierre Elliott Trudeau French Immersion Public School 3 - Grade 8 French Immersion attendance area for Pierre Elliott Trudeau French Immersion Public School for the 2018 2019 school year only 4 - Extended French Immersion attendance area for Pierre Elliott Trudeau French Immersion Public School 5 - Upon the opening of new Belmont Public School, the proposed Area A French Immersion attendance area adjustments to Princess Anne French Immersion Public School and Princess Elizabeth Public School 6 - Upon the opening of new Belmont Public School, the proposed Area A Extended French Immersion attendance area adjustments to Louise Arbour French Immersion Public School and Princess Elizabeth Public School |
Southeast London Attendance Area Review (2014-15)
About |
Southeast London AAR:
Approved Recommendations |
Following is the summary of recommendations approved by the Board of Trustees on April 14, 2015. 1. That the attendance area for the proposed Southeast London JK to 8 Elementary School and Westminster Central Public School be approved as per Map 1, contingent upon Ministry of Education funding approval for the new school, upon opening.
Southeast London Maps |
South East London Maps (April 14, 2015) |
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